Chapter Eleven : How the flowers bloom

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I apologise for the waiting I make you all do for a chapter update but I truly appreciate all the support and patience. I hope you are all having a good summer and would like to remind those who stay at home with themselves because socialising is a task that I am proud of you and you are doing great. For those who are having a good summer, I am proud of you too and am so glad you are having a good time because you deserve it :)

I hope you enjoy!!



 Whining, I rolled over onto my side trying to clutch onto another sweet hour of peaceful sleep. My body protested, willing me to get up and empty my bladder, these bodily functions are really beginning to get on my nerves.

Grudgingly I lifted myself out of the bed and plodded towards the bathroom, the bathroom tiles cold beneath my bare feet. Re-entering the room that I was now to call my own I found myself stuck in a dilemma. I mean, not as big as the general dilemma my life has become but it still seemed like a pretty significant thing at the moment.

Do I get dressed? Do I just walk downstairs? Do I get dressed and then walk downstairs or do I wait for Noah to come? Would he be mad if I left the room by myself, but would he be mad if I didn't go downstairs by myself?

Hesitantly I pulled out clothes for myself, yet again lacking shoes. Maybe this whole kidnapping thing will give me time to work on my sense of style, that's good Embry you keep cracking jokes so you can avoid the perilous state your life has fallen into.

Adjusting the fabric against my skin I let the pitter patter of my bare feet sound throughout the empty hallway, one destination in mind. The kitchen, he could stop me from having an ongoing identity outside of these walls but stopping me from my emotional eating isn't in his best interest.

The food cravings setting a ball of dread alight in my stomach, the dull ache in my lower abdomen proving my suspicions to be correct.

         I was going to get my period soon.

My brain had planted this little seed of anxiety, making me aware of its present through the hollow feeling, shallow breathing and sweaty hands. I never coped well on my period to say the least, my emotions became too much to handle and every little thing felt 10 times bigger than it actually was.

I couldn't afford irrationally acting out with Noah around but I don't think I have the ability within myself to fight against this oncoming sea of hormones.

By the time I had pushed through the kitchen door my fingers had found themselves twisting and pulling at the end of my cardigan, it was soft, soothing to the nerves.

Neither Noah nor Sebastian were anywhere to be seen. On one hand I was grateful, I didn't really feel like having the cosy post-panic attack discussion with Noah but on the other I felt uneasy, Sebastian could walk through the door at any time.

Or maybe I could run out through the door, it didn't seem like anyone was in close proximity. My planning was interrupted by the blunt pain coming from my chest, the feelings that came with the possibility of getting caught were far stronger than those of escaping.

If I just bear with it for a little longer and gain his trust, I can run for the hills. Be smart about it, that's all I need to do.

The grumbling of my stomach kicked me into action as I found myself rooting through the fridge. "Here I can make you something, what would you like?" My body jolted upwards with the shock as my head made contact with the fridge door.

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