Chapter one

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The start of everything.

Raven Jade. RJ to most sat in the back of a cop car, now some of you may be wondering how did she get here well she wasn't the only one. No, herself and foster brother Will Heart thought it was wise to get into a fight at a beach party and then proceed to run away from the cops only to land up in the back of the vehicle with their arms behind there back cuffed.

RJ turned to her brother with a smirk playing on her face, "nice black eye." She teased him. A beautiful shade of blues and purple where forming around the young males dark brown eyes. As he looked at her dead in he noticed the bruise taking form on her cheek and split lip, "well no one going want to kiss you any time soon." He bit back jokingly making them both laugh as the cop in front turned to both of them.

"you are aware those teens will be pressing charges. What are you laughing about?" The cop barked at them only earring more laughter from the two delinquents. "What's the worst that could happen? Juice?" RJ asked the man rhetorically waiting for her brother to finish the sentence. "Been there. Done that." Will said in a sing-song voice. As the cop became that these kids just didn't care. The rest of the drive to the station the two couldn't help but laugh about the looks on some of the kids faces when RJ punched a girl in the face for accusing her of trying to get with her boyfriend, those fights seemed petty to the two but growing up in the system they developed some serve anger issues and just couldn't help themselves.

As they walked into the station giving a head nod to some of the people who work there as they had known them from their earlier times in the station, "you two have just been let out why are you back?" Sheriff Jackson said to the two, before they could answer the man who had arrested  them butted in. "Caught starting up a fight on the beach with alcohol in their system." The sheriff looked at the two sighing knowing exactly where they were going, down a long hard spiral until they reached rock bottom, but to them. They where already there, "so is our usual cell occupied? Or should we just go and make ourself at home?" RJ asked innocently as all the sheriff did was point towards the cells as the two teens walked towards the familiar room. "Home sweet home!" Will all put shouted as the two sat either end of the bench with their backs towards the wall, legs tangled together. Will reached underneath the bench and pulled out a blanket draping it over their bodies.

"You know we're going to have to call your parents or guardians." Sheriff Jackson told the two as he came into view, "if you two don't change your looking at juvie." Hoping this incentive would put a stop to the dangerous game they were playing.

Unfortunately it did the opposite, "did you hear that Will? We get to go back to our friends in Juvie." RJ spoke putting her hand up for Will to high five her which he gladly did. "We will be welcomed back Will the king and queens we are." The brown haired male said laughing fist bumping the air. As they both turned to look at the sheriff who just shuck his head, "if you don't change, you'll end somewhere worst than juvie more like Jail."  As the two mocked by dragging out an 'ooooh' as if they were scared. The sheriff gave up and closed the cell locking the door walking back to the front desk picking up the records of the two.

As he called their foster home only to be told they would no longer take them in by a drunk woman, he sighed and rubbed his hands over his eyes. Looking over Raven Jades file he noticed her brith certificate seeing the fathers name, Nathan Scott. At first he couldn't believe it this young girl father was famous for playing in Tree Hill basketball team and didn't live far in fact his father Dan Scott owned a beach house exactly 100 yards from where the fight broke out. Even though it claimed he had sighed his rights to Raven away some part of him told him to pick up the phone and give the Scott residence a call.

A very groggy Nathan was woken up by the sound of the phone ringing, part of him was hoping whoever it was would end the call before he got up to receive it but it kept ringing this time waking Haley up as she started to slap his arm making him sigh knowing he now had to answer.

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