There's firsts for everything (2)

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Morana's POV:

You know, kids in this school know me more than I thought. What the fuck.

The bell for 3rd-period rings but it's my planning period. 

One of the girls stayed back. Her name is Scarlett. She's shy, I already know that. She reminds me of Emma when she was her age.

"Hey! What's up?" I say.

"I recognize you from somewhere," she says.

"Do you?" I ask.

"You're that...girl. The one who was sex trafficked. I've done so much research on you. You and your wife fascinate me." I smile. She puts her stuff down.

"I have a free period. Anyway, I knew you lived here but I couldn't just knock on your door. I have a couple of questions. Can I ask them?"

"I mean sure, go ahead," I say.

"Do you still remember it? Like I know the answer, but... has it gotten better since when you were 16?"

"Yes. A lot better. It took a long time but.. yeah. I can finally say I am doing better."

"Before though? Did you ever think you weren't gonna get better?" I look at her. 

She's going through some type of trauma herself. I see right through her.

"Yeah, more times than not. I used to think that I was gonna be like that forever."


"Scared. Afraid. Petrified of the outside world. Afraid of myself." She looks down.


"Yeah. It wasn't fun. But hey, I can assure you it does get better. It may not. It may not for a long time. But it does."

"Can you promise that?" I shake my head.

"No. Because sometimes you think it'll never get better, so you decide to give up." She looks at the tattoo on my wrist and meets my eyes.

"I was so excited when I saw you were my teacher," she whispers. I slightly smile.

"Whenever you need anything Scar, anything at all, you can always come to me. Do you have Ms. Rogers?" She nods.

"You can go to her too. One of my wife's best friends from college, and she's pretty damn great." She smiles.

"Good to know. Thank you." I nod.

"Of course, babe. Freshman, right?" She nods.

"Are you nervous?" She nods again.

"Why are you nervous."

"I don't have any friends. I just moved here last year and... I guess people don't find me cool enough. I wanna be popular so bad. I just wanna fit in."

"Ahh, that's where you're wrong, Scarlett. First of all, Christina? Girl in the flannel? Has her eye on you. Second? You don't wanna be popular. I was. Fitting in is so exhausting. I didn't come out for years. I knew I was a lesbian in 5th grade! I didn't come out until 16!"

"Well.. yeah but. Maybe then I'll be happier."

"No. You won't. You won't trust me. You will be much better off with a small group of people you trust than a huge group. Trust me Scarlett when I say that. Please."

"Okay, okay. Nina doesn't have her eye on me! What do you mean? She's too beautiful to like me."

"Oh, please. I said that about my wife and now we're married with two kids. She was staring at you the whole period! Keep your eye out!"

"Okay. Okay..." she smiles to herself.

"Do you have a crush?" I ask smiling.

"Shush! You can't tell her!"

"I won't I won't!" I say, smirking.

"Mrs. Hotchner you can't!"

"I won't! I promise. I swear."

"Thank you. I'm gonna go get something from the vending machine."

"Okay. You do that. Bye Scarlett."

"Bye, Mrs. Hotchner." She walks out. I sigh.

I think I just became this girl's mother figure.

I think she's being abused.

She's acting like how I was.

Oh god. I'm overthinking. I hope.



Can I switch professions now?

A/N- this book is really mf long, omg. Anyways! I love you all!💛

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