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(hello dear reader I'm sorry I was out for this long but I bring you one more chapter. but before I get yo that I wanted to thank everyone that as been reading this story I never dreamed of it been the liked and I thank you all for the 3k reads, it truly means the world to me to know you like that I write even if I cant post often.

thank you so much)

Morning came, Alcina woke up in a rather good mood she got out of bed and put on her rub, walking out of her room and walking the hall to your room to her surprise she couldn't forget the past night, especially the way you had looked at her the mix of fear and saddens. she got to your door and raided her hand to open the door but in a moment of surprising felling of respect for you she knocked, she wasn't expecting and answer she knew you were most likely to still be in a deep sleep yet she still waited a bit before entering. she was as she fond her self most times right, you were sound a sleep, still nicely in your blackest in bed. Alcina closed the door behind her quietly, she didn't want to wake you up at least not just yet, so like any one would she looked around the room that in a good way surprised her on how well kept it was, every thing with in its place, all apart from the broken chair witch told Alcina you were already close to your breaking point even before the all diner complication. she made her way to your bed looking at you, she gently set a hand on your head to check your temperature that for she was pleased to see it was fine.

you were still in a rough shape but you felt the gentle warm touch on your head it was comforting, you slowly try to open your eyes, it felt so nice and warm you wanted to snuggle up to it, when you finally managed to open your eyes you see what you thought was a rather big hand, you mind was still foggy so for you this seemed nothing to be worried about so as one would you gently hold it with one of you hands potting it away from your face without letting go. Alcina looked at you a hint of confusion on her face but yet she didn't pull her hand away "what are you doing y/n?" she was rather surprised as even though she could tell you were not fully there you were still capable of coordinating your self to move even if slowly. you looked up at her with blurry vision, you tried your best to make out who this gentle giant was, you could tell it was a lady but for sure I would not be miss Dimitrescu you thought, why would a woman like her be here, this had to be someone else so you were as polite as you could be in your state "oh I'm so sorry miss but I couldn't help but to notice how big of a hand you have" you hold your hand to the big hand putting it palm to palm comparing sizes as your vision dose its best to focus "ho you think so?" Alcina answered "yes, rather warm too" you say as a small smile crosses you lips, slowly you hold the hand to your chest holding it on your hands, Alcina did nothing to stop you and like a gentle giant stay as put as she could simply admiring this side of you she had never thought to exist "are you comfortable?" Alcina sacked as you still held her hand in yours , you slowly nod once more dosing of to sleep and to her surprise Alcina finds her self letting out a small chuckle, she did as so because deep down she knew if you ere to ever know she was the one you were holding you would have let go of her hand as if it was the plague.

Once you fell a sleep Alcina gently pulled her hand away and made sure you were nice and comfy before leaving the room to let you rest. once in her room she got ready for her day, she set on her chair painting her lips and thinking her thoughts only interrupted by a knock at her door "come in" she said as she still looked at her self in the mirror. a maid walked in and a clear distresses way "good morning miss, I am sorry to bother but there seems to be a problem" Alcina look at the maid from the mirror "it seems you say, neither there's a problem or there's not" the maid swallowed in dry "well there is a problem, we have no orders of work, at least not to this moment and to make matters worst Mr. Y/n is missing" Alcina got up from her chair and walked to the maid pressing one of her claws against the maids neck "tell me maid, do you know the routine of the castle back to back" the maid nod "well then congratulations, you have been promoted to head maid" the maid gave a sigh or relief "now don't disappoint" Alcina said taking her claw away, the maid bowed and left.

Morning went by and around lunch time in your room you slowly wake up with no knowledge of said morning events "oh my everything" you complain grunting in pain "lets never do that again" your other self said, its familiar voice making a smile appear on your lips "glade to see we booth here" you look around the room, next to you on your small night stand was a tray, you forced yourself to your side and give it a better look, you were surprised to see it was full, from pastries to fruit, milk, coffee and a plate covered with a metal top, you try to reach for it but your body fails you and in pain you lay back once more "well we tried" you say, you moved a bit to get in a better position and fell a paper in your side, it was in a place you cloud reach without much trouble so you hold it and give it a look. the paper was a note from lady Dimitrescu her self.


If you find your self reading this you are finally awake, you have been removed from your duty as head maid and leader of the castle staff, but do not worry I have found a more suitable duty for you, for now rest. I'll pass by your room latter today to see you condition.

end of note

you finished reading but you still held the fine paper in your hand "are you ready to stop this lie we tell our self's every day?" your other self said "I have no idea what you are talking about" you say still paper in hand slowly passing your thumb on it "you know, we can deny it all we want but deep down your feelings tell you somethings else maybe love?" you sigh and set the paper aside "I don't need love, love is what got me in to all of this, if I had listen to my brain instead of my heart I wouldn't be here" you other self said nothing for a second, you thought it would say nothing at all "no one was born to be alone, if love got you here love will get you out" you say nothing and just lay back letting your self drift of to sleep once more.

The majority of the day went by, Alcina came back from one more of those insufferable reunions with Mother Miranda and the other lords, she made her way to her room and set on her big arm chair lighting a cigarette and taking a puff "head maid!" the now new head maid rushed to the room, apon coming in she bowed then talked "yes my lady" Alcina took one more puff "how is y/n?" the maid thought for a bit "well last time I checked, a couple of hour ago, y/n was still sound a sleep my lady" Alcina got up putting out her cigarette "and the food?" Alcina say looking at the maid "untouched miss" the maid answered. Alcina walked out of the room "go take care of diner" the maid nod and left leaving Alcina to go check on you. Alcina knocked on your door but as the maid said a couple of hours ago you were sleeping and no wit was no different, Alcina walked in and closed the door behind her "still sleeping I see" she says looking at you, a strange forgotten felling awoke in Alcina, something she had thought to be lost a long time ago, sympathy, she felt it for once in a long time because she knew that even if calm you were suffering as much as she once forgot she did. She set on the end of your bed admiring you "why do you stare" you say slowly opening your eyes, she did not answer you, she just kept admiring "well suit yourself, I'm not moving anytime soon" you say sighing a bit at you try to get more comfortable "your the first one" Alcina finally said, you looked at her "the first one to what" you muter turning your face away from her "your the first one I don't understand" Alcina got up from the bed and pulled a chair to sit next to you "there is nothing to understand" now side by side your eyes lock on to hers "how come you still fight, how do you find it in you, I have abused you, hurt you, crushed your spirit, made you in to what you always feared to became yet you still fight" with your eyes locked on hers and mouth closed you had no answer to give but a small single tear falling from your eye and down your chick.

Alcina looked at the single tear and gently brought her finger to your face cleaning it, she gazed a it then at you once more, your face was already turn away from her in an attempt to hide you feelings. Alcina looked at the tray of food and picked up the plate "you haven't eaten" you sigh and turn seeing Alcina hold a spoon full to you "what are you doing?" you ask, Alcina frowned her eye brows at you as in a way of telling to not ask just eat. Alcina feed you the all tray of food and then clean your mouth, after putting the tray aside and getting up she walked to the door "tomorrow you should be able to move, I will be expecting you at 9am sharp in my chambers, new clothes will be here for you, but now rest" and with that Alcina left the room and you to rest. you slowly close your eyes letting yourself drift of to sleep, as you do so Alcina sits in her room still with her question unanswered, question why were you still fighting cause truly why were you indeed?

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