Oh.. hi.

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Amelia's POV:

-2 months later-

I'm 8 months pregnant and about ready to pop.

Natalie is doing amazing. She's off her feeding tube, and her CPAP is finally off. She's finally doing okay after months of fighting.

"Hey, mama, do you wanna see your little one? She's awake. Ana and Cole are in there, but hey, you're her mom too," one of my favorite nurses, Camilla's mom Melanie says coming in. I smile.

"Um, yes! I didn't even know those two were in there I thought they went home!" I say smiling. She smiles.

"I'll get you a wheelchair. You look like you're about to pop, my god." I smile, and she walks out.

She comes back a second later with a wheelchair. I get in it, and she pushes me to the NICU, where they're at.

They look at me. Then at each other.

"Home, huh?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Ana says.

"Um... yeah..." Cole says.

"Let me see my baby," I say.

"You heard the woman. Hand her her kid," Melanie says.

"Yes ma'am. This is your first time holding her, right?" Cole asks. I nod.

"Oh, let me film," Ana says, getting out her phone. She starts to record.

"I'm scared."

"No need to be. It's easy," Cole says, placing her in my arms. I smile.

She looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers. I smile again.

"Hi, pumpkin! I'm your mama!" I whisper. She wraps her hand around my finger, then sneezes.

"Bless you! Bless you!" I say smiling.

"See? You're a natural," Melanie says. I smile.

"Okay, picture! Take a picture!" Ana says.

"I look bad!" Natalie kicks her leg. I look down at her.

"She said it. Not me. She thinks you're beautiful," she says.

"Nat, pumpkin, I look bad! You know I'm not even wearing makeup." She kicks again and starts to cry.

"Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry baby!" I say. I pick her up and rest her on my chest. I kiss her head.

"Again. She said it, not me," Ana says. I kiss her head again.

"Shh. What do you want to say? I'm beautiful?" She stops crying.

"Yeah, that worked." The camera clicks just about a million times. I flip it off.

"Party pooper! Come on, smile!" Cole says. I smile. Ana takes the pictures.

Nat's sound asleep.

"That's the fastest she's ever fallen asleep," Melanie says.

"You think she can sense Nova? Her sister?" I ask.

"Probably," Cole says. I rub her back. Ana yawns.

"Well, shit I'm tired. I'm gonna go to sleep." I feel a liquid puddle underneath me. I look down.

"Did I just pee?" I ask.

"I don't think so... I think your water broke," Melanie says. I sigh.

"Oh. Shit. No, my mom isn't here," I say.

"We'll call her. Besides, you may be in labor for hours before she finally decides to pop out," Ana says.

"Really Ana? "pop out?" Oh my god."

She smiles, and we go back to my room. I get my first contraction.

"Nat's crying. Ana's calming her down. She's really attached to you, Em," Cole says, coming in. I smile.

"What can I do?" He asks.

"Ice. Get me ice."

"Ice is bad for your teeth."

I look at him and give him the "Go!" Look. He walks out. I reach over and grab my phone and FaceTime my mom.

"Hey princess! I was just about to come and see you and baby. How are you?" She asks, getting in the car.

"Get dad and Ari too. I'm going into labor." Her eyes widen.

"Okay! Okay alright!" She says, going inside.

"Let's go, Jack. Emma's in labor," she says.

"Hm? Oh shit." She goes into Ari's room and wakes her up.

"Hey, baby. Emmy's in labor. Do you wanna go and see her? Or no?" She asks.

"Anything to see them again. None of them ever come around here anymore. I miss them."

"You miss them? That shocks me," mom says. I sniffle. She looks at the phone and smiles.

"Yes, I miss them! I'm so used to the house being loud. It's all I've known for 15 years and now the house is dead silent!"

I start to sob. My mom giggles.

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at your sister. I'm sorry baby. I know you miss them. Don't worry I'll force them all to come back for a week so you can see them. Okay?" Ana comes in.

"Dude, Nat- Hey, darling, why are you crying?"

"Ari's all alone! She misses us and I feel bad!" I sob. She chuckles and hugs me.

"It's okay. We'll go back, baby! We can see her it'll be okay! Mkay?" I nod, she chuckles again and wipes my tears. She kisses my forehead.

"It's not funny," I say. She smiles.

"Babe, you're crying over your sister that you see every day. It's funny." I start to cry again. Cole comes back in with a cup of ice.

"What took you so long?!" I say.

"I got you chicken tenders too." I start to sob even harder. He laughs.

"My pain is not funny!" I sob. My mom, dad, and Ari walk in.

"Ari! Come give me a hug!" I say, opening my arms. She hugs me. I sob into her shoulder.

"Why is she.." My dad asks.

"She's sad because Ari's the last one in the house and we don't come around. And because I got her chicken tenders," Cole says.

"Those are valid reasons! Ugh! Oh, shit!" I say, before getting another contraction. Dr. Robbins and Deluca come in.

"Youre not an OB. What's wrong with Natalie?" I whisper.

"Her oxgygen levels dropped again. She has to be put back on CPAP but we needed your consent to do so," Dr. Robbins says. I sigh and put my head back.

"Fuck," I whisper.
"Do it," I whimper. She nods and walks out.

"I'm just here to check how far dilated you are," Dr. Deluca says. I put my legs up.

"You're 3 centimeters! 7 more to go, mama," she says.

A/N- I love you!💕✨

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