Felicity knew that it probably had nothing to do with anything, but it would be something to get her mind off of her failures.

"Hello?" Lyla coughed into the phone.

"Hey, I have a quick question. Where were you before you got sick?" Felicity blabbered into the phone.

"Ahem, what? Why?" She coughed into the phone, again.

"Something just seems off about you getting sick. I don't know." Felicity shook her head, suddenly feeling very dumb for even calling.

"Yeah, I don't usually get sick, but that doesn't mean something's fishy..." Lyla laughed.

"Yeah, you're right." Felicity sighed.

"Well, I did get a shot. I don't normally get shots." Lyla coughed.

"What? Where?" Felicity asked, suddenly grabbing a notebook and pen to jot down stuff.

"It was a... ahem, a bus. It has a route around the... ahem, city." Lyla struggled to get out.

"Okay, I'll look into it." Felicity responded.

"Do you need John? Felicity, I don't want you getting into trouble..." Lyla coughed, but Felicity interrupted her.

"It's probably nothing." Felicity laughed into the phone.


"Lyla, I'm probably just being paranoid! I've had nothing to really look into since Thea's accident, and I just want a chance to just get my mind off of it." Felicity sighed, knowing that this probably was really nothing.

"Okay, but if something's up--"

"I'll call John, I will." Felicity interrupted Lyla.

"Good." She coughed again.

"Get some rest Lyla." Felicity smiled into the phone.

"You too." Lyla responded, and then she hung up.

Felicity sighed loudly, swiveling her chair back to the computer where she furiously typed away. She was trying to locate where this bus's route would lead next. When she found the site that listed the credentials for the bus and what they stood for, it seemed extremely off.

"This is strange." Felicity muttered to herself, scanning page after page.

Finally, she got into the database of the sight, and located an IP address. Once she had the location of the bus, she packed her purse together.

Felicity was just about to leave when her comm went off.

"Felicity, have you found anything new?" Oliver's voice sounded through the signal, and of course he still sounded angry. 

Felicity mentally groaned to herself before answering him back.

"Nope, nothing. I'm going to work." She said snappily.

"Give Palmer my best." Oliver growled through the comms.

Felicity was about to smartly reply back to him when she heard the click of his comm go offline. Of course he would tune her out. It was so like him.

Angrily, Felicity trudged to her car. Fine, if Oliver wanted to do this, she was more than willing to play along. Oliver wanted to shut her out? Well, she could shut him out just as easily. She would do this on her own.

She had been on her own for three years.

This would be a walk in the park.

Felicity quickly drove to an abandoned site near where the bus was going to be. Hiding her car, she swiftly parked it and walked towards the van. It looked like any other mobile medical van, but it wasn't a name of any hospital or association near here.

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