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"It's just the weekend love, it'll be fine" I glare at zayd "oh you're gonna have a dent in your account by the time they're gone," I tell him and he gulps.

Each and every one of my siblings left leaving my parents only, and the kids of course.

"How do you guys even do it?. We dump all our kids on you from time to time" I ask the three of them. "I cook," Zahra ma says "I look after them," says mum "and I fund," Abba says. There are three of them tho, including like two of my brothers and Asma'.

I put my face in my hands and sigh, long and deep. "Can't you take them with you?" I ask and they share a look "noooo" they say in unison "they just left our place" mum says "they've been with us for the whole week and I am tired, of having kids in the house" Zahra ma says.

So I'm really stuck with them. How am I supposed to sort out their living arrangements, my kid's beds are not big enough to be shared, only one which is belongs to Alina and she's prone to kicking someone off the bed.

"We'll figure it out" zayd mumbles to me and I nod.

Soon, the three leave us to figure things out. I stand in the living room with my hands on my hips. I and Zayd have figured out the sleeping arrangement.

"Gather around" I yell and they do as told. "Alina, you will share your room with four kids, choose" I command and she gapes "but it's my room, I don't want to share" she complains and I glare "I am in no mood for your tantrum, now choose" I yell and she rolls her eyes.

"Not Your siblings" I point out and she sighs "I guess I can tolerate Jabir, Abbas, Amina, and Aj" she grumbles and I give a satisfied nod.

"The girls are on the bed with you then fix up the comfortable blanket bed I taught you for the boys," I tell her and she nods and leads them away with a grim look.

"Ayaan, pick three," I tell him and he puts a hand on his chin. "will you hurry up" zayd smacks him upside the head and he pouts

"Nabila, Najma, and Siddiq" I facepalm, I did not want him to put the twins together, they fight, a lot!

With a sigh I nod "fine, girls on the bed. Get Alina to prepare the blanket bed for you" I tell him and they scurry off.

So, nine are taken care of, and fourteen to go. How do I get 14 kids into four rooms!

Aysha will stay will Salma. I will have to take Aj from Alina. He's a toddler and can still fit into Salma's huge crib.

"Alina!" I yell

Zayd went off to cook dinner along with Danny so he is absent from helping me, but I guess he's taking some responsibility off me.

"What!" She yells back "don't you dare Alina, now come here, along with Aj," I say and I hear her stomp over with Aj in her arms. Once I'm in sight, he reaches out for me and I take him.

"Choose another kid" I order "that's not fair!" She exclaims and I frown "I have got 23 kids to look aster, without any prior notice so don't talk to me about what isn't fair," I say lowly and she gulps, she takes Zafran along with her and I give a satisfied nod.

"Fahima, please bring Salma," I tell her while picking Aysha up. She does as told and follows me to the playpen and I set them inside. When I'm done with the rest of the kids I'll feed them and put them to sleep.

So, 11 more to go.

With a sigh, I turn to them. "Fahima, Zayn, Noor get out of the way, you're increasing the number," I tell them and they shift away with pouts on their faces.

"Khalil, Kabeer, Maryam, with Fahima, girls bed, shoo" I chase and they scurry off. "Aliya you're staying with Noor" they squeal and I roll my eyes with a small smile.

"Aliyu with Zayn. Now everyone else follows me" I finish and lead them to a guest bedroom. I leave them to settle in with the order to come out for dinner in 20.

I make my rounds in the house, making sure everything is going smoothly, surprisingly, everything is so I go back to tend to the toddlers.

I quickly make pap and pour it into three sippy cups for them.

I make sure it's sealed tight before handing it to them, I'll probably not be able to open it later but it's better than cleaning up.

Soon Danny sets the table for four of us, which includes; me, Zayd, her, and Alina. Every other child sits in the tarp-covered living room.

They all squeal, play, and laugh while eating, I have no energy to tell them to settle down so I just face my food.

Soon everyone goes to bed, well not everyone, five kids stay to help clean up. Every child does their part before heading to bed.

I go round the rooms one last time before heading to bed. I say duas in each room after making sure the kids in it are dead asleep. I smile in satisfaction as I made my to the last room. Alina's room. My smile falters in realization but I can only hope for the best right?

I open the door to find her on the couch reading a book with a lamp. She doesn't have her phone still but it surprises me.

She spares me a glance as I fully walk into the room to check the other kids. "It's almost 11 Alina" I remind her and she sighs "bedtime" I call again but she gives no reaction.

"I said it's bedtime," I say more sternly and she looks up at me sharply "I'm not 10, I don't need to be given time to sleep" she grumbles and I fold my arms.

I've been waiting for the day she'd challenge that rule

"Why are you smiling," she asks and I wipe the small grin off my face. "Look, you are a child in this house, and like every other child, you will sleep by 10 pm. The only time you would be exempted is when you're in the university and probably have an essay or project to finish up" I tell her and she frowns.

I take the book from her and fold the page where she is before settling it on her dresser. I hold her hand and pull her to the bed and tuck her in.

She pouts at me but I give a small smile. I kiss her head and run my fingers through her hair till she falls asleep.

With a sigh, I walk out of the room and head to mine for a well-deserved good night's sleep.


Finally finished

God, this chapter was hard to write, with the names and the numbers, ugh.

Anyway, Assalam mi lovelies, it's been a while. Thank you all for reading this far.

I'm trying to figure out how to end the book guysssssss! When I reach fifty chapters, probably beforehand, I am done, whether or not it makes sense, I will be done.

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I bid you Adieu.

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