Chapter Thirteen : Accidents happen

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I'm so sorry this chapter has taken so long to be published, I started my last year of school and they have loaded us up with so much work, I promise to try really hard and update at reasonable time intervals, thank you all so much for your comments, likes and reads! I hope you are all doing amazingly well, I love you all :)

Warning this chapter may be triggering to certain readers as it contains topics such as sexual assault.

I hope you enjoy,



"God you're so perfect, little bug" his breath tickled my ear as he pulled away from the hug slightly to leave a small kiss on my forehead. I stepped away, breaking the hug as I remembered the reason I had come down here.

Heat rose to my cheeks as I thought about what I was about to do, "actually I, I came down b-because I got my period and I need your help" my voice was irritatingly quiet as I spoke but I knew he had heard by the glisten of satisfaction at my choice of the last four words.

"Of course princess, let's go get you sorted" I hesitantly placed my hand in his awaiting one as he gently pulled me out of the kitchen in the direction of what I assumed would be a bathroom.

As we passed the sitting room area, I forced myself up against Noah's back to avoid the dark hateful eyes of his brother. "It's okay, he won't hurt you princess, he knows his place now, don't you brother" he spat with such venom that I found my stomach muscles clenching in dread.

"Sorry Embry" I barely heard it at first, his tone of voice made me think he had just cursed his brother out but the words he grumbled out were directed at me. "Ehm, it-its okay" I kept my face practically pressed against Noah's back in search of safety as his top muffled my words.

I've realised that recently I become numb to situations relatively quickly after they happen, so it wasn't not okay but I wasn't sure what it was either. I had just about erased it from my memory despite it happening close enough to a day ago.

We continued down the hallway as I trotted behind Noah, I watched with caution as he entered the bathroom I had previously escaped from. Re-emerging with three sanitary pads I looked at him in disbelief. "Wasn't really thinking too far ahead with this one I guess" he shot me a lopsided grin.

Frustration built up within me, "had time to get bailed out of jail, kidnap me but not buy period products" I muttered shutting the door in his face that now showed anger. Whoops, I think he heard me.

Begrudgingly I exited the bathroom well after I was ready due to my avoidance of Noah, I could only imagine his seething figure waiting to strangle me once I exited.

I yelped as my arm was yanked, my back being slammed into the wall beside the bathroom door, "I get your hormones are all over the place babygirl but you don't get to be disrespectful towards me" his fingers gripped my jaw as he held my face at his eye level. Struggling to remove the painful pinching of his fingers, I pushed against his arms, "got it" he spit. "Yes, I-Im sorry" I whimpered out in desperation.

After glaring into my soul, he released his death grip as I rubbed my red skin in reflex. Still entrapped against the wall by his body I tried my best to shrink into myself. "We're doing so well aren't we little bug, let's not ruin it now huh" his smirk holding a dark meaning.

Play into his game.

Play into his game.

Play into his game.

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