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"WOAHHHH!" i shouted as i felt my legs giving up and felt my body falling to the floor.

before i could embarrass myself, the boy on the right became the hero of the day by instantly catching me before i fell.

"hey are you okay?" the boy said as he was holding onto me and chuckled.

"oh my god, im such a mess," i said as i let out a laugh.

"im so sorry, omg im so embarrassed," i added as i was standing up.

"what no! don't worry about it, trust me we've all been their," he said as he let out a laugh.

"yeah hopefully," i said as i smiled and looked at him.

oh my, this boy is beautiful. i thought in my head as i got a good look at him.

his hair, his lips, his voice, it was all perfect.

"here let me take you to the stairs so you can sit," the boy said as he looked at me and smiled.

"what no it's fine, besides you came to a party to have fun not to walk someone to the stairs," i said as i laughed.

"nonsense, i insist," he said as he looked at me and smiled.

OH MY GOD HES SO AQGDSBIW, i continued to think in my head.

"sunny, ill meet you in the drinks room," the boy said to the other boy who was in the side of him.

"bet, help this hottie to safety" sunny said as he winked at me and left.

the boy and i both looked at each other and laughed as we headed to the stairs.

he insisted on carrying me, which was not necessary due to the fact that i could still walk but, ended up happening.

"now aren't you my prince charming," i said as i looked up at him and giggled as he was carrying me.

"yeah, looks like it" he replied as he looked down at me and chuckled.

"so, is that your little brother?" i asked the boy as we headed to the stairs which felt like forever but at the same time i wasn't arguing.

"sunny? oh no," he said as he let out a laugh.

"he's a good friend of mine" he added.

"oh, cute" i replied as i smiled.

we arrived at the stairs and he gently put me down.

"well looks like you've arrived at your destination" he said as he looked at me and chuckled as he played with his hair.

"yeah, i guess so" i replied as i smiled.

"you seem so sweet, i hate to think im too drunk to remember this," i said as i looked at him.

"well, hopefully, you remember because it'd be a shame if you didn't," he said.

"you're so hot," i said as i looked at him and smiled.

he looked at me and chuckled.

"and of course i said that out loud" i said as i hit my forehead and let out a laugh.

"don't worry about it, it's nice to know a pretty girl like you thinks im hot," he said as he chuckled.

we both looked at each other and smiled.

i stood up and was facing him.

"hey can you close your eyes for a sec," i said as i stood in front of the boy.

"yeah," he replied as he did.

as he closed his eyes, i slowly made my lips towards his. as our lips touched i ran my hands through his hair and gripped them, as i felt his hands wrapping my waist, pushing me deeper to the kiss. i let out a moan as i felt our tounges meet with each others. what was supposed to be a calm sesh turned into a passionate makeout. it felt as if we have both have been craving it from each other. it felt as if we were the only two in the room.

which meant no breaks.

i pushed his back to a wall and lead my hands behind his neck, while he put his on my butt.

which i didn't mind.

what felt like a minute turned into 5, which turned to 15.

as we both slowly pulled away we looked at each other and caught our breath as we realized we were still at a party.

"wow," he said as he looked at me and chuckled.

"yeah" i replied as i let out a laugh.

"hope you like my gum," i said as i giggled and noticed my gum was in his mouth.

he let out a laugh as he realized my gum was left in his mouth.

before we could speak we heard what nobody wants to hear at a party.

"OKAY EVERYBODY OUT NOW!" police shouted as they entered the party.

"BOOOO! FUCK 12!" people started shouting.

"time to go, i cant go to jail again!" a familiar voice shouted as i felt someone grab my arm.

"lets go, before we bump into a pig!" another familiar voice added.

i turned to the side and saw my friends ready to leave the party.

"it was nice to meet you!" i shouted to the boy as my friends pulled me with them.

who was that boy? i thought in my head as we exited the house.


what a chapter, expect more like these haha, make sure to vote and comment :)

all from a kissWhere stories live. Discover now