13. 谢谢你

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"Little does she know."

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(I would recommend listening to 'I hear a symphony- by Cody Fry towards the end')

Marinette's POV

1 week later-

After everything that happened last week I finally feel like myself again, having Anthony here is truly making me remember how to look out for myself instead of looking out for everyone else.

I've been training for the past week with Anthony in another Gym close by the school for more moves to use in comp since I'm going up with a professional player. I knew I hade to keep my mind clear for this week so I decided to take some time off of school to focus on mentally preparing myself since I need to win the match to be able to head to nationals.

Anthony and I are currently sitting in my room taking a break from sparing one another.

"So are we going back to school?," Anthony asked.

"I think we have to, we missed a week and I know how your mother is," I laughed lightly.

"I mean I'm training you that's a pretty good excuse," I gave him a look.

"Yeah she's not gonna listen," he laughed.

"Yup," I agreed.

"Should we head to the park for a picnic?," Anthony sat up and looked down at me.

"Let me go tell my mom to set us up a picnic basket," I smiled and ran downstairs.

We rode the moped to my park and set out a blanket.

"Look what I got us," I turn to Anthony holding up a pack of bubbles that we can blow out while we ran, I jumped happily and grabbed one before blowing into the plastic circle.

"You're just like a kid sometimes," he laughed.

"Says the one that has one for himself," I rolled my eyes.

We laid down on the blanket looking up at the blue sky, as cloud slowly started to form into objects and characters.

I felt truly relaxed and happy as Anthony grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on my thumb.

"Look that's a lion," Anthony pointed to a cloud.

"You're right," I smiled and pointed to another one "that's a flower."

"I see it," as he turned to me and laughed.

"Ooo look at that one it looks like a dog," he mumbled.

"I don't see it," I scrunched my face confused.

"Look," he pointed "floppy ears and a tail."

"Nope," I giggled at the cloud shaped like a turtle.

"I'm not making this up," Anthony looked at me.

It was pretty amusing seeing Anthony get agitated by a cloud, I laughed and nod my head "okay I see it," I laughed.

Anthony looks at me and pouts "I don't believe you, you're just agreeing with me to shut me up."

"Correct," I joked.

"Rude," he mumbled.

I close my eyes feeling the warmth of the sun hit my body as the cloud covering it disappeared from view, before I can block the light from my eyes Anthony uses his other hand to cover my face. I smiled at him as he laughed at me lightly, "you seem happy," he said.

M.L (Miraculous Ladybug fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz