4. 饶恕

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"Forgiveness does not change the past,
but it does enlarge the future."


Marinette's POV

A week has passed since the first day of school and I successfully avoided Adrians attempts to become friends again. I've been keeping to myself this entire time I've only talked to Alya, Nino, and Chloe, a few of my old friends have been asking some questions and of course I answered. Chat Noir would come everyday but I kept my distance and used the same old excuse that I was tired.

Today was finally the day I was able to turn into Ladybug and patrol the city like old times. I decided to dress like old ladybug just in case HawkMoth spots me, I don't want him to know we've became more powerful.

"Tikki spots on!," I smiled and she quickly transforms me.

"Aren't you nervous?," I heard Tikki.

"Of course, Chat Noir and I didn't really end off on a good note," I mumbled.

"I've only met him as Marinette and he seems to not be that quite understanding," I sighed.

"I think I can understand him though, you left him without knowing you were coming back."

"Yeah I know," I whispered and swing my yo-yo before pulling myself on a roof and look around the streets of Paris.

"It feels so good to be home and feel this free," I sighed and let the air hit my face.

"It feels so good," Tikki laughed lightly.

I jump on another roof and see a man crying on a bench, I frown, even though it's good that they can let their emotions run without any consequences.

"At least they can cry their heart out right?," Tikki mumbled.


I lay down and look up at the moon.

"I missed this," I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Are you sure you didn't miss me bugaboo?," I quickly open my eyes being met with Chat Noir.

"Chat...," I whispered.

"Don't mind me just being your daily hero and what not, scootch over," shocked at his not so sudden appearance I scoot over and watch him lay next to me.

"2 years right?," he asked.

I stayed quiet feeling tears start to sting my eyes.

"A year and a half," I whispered.

"That's crazy how were you-," I feel tears slide down my cheeks.

I hurt Chat and I made it about myself, I should've told him how long, but I didn't even know myself, I wish I didn't hurt him.

"Hey hey hey! No crying M' Lady let's stay Pawitive," Chat Noir laughed at his cat pun.

I smile lightly and dry my tears away.

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