Chapter Fifty-Two: Pray for me

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Happy one year anniversary!! Exactly one year ago I posted the first chapter to this story and I am so glad I did. I hope you are all doing amazingly and I am glad for each and every one of your existences!!

I hope you enjoy,



Embry's POV)

December 24th. I was practically bouncing off the walls as I animatedly shuffled from foot to foot beside Noah heading outside. The excitement was suffocating, but a good kind of suffocating, one I was happily welcoming. I was stunned to say the least when Noah handed me a dress as I woke up this morning and simply gobsmacked as he explained how I would be able to eat dinner with the family tomorrow for Christmas and how he wanted to bring me out to the swing this morning so I wasn't too overwhelmed tomorrow.

"Embry baby, slow down or you're going to hurt yourself" Noah scolded as I tried to contain my enthusiasm, the grass feeling freeing beneath my bare feet. "Good girl" he smirked, entwining his fingers with mine as I gawked around in amazement at nature. Goodness, it has been far too long.

I didn't have it in me to suppress my squeal as the swing was a mere couple meters from us, it was a hint to Noah to let go of my hand so I could go be a child but clearly he didn't get it. It would have been stupid to pull my hand from him knowing he might enter one of his little bitch fits and ruin my mood. Standing awkwardly, literally right beside the swing, I gestured to his hand which had mine in an imprisoning grip and over to the swing.

Impatience bubbling within me as he just continued to stare down at me with an amused smile, "Noah, I can't exactly go on the swing with you holding my hand soooo" I trailed off. His face feigning a concerned look as mischief swirled within the lens of his eye, "and who said you could go on the swing?" My body stilled at his words, all the excitement that had built up within me crashing violently and filling me with disappointment, "w-what?"

"Well, I said we could come out to the swing, not that you could go on it, you do forget you are being punished little bug" he shook his head, the hand of mine he wasn't holding curling up into a ball as I listed all the reasons why I shouldn't take a swing at him.

"But" he chirped, looking sneakily over to the house like a child who was about to reveal a big secret, "I see no harm in you going on the swing if you do something for me." Sighing, I gave him an unimpressed look as to say we both knew how much I loved the swings and the chances were I would do whatever he would ask. "You need to give me a kiss" a lazy smile on his face as I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

Gosh, what was it I ever saw in this guy? Scoffing in disbelief I stood on my tippy toes, gently pressing my lips against his. My eyes widen as he pulls me tightly into his body, his mouth moving electrically against mine. "Well then, go ahead little bug" he winked, swatting my behind as my breaths came out staggered.

Trying to ignore the previous event, a bubble of happiness expanded in my stomach as I blissfully began swinging back and forth, liking how liberated I felt as the wind swooshed past me. And then that bubble burst as I caught Sebastian's eye in the window of the house, Noah had looked at the house as he asked me to kiss him, he knew. Dread pooled in my stomach as I witnessed the scowl on his face. He had just seen me kiss his brother, the brother I had cried to him about no more than 24 hours ago.

I hate myself.

"Noah" I whispered, not as elated as I would have liked to be, "I need to pee." Turning my head to look down at his lying figure, he looked very at peace as he shut his eyes, basking in the serenity of the outdoors. "Well then, I'm trusting you to be able to go into the house to pee and come straight back to me, I need to build up trust with you before tomorrow so lord help me if you try anything" he bit out, the peaceful look surprisingly enough not leaving his face as he sent waves of terror down my spine.

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