I hate it here.

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Amelia's POV:

-3 years later-

2020. I hate it. I hate it.

I have two, 3-year-olds who have online preschool, a 17-year-old who keeps fucking blasting Clairo, Girl in red, and Billie Eilish, and a newborn baby who won't sleep. 

All under one fucking roof. I am going insane.

Ana's trying to teach remotely which I know fucking sucks, and all 3 of my girls are trying to school remotely which I know fucking sucks.

And I? Well I'm just chillin'. Serial killers really don't wanna kill in a pandemic I guess.

"Mommy!" Natalie says, getting in my lap.

"Yes, my love," I say.

"I don't wanna do school anymore. It's not fun. We're on potty break."

"Oh I'm sorry pumpkin! I know, it's a lot better in person. But we can't. Because of the virus, remember?" She nods.

"Mhm." She lays her head on my chest.

"Nick I have had you in my class 3 years in a row. I think I know when you're high. And considering the fact you blew smoke into the camera before turning it off shows you're not typing the essay due!" Ana says. 

The whole class bursts into laughter. I do too.

"She got you!!" A guy says.

"Mrs. Hotchner, really? Don't do me like that!" He says.

"I'm doing you like that." Nova runs into her lap.

"Oh, hi. Who is that? That looks like my class but older."

"Oh my god! Is that Nova? Hi, nova!" A girl says. I look at them.

"Hi. Who are you? You're pretty." She gasps.

"So are you! Oh my gosh! My name is Valerie."

"Hi, Val." She says.

"Oh my god, she's so cute. Mrs. Hotchner, respectfully, my ovaries are exploding right now," A girl says.

"I think that's bad. I think you should get that checked out!" Nova says. The class bursts into laughter again.

"Nova, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" A boy asks.

"A chef."

"You should be a comedian! You're so funny!" Another guy says.

"Mm.. maybe. Can I have waffles?" She says, looking up at Ana.

"Yeah! Ask momma. Where's your iPad at? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"I left." The class laughs, yet again.

"Me too!! Mood! This is the only class I show up for!!" Valerie says.

"I feel special," Ana says.

"Nov, come here," I say. She walks over to me. "You left school?" 

"Yeah. She said that it's nap time. It's on the schedule."

"How do you speak so good?" I ask.

"Um, I don't know. Natalie. Natttttt," she says, shaking Natalie.

"I'm sleeping Nova go away!" Natalie says.

"Hey, can we think of a nicer way to say that? So we don't hurt Nova's feelings?" I ask.

"I'm trying to sleep Nova, could you no do that right now?" She says.

"Okay I sorry."

"It's okay. You can come sleep too! Mommy's chest is comfy."

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