Chapter Eighteen: A beginning to an end (PT. 2)

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I came home today with the story ranked at probably some of the highest rankings it has ever been at, the amount of serotonin in me right now is ridiculous. Thank you all so much for believing in me. I hope you are enjoying this little series of flashbacks, if you like Embry's flashbacks let me know and I'll definitely add more, and if you don't let me know so I can try keep them to a minimal!

I hope you enjoy,



*Continuation of Flashback*

The milkshake had been drunk within ten minutes. It had just tasted so good. Anytime I had asked Noah about our destination he told me it was a surprise. Naturally I was excited but that was slowly turning into fatigue.

It had come on suddenly, I brushed it off due to the long week of school. "You okay baby? You've been yawning non-stop for the past 10 minutes, you can take a nap if you would like, it'll be another hour or so before we get there" he turned down the music and adjusted the heating making it nearly impossible for me to stay away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise how tired I was, this is probably not what you had planned" I yawned through most of my words, finally letting my head lull to the side as I welcomed sleep.

"Last minute plans never hurt " he murmured as my eyes shut, consuming me within darkness.

Groaning, I tossed and turned trying to find comfort on the semi-hard surface. The heavy feeling on my ankle bringing me from my sleep. Grouchily sitting up, my eyes flickered open, squinting. I couldn't tell if it was abnormally dark where I was or I had just gone blind in my sleep.

Turning my head to examine my surroundings I was glad to see I hadn't gone blind as there was a small window in the wall beside me which small streams of light filtered through.

Letting my eyes adjust to the very dim lighting I stretched my body out, trying to rid myself of the odd stiffness I felt. A faint headache lingering behind my eyes which I brushed off as too much sleep. Straining my mind to think of what I had done last I came up blank.

The last thing I remember was walking towards the car, after that it was blank. I couldn't remember. Moving to stand up and find somebody, I halted in my movement as a large cold surface slid down my ankle. Internally praying it wasn't any sort of snake I forced myself to look down.

A metal cuff circled my ankle as an attached chain hooked me to the bottom of the cushioned wall. I was beginning to panic. People don't wake up cuffed to walls for non serious reasons.

Picking up the relatively short chain, I tried to yank it off the wall but all it did was send a burning feeling up my hands. Sitting back down I tried approaching it from a different angle. After a couple more tries I could feel the skin on my hands tearing as they began to sting painfully, my attempts becoming more frantic.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" my chest became tight as that familiar tickly feeling in my throat came, the tears refusing to be stopped as they rolled down my face. Still seated, my breath was heavy from the extraneous effort I had put in trying to get the cold metal off my body.

My phone. Digging through my pockets, I clutched onto my hair with stress as it was nowhere to be felt. "Crap, think Embry, think" hitting my palm against my head in frustration I dug my head into my knees trying to remember something.

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