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Jeju Island is such a beautiful paradise..

I am awed as I stare outside the window of the car that Chanyeol rented. I don't know why.. but I feel like I am familiar with this beautiful place.

As if I have been here before. The trees, the fresh air, and the warm sun that reflects on the windowsill.. it all feels nostalgic.

I felt Chanyeol's hand slowly intertwining with mine. I look at him and he glance at me to give me a small smile before he focuses on the road again. "Is this your first time here?"

I nodded.. but why does it felt like I've been here before?

Chanyeol rolled the car window down and the air blew my hair.. I was about to smile but then I saw that we are about to cross a road bridge then my breathing raged..

"A-ackk..!" My palms flew on my head as I feel my brain cracking!

It hurts!

"Rosé?" I felt the car stop and Chanyeol holding my shoulder.

"Cha..Chanyeol! A-ackk! My head!" I close my eyes while shouting in pain.

It hurts! My migraine is attacking me again! My breathing hitched and I felt Chanyeol's warm palm cupping my cheek that made me to stare at his eyes.

"Look at me.." he said as he tried to calm me down. "Rosé.. breath. Inhale. Exhale."

I blink as I tried to copy his breathing and my breathing slowly went back to normal but my head is still throbbing.. Chanyeol caressed my temple and gave me a bottled water. I am spacing out as I stared at that bridge infront of us.

"Can we.. not cross that bridge?" I pleaded Chanyeol.

I don't want to cross that bridge! I am scared for some unknown reason.. Chanyeol stared at my face but I can't look at him because I am still in shock of my sudden panic. In the end, he just nodded and take a U-turn to a different path.


By the setting sun.. the car halted infront of a simple wooden resthouse, Rosé's eyes slowly opened from her deep sleep. She yawned as she stretched her shoulders.

"Are you alright?" She heard Chanyeol's worried voice.

Rosé only gave him a small assuring smile in return. What happened earlier was not Chanyeol's first time seeing her having a panic attack, it happened once with Gunhoo but Rosé thought that Chanyeol probably haven't notice her troubles that time because Gunhoo was also having a panic attack because of the rain. It even resulted on her having a high-fever that she stayed a day on a hospital.

Chanyeol stared at Rosé's face as she was trying to avoid his keen eyes on her.

"If you are tired, you should take a rest. I'll cook us dinner." Chanyeol said as he leaped to Rosé to unbuckle her seatbelt in result to Rosé being flustered having him closely infront of her.

She nodded in comply.

Rosé isn't that tired at all to be honest. She just wanted to breath because she felt suffocated by Chanyeol's presence beside her. Her brain is still aching, so is her heart because she has already decided.

"I'll just wake you up when the dinner is ready." She heard Chanyeol say as he was busy taking all the luggages out.

Rosé still remain quiet to Chanyeol's dismay. He was not used to seeing Rosé like this. So solemn and almost like she was very tired from everything. He took her to Jeju on their 100th days anniversary for a breath of fresh air for her.. Jeju is a Paradise for him and he was sure that Rosé would feel the same but it doesn't seems like it.

As If It's Your Last (2PCY Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu