26. 𝘉𝘓𝘜𝘌

Start from the beginning

"You're glowing," you commented without much thought as you admire him shamelessly. The boy grins at you with amusement, his upper canine tooth in full view. "And you're hot, figuratively and literally."

He laughs heartily and pulls you closer to his chest. "I don't know what to feel about that, but thanks!" He grinned, eyes forming a crescent shape. "I'm not glowing though, I'm illuminating," he corrected.

"Cool. So, who are you?"

He gasps loudly at your question, one hand covering his mouth as if in utter shock. "How could you not know me?!" He asked dramatically, you fought the urge to roll your eyes from his poor acting. "You've been using me all this time but you can't even remember my name!?"

"This is the first time I've seen a hottie like you though?" You smirked as you inched your face closer to his face, nose almost touching each other. "Since I've forgotten.. why don't you make me remember?"

He innocently blinks at the close proximity before bursting out laughing, enough for him to shed tears. You watch him calm himself down and clear his throat due to your unamused face. "Y/n, oh, Y/n~ Were you always this amusing? I can't believe you just tried to flirt with me!"

You shrug your shoulders and lean on his chest before realizing he's naked except for his white colored shorts. When you look up to see his face again, he's already grinning at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Are you not gonna answer me?" You frowned.

"Is my appearance not obvious enough?"

You take in his whole appearance once again. His eyes blue and his hair blue. You're sure you haven't seen anyone like him before. If you did, you would surely remember this striking appearance. "You're Nether fire?"

"That's me!" He proudly confirmed with an enthusiastic nod. "I'm your strongest, most lovable Quirk!"

"You mean the Quirk that killed me?" You deadpanned. The last thing that you remember before you succumbed into darkness was the severe drawback of your Quirk after all.

"Don't worry, this isn't hell so you're not dead yet," he assured. "Anyway, can't you be more surprised?"

"Surprised about what?"
"About me! Duh?"

You've always assumed that Nether fire has a mind of its own but you didn't expect he had a personality that annoyed you. Fortunately, he's pleasing to look at so you can somewhat bear with his personality.

He cradled you in his arms, closely to his chest without another word. You can faintly hear some crackling sound as if something is burning, then a faint swoosh from the water, immediately followed by soft hissing sound like water evaporating.

"This isn't a dream, is it?" You asked softly. Everything from the sound and to the temperature of his skin feels too realistic, it was hard not to question it. "You feel way too real."

You hear him hum and feel the soft vibration on his chest. "You're free to choose if this is a dream or not. I don't know how to explain it to you in a way that you can understand," he answered truthfully. "Does it really matter if I tell you?"

"I don't know," you mumbled before you can feel your eyes suddenly feeling heavy. "But if you're really Nether fire, why did you reacted that way to Todoroki? I couldn't control you so Aizawa had to use his Quirk."

𝐈𝐂𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐓  𝘴. 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now