Adam shook his head, "We have to go after it, but you are right, we can't do it in a traditional way." He paused, "I have a plan, some people I would like to speak with before we do anything rash, but I need to see that sight."

The men and women nodded hurriedly, following him as he stepped into the other room loosely clustering in a small group.

He stepped behind a sliding patrician and waved his hand.

There was a soft whirring noise as the wall behind him slid open to reveal Fealty quietly resting and waiting for its next mission.

Adam was sure that this would be a long one.

Concealed behind the patrician, he stripped his casual clothes and donned the tight black body suit that would integrate him with the fealty armor, he could already feel it adhering to his skin, essentially becoming part of him as he stepped onto the armoring platform.

Robotic hands moved quickly to slot his armor into place. He stepped into the botos first and the machine armored him from there, moving onto the greaves, and the knee guards, and the thigh plates.

The chest plate was lowered down over his head before being locked into place.

Once everything was on there was a sharp hiss as all the components engaged and he was locked tight into the suit. A rumble and a whirr moved up his spine, and it suddenly seemed as if his body was larger. He could.... Sense the armor as if it was an extension of his body, feel the joints moving and rotating as if they were his own.

He grabbed the helmet and stepped out from the side of the patrician.

"Simon, NcCaster , get your cruisers and the battleships ready for launch, Kimball, I'm leaving your branch here to protect Arcadia and the people while we are gone, hold down the fort until Sunny gets back. Tell her I'm sorry, I know she will be mad she missed this fight."

Kimball nodded in salute.

Outside he could already hear the sound of sirens going off as the crews were called to their ships.

Adam followed along, taking the lift down and then running through underground tunnels towards the launch field . he burst out of the tunnels from a small stairway and into a skybridge just as the sun orbs had turned white. The morning commute had been disrupted by their call to arms and thousands of bodies were filtering towards the launch field.

Adam was able to take access corridors to avoid the bulk of the people, but when that was not possible the Fealty armor made him imposing enough that most people got out of the way.

Inside his helmet the Ai was gleefully tracking crowd patterns for him, mapping his best rout, and picking out faces of his own crew members from the crowd.

Somewhere along the way he met up with Maverick, finally over six feet tall in her hulking black armor with its blue highlights and shimmering blue visor. She was followed not moments later by the king of Sparta himself, who had lagged behind to return and grab his own SE armor painted in shades of gold, and with a red plume on the top of his helmet which was also made in a Corinthian style. In one hand he held an absolutely massive energy spear, and on his other arm, was attached a module for a pulse shield.

Despite all the gold, he somehow managed to look more imposing than gaudy.

SE soldiers were easy to pick out from the crowds, usually a good foot taller than everyone else, and with that distinctive whirring sound that accompanied SE projects. The suits were very expensive, and it took someone dedicated to war to put on the permanent SE augmentations necessary to wear the suits, so they weren't for everyone, but there were at least ten people he knew of who had chosen to put on the armor.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now