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You entered the house and set the jacket on the hanger, pa maid his way to you "so, how did it go" you smiled "it went well, every thing was delivered" he smiled "and did you get along with Elena?" You smiled and held your note book "yes, it was nice going with her" his smile got bigger "Elena is a fine girl" you nodded.
All of you had diner and were now sitting all together in the living room, luiza was reading, pa was fixing the radio and you were drawing

As you were drawing you couldn't help but to think of the castle especially the giggles and the loud female voice that sent you running, you were playing on going there tomorrow, maybe to investigate, but you has to find a cover up and also do your work first.
Eventually you went to bed. in the morning you got dressed and once more Luiza had breakfast waiting for you "good morning child" you smiled and set down "good morning" she smiled kindly "I hope your hungry today I made a bit more of food" you weren't if that was for pure generosity or if today you would have to work more, Pa entered the room "good morning" he smiled seeing your expression "don't worry we don't work today" you looked confused at him "we don't?" He set down and Luiza served breakfast "no dear, today we have church and offerings to mother Miranda" you had to fake not being a bit excited, finally hearing this familiar name from your files was more then motivating "who's mother Miranda?" You asked starting to eat "she is the protector of our village" pa answered "Sense it seems like you are planing on staying we want to start teaching you more of our daily life, traditions and beliefs" Luzia says smiling at you, in a way this scared you a bit, both Luiza and Pa were unknowingly leading you to a very risky situation, you knew they truly didn't knew and if you were to tell them they would understand but you wouldn't say a thing.

After breakfast Luiza and Pa got in to little more cared clothes, Luiza gave you a lighter brown jacket and clean boots that you put on, pa got a bag of cereals and you all went on your way.
Once you got to church about all the village was there, it didn't toke long long till all of the people went in as you as well.
Most of them didn't bother to look at you but some do, you set with Luiza and Pa on the second row of sits counting from the front, as the ceremony commenced you see people getting up and leaving offerings even children, you thought if you were to offer nothing it would be clear to who ever was hosting the ceremony that you were not from there and suspicion would come shortly, you gave at your jacket and noticed the bottens are simpel but have small carvings on them, nothing especial but if the offering was ment to have some meaning this would probably be the best, it represented you in it self, as it was made to hold the jacket but now alone it is almost worth nothing, easy to lose and unnoticed by life it self, you got up and set it next to the other offerings, you saw flowers, songs, even children toys, who ever thus miranda was, she was so loved that even children gave up their toys for her, people started to pry, you set down, you heard the prayers but you didn't pry, after being in B.S.A.A and witnessing the horrors of creation and man kind, you no longer had faith in much of what this world as to give, in the last year you saw what the hunger for power dose to a human and the ones around it, if God existed or something even close to it, why would he allow humans to do things this horrible.

Once the ceremony was over Luisa and Pa got up and walked home with you, you saw Elena on the way back, she was with her father and she smiled and waved at you but you both went separate ways, once you got home Luiza went to cook, pa went to the fields and stayed in your rom sketching the ceremony alter, it had four figures, four photos of four people and a centre painting, the picture didn't stock with you as mush as you expected taking tow of them, one showed one of the most disgusting things you had seen it was a man or a woman you couldn't reply tell, but the thing was horribly disfigured, and the other picture stock with you cause it was a photo of a very elegant lady, she seemed to be even to fancy for this village.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when pa rushed in the house calling for Luiza, you heard them talk they were both extirical so you got up and wanted to go check what was happening, you stopped once you heard mother miranda being mention, you went to your desk once more and set on your chair getting to your notes and drawings again, and once again you were interopeted, there was a nock on your door "come in" you say setting your things aside, pa came in "there's someone here to see you" you were confused but decides to play it safe andhide a knife in your boot "who is it?" Pa stepped out of the way and a woman in black clothing walked in, her vests were ornamented with lines of gold, her face coverd by a golden mask resembling a birds head and on her back a giant golden circle all ornamented, her posture was godly like and looked at you as if you were her inferior, it had to be he, it had to be Miranda "greetings child" she spoke to you and you had to make sure to not show weakness "greetings Mother Miranda" Mirand narrowed her gaze, pa was at the door by now "tell me, were you the one that offered me a botton?" She extended her had and to your surprise it indeed was your botton "Mother Miranda, please have mercy, he doesn't know any better" she raised her hand and just like that pa sills his lips once more "now tell me, did you or did you not offered me the botton?" Ypu looked at it then at her "yes indeed I did" she put the botton away "very well, please come with me" you looked at pa and he said nothing just moving out of mirandas way, you had no option but to follow her if you still wanted the smallest chance of escape, you look back as you leave both Luiza and Pa looked pain by you leaving.
You smiled at the though as if to give them a bit of hope "diner is a seven I won't forget" you say as you leave knowing well if things went as you were expecting there would be no diner at seven, you felt bad for them.
You were taken by Miranda to a sanctuary like place, as you entered it a weird smell hit your nose and left you dazed, it was similar to the stench of decay, your head felt lighter as your steps grow heavy and before you notice you were falling, you heard yourself hit the ground and every thing went dark.

After a good amount of time you started to woke up, you felt your face wet and when you open your eyes you see your face was in a puddle of weird substance, you jump sitting down and spitting cleaning your face "it's a fine one I tell you" you torn to the unfamiliar voice, you see a man with uncared for hair and beard, he wore a hat made him look a bit like a cowboy and sun glasses "ho look its awake, hello little boy" he said tonting you lowering his sun glasses at you in a way of getting a better look, you didn't say anything "Heisenberg!" The familiar voice of Mother Miranda equed around and the man set down, you now have at the room and color drains from you, the walks crawl spaces where weard creaturs stare and growl at you "he looks scared" a tonting female like voice said making you look down the voice belong to a dool or marionette of some kind, that as you looked at it made its way to a woman's la, the woman had her face coverd it was only when you looked closer to your left you almost jumped back, your eyes set on a tall woman with a very elegant white dress and a big black hat, she looked at you with a face an expression of discuss.
"I has brot you here child because I wish to asck you something" you looked back at mother Miranda "yes Mother Miranda" you say "why were you sent here,are they in that desperate of a situation" you froze, she knew, you asked your self if she had known all along, you just played along, you asked your self what had gave you away, the staying silent in the ceremony or maybe the fact you were an outsider "I'm sorry but I do not know what you talking about" you were going to play along now to make sure she had truly got you red handed "you dare lie to me young man" you relaxed a bit at this statement, if she thinked you you were a man that ment you still had some advantage as she hadn't cracked your case yet "I don't work for anyone but mis Luiza" Mother Miranda glared at you "very well I will decide your faith then" Heisenberg got up "give him to me, I can put on a show for everyone, and if he survives I will use him as an helping hand" suddenly the tall woman got up "nonsense, give him to me and I will truly despuse of him" Heisenberg walked up to her and gazed up "no way in hell, you can get your food elsewhere, it's my torn to have my fun" you looked at them both, waiting and praying for them to go at each others necks at any moment "silent!" Mother Miranda yell, they both got quiet and set down glaring at each other "I have maid my decision, the man will go to house Dimitrescu" the tall woman gave Heisenberg a smirks if in a way of saying for him to shove it.
"Thank you Mother Miranda" it was only now that it hit you, you knew that voice, it was the same voice from the castel, you were processing this when you got nocked out.

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now