"So what is it?!" Was what the young Alpha finally blurted out when he couldn't take it any longer. With wringing hands he sent a pleading glance at the healer who gave him a stern glare, lecturing him with mock strictness to not rush the beauty of life. Right after he said it, though, he broke into a fit of chuckles and playfully ruffled Jimin's pink hair.
"Alphas are so amusing, aren't they? Acting all strong and manly but breaking down as soon as their Omegas could be in trouble. Hilarious."

Jimin himself didn't look amused but only more confused and so Jin finally sighed, turned to look at them both and clapped his hands.
"Congratulations. The Omega is expecting."

In a matter of seconds, Jungkook deflated. He covered his face with his hands, making it impossible to tell whether he's laughing or crying while Jimin continued to stare blankly at them both. This must be a misunderstanding, right?
"What…?" He finally uttered. The realization was still very far away from hitting home. Or, well, it would've been if it wasn't for Taehyung's voice that came from outside the door, spilling through the cracks and into the room as he laughed and yelled, "It means you're hella pregnant, foxy!"
His exclaims were followed by Yoongi hushing him but it was too late to pretend they weren't there. Jungkook begrudgingly opened the door, watching them fall and stumble inside.

"Tae was curious, that's why we came. If it was up to me, I definitely wouldn't have camped out in the cold just to eavesdrop." Yoongi huffed, deflecting all the blame. He pushed Taehyung forward as if he was a sacrifice served on a silver platter. The Omega himself glared back at him but didn't seem to feel bad about what they did. More than that, he was excited as he jumped up and down, clapping his hands, his eyes sparkling bright.
"Pups! Pups! Pups! We're gonna have pups in the pack!"

"Actually…" Jin mumbled and once again sniffed the air, eyes suspiciously squeezed into slits. "Taehyungie smells very different from usual as well… He might be pregnant too."

"Huh?!" Taehyung's loud gasp was echoed by Yoongi. It wasn't often that he lost his calm demeanor but right now it seemed like he was about to faint. Taehyung even grabbed his arm while violently shaking his head.
"It's impossible!" He said. "We tried so many times but it never worked…"

"Getting pregnant at the same time is actually pretty common for Omegas who are close. It's very possible that Jimin being in heat and conceiving might've had an effect on you too since you're friends and always together."

Taehyung was still reeling when Jimin's head started to spin. He swayed, body going numb. If it wasn't for Jungkook's arm that instinctively curled around his waist, he would've hit the floor already but, like this, all he felt was a warm hug while Jungkook's frantic voice filled his pink, drooping ears, successfully keeping his consciousness from slipping completely.

"Hyung! I think Jimin is collapsing!"

There was lots of rustling, quick footsteps. Jimin felt cold hands on his forehead, on his cheeks, then he was carefully lowered on their bed.
"It's probably a lot to take in for him. His first heat wasn't even that long ago… you should've been more careful, Jungkook."

The Alpha nodded. He knew Jin was right but being careful turned out to be extremely difficult when the Omega in question didn't exactly cooperate but instead worked against him by begging, whining, and even crying for Jungkook to fill him up, to give him pups. Not to mention that, even after his heat, Jimin had been much bolder with his advances. Much more shameless.The memories of it made Jungkook scrunch his nose and grin in delight, eyes turning into adorable half moons. When noticing it, Taehyung grimaced and elbowed him in the side.
"You're looking like a pervert, Jungkook-ah. Control that dirty mind of yours, please. It's no wonder that Jimin scolds you all the time."

The Scent of Miracles [ Jikook ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora