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Day came and you saw the sun raise, you first made your way to the head maids room and checking on her and as you expected she was out cold, you enterd the room and staged yptge all thing, you got the bottle of wine and put it in her hand letting it spill all over the floor accompanied with the cup, you then went to her notes and looked for her schedule witch you find, a grin growing on your lips, you put on her uniform and take care of your hair putting it in a low pony tail, you got out of the room and went to return the book you had gotten from lady Daniela, you wrote a little note thanking her and put it in the book you live it in the library and go do your now work, you got to the maids and their expression was more then confusion "where is the head maid" you smiled and they all looked scared "she unavailable at the moment, I'll take her place for now, are ypu sure of what to do?" They nodded "then why staring at me, go on and start working" they once more nood "anything ypu may ask" they looked back at you and you could feel their fear lower, that was what you wanted, if they are less nervous they will make less mistakes "also lunch for staf at 3pm, diner at 11pm" they all looked confused but then you sine then to go to work gently.

As they left to do their work you maid lady Dimitrescu's breakfast and started to make your way to her room, your heart was pulsating you were sure maids would sit well whit you as a new and more kind liver but you weren't sure if lady Dimitrescu would be that found of you.
You noocked on the door and had no answer, you calmly open the door and thar a little peck in, you see a big figure in the bed sheets so made sure to not make to much noise, you set her tray on her desk and got her things ready for her day then exited the room, you then did the same to the daughters, with the free time left in your schedule you went to check on the maids, they seem calmer then usual and the were more nervous you made sure to help them getting their appreciation as a reward.
You then went to check in the kitchen as you expected they were hard at work so you decided to stick around helping till you hear lady Dimitrescus voice "head maid!" You dropped what you were doing and go to her encounter, you nocked "come in" you did as told and enter "new habit of knocking, it's much appreciated" she complemented, you stayed silent as usual in her presence "I presume you will tell me about the on going morning events" you smiled slightly knowing she still didn't suspect you, but now you has to answer "the morning as gone perfectly fine, all maids are doing their taskes, lunch is alredy being prepared to be served as 1pm sharp as you normally have it, and no maids are in need of replacement" you hear her drop her forck in her plate as she glanced back turning to face you "where is my head maid" you smiled kindly but coldly "currently unavailable" she examened you, you fell her honey gold eyes burning in to you "may I know why?" She ascked annoyed, you weren't sure at what if at you or are the head maid's incompetence, you open your mouth to speak but get interopeted by the three girls coming in "Mother, we found the head maid still in her room" they held her by the arms as if she was prey "my lady its not what it seems" lady Dimitrescu got up from her chair "then what is it exactly?" The head maid looked at you "her, its her doing she poisoned me!" You looked at her saying nothing expressing nothing you weren't scared or felt guilty "that would had up, but mother we found her with one of our wine bottles and she stinks of wine" Casandra said "no that was not what happened, she staged it" the head maid pointed at you "that is impossible, she was with me in the library."

Now this surprised you Daniela was defending you "what no, she was with me at night" Daniela torn to her and glared "you should be ashamed of yourself, she was with me and I have here her note book to prove it" lady Dimitrescu looked at you "is that true y/n?" You torn to her and smiled warmly "yes I had a lovely time with lady Daniela last night and sense she was so found of my note book I let her have it for some time so she could look at the drawings" Daniela smiled at you and gave you your note book back, you gave her a bow thanking her, lady Dimitrescu stayed quiet for a bit sitting back down "take her to the cellar, and y/n you will take her place as you have shown to be more affective then her" you bow to her "yes my lady" the daughters left dragging the now ex head maid with them as she screamed and cursed your name.
You then torn to lady Dimitrescu "do you need me for the moment" she raised a hand dismissing you and you bow leave.
The rest of your day went smudly and you were happy no maid got in trouble and all of them aet at least tow meals, when it came to night time you provided all of them with a blanket and a pillow, it was the best you could do.

Once you were finally alone you decided to make your way to lady Dimitrescu's room, you nock "come in" you enterd the room "good evening my lady...." your eyes widen as you see lady Dimitrescu mid way removing her dress "just in time y/n" your mind was going places and ho want places "in time for what, if I may ask" she looked at you and sigh "right you are not used to it yet, help me undo the bottons of my dress" you were a bit flosterd but you obey, you helped her and move away when she goes to her bathroom. As you were left alone you found yourself with a dry throat as your brain fild with thoughts, sense when this lady was so appealing to you, sense when do you struggle with the site of a female, how was this woman so grateful and beautiful yet so deadly and terrifying, and why did you craved it in a weard way.
Once she came out of the bathroom she was wearing a night gowne you look down out of respect "my lady I have a question" she set on her arm chairs "and that would be?" She turned her gaze to you "what would you like for your breakfast tomorrow, I noticed you tend to live left overs on your plate so I was wondering if it was from a not variated food choice" she stayed quiet for a bit "Sense your so observing surprise me" you gave her a slight smile "yes my lady, do you wish me to go?" She nodded and you left, once you close the door you sigh "get your self together" you told your self as you smaked your face  you had come a long way to now let your feelings and wishes get in the way.

After scolding yourself for losing focus you walked to the library "miss Daniela?" You cald as you enterd, you imidiatly heard giggles and the swarm of flys soon circled you as Daniela apered in front of you, she had a smile splattered on her face "hello, you cald me?" You smiled slightly "yes, I wanted to thank you" she smiled "well your welcome, but if you really want to thank me I really like that now book of yours" you set down "well I ain't giving it to you" she got her sife and put it against your neck "he dare you" you put a finger to her weapon pushing it away from you to her surprise "let me finish" she torn it to you again as in a away to telling you to spit it out "I said I ain't giving it to you cause how am I suppose to have new drawings in it for you to see if I don't have it" she let down her sife and stayed quiet for a bit, you breath sigh of relief you were sure you almost died a bit ago.
"I guess you are right" she said puting the sife away "I do promise to come here anytime I can" she smiled, giggled and held you in her arms "that is most wonderful" she smiled and hugged you, you didn't hug back but something did happen to you, you found your self tearing up, no one had held like that in a long time as a praise for your actions or achievements, it remember you of him, your brother, you pat her back and she let you go smiling, to your surprise her smile did not disturb you, this smile wasn't demented or ment to scare it was nice and genuine you never thought this women were capable of such emotions.

You remember thinking that both mother and daughters were monsters especially after what they said what were their intentions for you, but now seeing Daniela acting this way you realise that maybe you were in the wrong.
"Well I must get going to rest lady Daniela, I promise to pass by tomorrow once I have the time" she smiled at you again and blows you a kiss before disappearing, you walked out the and were making your way to your room when you almost had a heart attack as a door swung open and almost hits you "look what you did" you peck around the door seeing Bella and Casandra arguing "it's not my fault your a bad at swinging" Casandra answered "I'm not bad at it!" Bella yelled back "well it's not my sife sounds like a you problem" you see Casandra leave and then finally go to Bella "excuse me lady Bella" she turn to you, she had a broken sife in her hands "what you want?" You looked at her sife "I was wondering what happened" Bella frown "Casandra made me break it" you stayed looking at her "and mother will be furious" you stayed quiet "well maybe I can fix it" you finally say, she looked at you "you would di that?" You smiled "ofcurse, isn't it my job to help" she looked confused "I guess, but aren't you mother's maid" you gigel a bit "I am, but I also have time to help you and your sisters" you extended your hand to her and after a bit she gave you the sife "I'll have it read before your mother notices" she gave you a nood and left.

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now