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after Alcina left you close the door behind you and lean against it, you closed your fist archly your nails digging a bit in to your palm, your breath was a bit fast almost to a pant, you were enraged with your self you had walked right in to Alcina's trap and she made you face the rag you were. you got yourself away from the gate and walk to your room, once in your room you close the door and walked to the front of the fire place "are we okay?" your other self asked "okay?" you give a slit laugh "I don't know if you have notice but or if it accord you but we got..." you set your hand on one of your chairs that was nicely placed on front of the fire place "we got five fucking slashes on our fucking face!" you throw the chair to the wall it breaking in to an unrepairable mess "all because you don't want blood on our hands" your other self said "there is no we! okay, you say we but I was the one who lost everything , I was, me and just me, not you, me!" your body moved on its own to the mirror "stop pitying our self's!" the face of your other self stared at you from the mirror its face filled with tears of frustration, it too was suffering "understand this we are what came out of all that pain and we are each other, we are not different or enemies, please we don't need to fight" you lower your head "lets work together, survival of the fittest" it said smiling at you "plus we need to change our attitude" you nodded agreeing with it "we really do" you answer and wash your face.

Diner time came and you walked to the dining room "now that we have decided we are gonna get along we need to eat" you say nothing "ignore it all you want, but eventually we need to eat fresh meat, or sooner or later we might lose it" you stay silent taking this information in. you enter the dining room Alcina looked at you but said nothing only glaring, the daughters look at you as well but they let you be Daniela was the only one to point you at the sit next to her, this sit was the farthest away from Alcina so you were glade to take it, you sit down and calmly wait for your food "we need food, fresh food, not soup, not nicely cooked things" your other self insisted, you look around seeing if Alcina was looking at you and seeing she wasn't you start whispering "what the hell are you on about" you try to be as quiet as possible "I already told you freshness, fresh meat, human would be the best but if we have to go for something else as soon as it is freshly dead it will do" your eyes widen "are you mental, we are not killing people" Bella started looking at you "why not?, its not like we have never got people killed before" Bella looked at Daniela and sinned her to tap your shoulder "that is different, those times were and accident or a life and death situation" you say "well then take it as a need, we need it to keep us in a clear mind or thing might go out of control, I'm saying this because our emotions are starting to become a problem" you felt a tab on your shoulder and jump a bit "Y/N? are you okay?" you look seeing Daniela "yes we... I mean I am" Daniela wanted to ask you something but was interrupted by the maids coming with diner and stared to serve it "daughters" Alcina called "yes mother?" they all respond "was there anything out of normality as I was gone?" the girls stayed silent for a bit till they gave their mother an answer "not really, only some maids talking to each other in the halls" you don't say a thing but it dose worry you a bit, you had not been exactly the most correct person to them in the past and after killing one of them with your own hands, even though you had help the maids in some things you still feared they all would rebel against you. you ease your self as a maid comes your way to serve you soup, she takes the plait out of the cart to set on the table and as she dose she noticed your face, a smile grew on her face truth be told a lot of maids were mad at you for killing the poor maid you pushed over the railing, they knew it was you because one of them had seen it with her own eyes and that one was now the one serving you the soup. the maid very rudely set the plait of soup on front of you if splashing on your face, you grip your napkin, you knew she had done it intentionally and this enraged you, you had already been walked over by Alcina and now this maid had the audacity of trying your patience. Daniela looked at you, she saw the rage in your eyes she couldn't even understand how so much rage could be present in you, her and her sisters always saw you as a calm and collected person.

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt