
Everyone stood there in silence but it was Manik who broke it, 'Ivaan how could you let her go. Why didn't you tell me anything?'

Ivaan had no answer. 'It's not just him, we all supported her.' Yuvaan said patting Ivaan's back even though he never did.

'Where is she now?' Manik asked overwhelmed.

'Um... she said she was safe and we don't have to worry.'

'Safe? What do you mean by safe?'

'Buddy... she messaged us.'

'She messaged you and you believed her. Have you lost your mind Ivaan?'

'Don't worry it was a secure network and a coded message.'

'Since she has gone through all that trouble to hide and leave, I am pretty sure she didn't take her phone with herself. Mind giving me her new number.'

'It's a burner.' Ivaan said forwarding his own phone where he had received the message.

'Her flight details.'

'She didn't give it to us. Just to be safe.' Alishka jumps in and answers, it wasn't fair that Ivaan had to take a fall for all of it.

'Safe wow... nice.'

'But I guess she took Brian's help so I can call him.'

'I will call him myself.' Cabir says looking at all of them angrily. And pulling out his phone. 'He isn't picking up.'

'Neither is she.'

'Maybe, Brian went after Zamira.'

'How do you know that Alishka?' Navya asks sternly.

'I talked to him; I am pretty sure he cares for her way too much to let her go alone.'

'And apparently none of you does. How could you let her go? You all knew her life is at stake. Are you her friends or her enemies?' Nandani asks angrily.

The accusation made Alishka furious, 'At least we care enough that she can entrust us with her decisions.'

'Don't you dare talk to her like that Alishka.' Navya roared. 'You guys made a blunder. You knew her life is in danger and even then, you supported her for her stupid adventure.'

'It's not an adventure, aunty. She knew exactly what was on stake.' Adair defends Zamira.

'That doesn't justify what she has done Adair.' Nandani's world was falling apart at the very moment.

'No, it doesn't but maybe she hadn't done it if you all would have been supportive. If you wouldn't have put her in a position that you did, maybe she would be here.'

'Enough... shut up all of you.' Manik roared. 'Cabir get the plane ready I am going to India.'

'Fine. We will pack up.' Mukti said agreeing to his decision.

'No... no guys you all are not coming. It's too dangerous.'

'And this is nonnegotiable Manik.' Aliya cut him. 'We are in this together, no matter what.'

'But the kids should stay here, it is much safer over here.' Abhimanyu points.

'Yeah, and mom and dad too. Please...' His parents agree seeing him already drained out of energy.

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