28. 接受

300 11 25


Sometimes your heart needs more time
to accept what your mind already knows


I was lost.

Funny how I protect the city at night and don't even recall where I'm at.

I left the bench 20 minutes ago and walked in a direction I thought was probably the way home but only led me through an alleyway to another alleyway and to another street I couldn't remember.

My phone ran out of charge, and it wasn't like anyone answered.

I walked around the street for 10 more minutes holding myself to keep warm, only to hide under a small ledge to keep myself dry. I stopped crying a while ago knowing that wasn't going to help, up until now that is.

I knew I had to wait till morning to call someone to pick me up or walk further to see if there were any cabs around at this hour.

I felt completely hopeless as I let myself fall to the ground holding my knees to my chest.

I sat and wondered how chaotic my life has been since I moved back to Paris months ago, how everyone soon began to expect things from me as soon as I returned. Adrien with thinking everything is back to the way it was a year ago, how my friends ask me for favors and I deny knowing I don't have to if it's a favor, the only thing that seemed normal was Anthony and I together. When he was here, I felt so at ease in our own world.

I miss him...

I missed his touch and warmth... boy do I really need it now.

Too deep in thought I hadn't noticed the small droplets above me stop and someone standing over me drenched in their clothing.

I look up to only see Adrien covering me with his arms and his tear-stained cheeks.

"I thought you wouldn't want to be interrupted in your train of thoughts...," he whispered and bent down to my level.

Adrien reached out to me and gave me a warm smile "look at you, your clothes are soaked, you might catch a cold," he wiped my face softly with his hand and sniffed back a tear.

"You should've just gone back into the building," he sighed "you stayed out for so long you could even have a fever by this point...," I can hear his voice break.

"What would happen if something like that happens hm?... Here," he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and took a deep breath "I'm sorry for this, I'm sorry," I stayed silent.

"Come on let's go, my apartment isn't that far from here," he coughed lightly "of course I'll take you home as soon as you get dry, okay?"

"Here I can carry you until we reach my car," Adrien turned his back to me.

I was too tired to even think properly, and I was in mental and physical pain and last thing I wanted was to stay outside in the rain in the dark street. I slowly get on Adrien's back and soon he stands up before running to some direction I couldn't recall.


We now sat in his car in silence as he drove us to his apartment.

I wasn't going to question anything about early unless he brings it up and guessing from before Adrien ran away from home and is living on his own for a while.

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