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You woke up in an hospital like room, you weren't in an hospital though, if only you were.
As your eyes adjusted to the extremely lighten room, you started to get your surroundings, you took deep breathes as you try to sit up that's whenyou get the restrains on your arms and legs, you were strapped yo the bed, the straps looked strong so you gave them a good pull and almost fell of the bed, the restrains had given away stupidly easy with little to no effort you you had no problem to free yourself, you made sure you could feel your legs and feet before trying to stand, not to sure of your fiscal situation you decide its best to stay put and just set down not wanting to stretch your limits.
Your head hurt a bit and as you rubbed it you realise you weren't very sure how you got to the medical bed, in fact you weren't very sure of anything, you remembered you went to Louisiana to get Ethan, you also remembered the weird house, and you remembered the little girl, Eveline.
Her name, gave you shills so you brushed it of and finally get up, you walked a bit around the bed seeing some medical equipment, you then walked the room till you catch a reflex, you stopped and approached it, then you see it, you were not in a normal but in a glass cube like cell.
You were going to touch the glass when a voice stopped you "please don't touch the glass, it's a pain to clean" you quickly backed away and looked around trying to find who ever talked to you.
At a now visible open door was a man, he stayed slinte at he entered the room and looked at you "good to see your up" you also stayed looking at him, but you didn't answer "you must have a lot of questions, sense your stay with us for a bit, ask away" you took your time and examen the man "who are you?" He pulled a chair and set down "I'm Chris Redfield" he said nothing more,  "not a big talker" you think to your self, somehow it was conforting "where is my brother" Chris tilted his head a bit "si that was why a well train detective like you walked in to something like that, with out thinking tiwce" he was right of course, if it wasn't Ethan you would probably let it be or be way more thoughtful and careful.
"That is not the answer for my question" Chris straighten him self on the chair, giving you a slight glare as if trying to reade you "he's safe, with his wife" you gave a slight smile "good, that's good" you say, you set on the bed looking at the floor  " you seem disappointed" Chris got you and looked at some files "do you remember anything" Chris torns to you waiting for response " I remember a girl, I think her name was Eveline, but that kid wasn't right, something was oof" Chris got a box and set the files in it, he stench set on front of you "well that's cause I was never a kid to begin with" you looked at him "Eveline was a bioweapon, made to look like a small child, anyone that comes in contact with her is infected with her mould like virus and torn in to monsters, die or in to a superhuman like freak that she controls"
Your breathe got stuck on your throat as your memory starts to clear up, the fact that you were not only in contact with her but in fact in her.
Chris took the notice to your dessert "don't worry, surprisingly you are alive and seem healthy" you noticed he cout up to your stress so you breath and diced to not talk about being in that situation  "yes surprisingly" you say, Chris still looking at you " so, may I go home?" As you asked this Chris got up "sadly not yet, you ate involved in a special case, no use playing games, your memory should get get better soon, we also will run testesand we will question you" you brings your hands to your face and let out a heavy sigh, you were calling your self name's once again.
" Don't worry, if everything adds up you will be back to a normal life and can see your brother, unther or supervision." That 'if' was what set you of " if everything adds up" you said to your self, they were going to run tests and sooner or latter the truth was surely going to surface "now we don't want to delay the process, you will be given clothes, when your ready agent Claire will be waiting for you."

Tou said nothing as Chris left with the file box, soon enough some one came in and gave you a box living right away without saying a word .
You opthe box, in the box was a black t-shirt, grey sweatpant and a pair of black trainers, you were fast to put on the clothes, as you do so you think what would become of you from now on.
You exit the room and a woman was there waiting for you "hello, you'r the surviver y/n, if I'm not mistake." You nod "pleasure my name is Claire Redfield" you gave her a slight smile, now you could understand Chris sympathetic tone, he understood why you did what you did, in your place I would probably do that same thing.
Didn't took long for you to be taken to be the lab by Claire, once you got there didn't took long for your attempts of staying quiet about what happened to you become worthless.
They asked you some questions, ran blood samples and gave you a strict medication, you were then escorted now by tow guards to a room with a table, you knew this tipe of rom far to well, it was an interugation rom, you were set down and handcuffed to the table, you smiled bit, you remember wondering something how it was to be on the other side of the table " Claire walked in "I'm sorry, it's required to make sure..." you cut Claire of "to make sure I don't torn in to what ever the fuck that girl was before you have a chance to put me down" Claire seems to be taken back by your reaction " yes y/n or should I say detective y/n" she says and set on front of you "I'm guessing do to my position my title is worth nothing, so please just call me by my name, I will tell you all I know"
Claire open a file case and read from it "what do you remember?" You told her everything, in the words of a police officer you sang like a bird.
" So you were consumed by the girl" Claire said "yes Eveline" Claire nodded and left the room living you there alone.
After about 20minutos she come back with Chris, you looked at them and took a deep breathe preparing yourself to what ever was coming "so we have to talk" Chris said.

He lean against the wall as Claire set down "we have tow oferes for you" Claire set a key and a blank ID card on front of you, Chris got closer and looked at you "you can tack the key for a new house, new life, go back to your brother, get marid, have a family and we keep a close eye on you, or you can join the forces, get special training and deal with creatures like Eveline, you will also get all your records clean and by declared dead."
You looked at the key and almost grabbed it imidiatly but you stopped "you said my brother is safe, at home with his wife" Chris looked at Claire then back at you "yes, I said that"
You sihg, you were hit with guilt, for giving up on looking for Mia and trying to make Ethan let it go as well, what would you tell Ethan now, how could you even look him in the eyes again.
You backed away from the key and grabbed the card "I only have one request before I start " Claire set a hand on your shoulder "are you sure you can't go back on this" you looked at the card " I have my reasons, but I just want yo see him one last time, I don't want to talk to him, I just want to look at my brother on last time" Chris walked up to you "I will keep a close eye on Ethan" you smiled a bit " I know you will, I can tell you tack you job seriously"

After getting settled in and given your uniform Chris waited for you next to a car. The trip wasn't to long and he stopped next to a small house, the car was discreet and had smoked windows so people couldn't see in "there he is safe and happy" Chris said as you see Ethan and Mia getting in a house and embracing, you looked at your hand, you were holding a little photo of you and Ethan when you were younger, you let a small smile form on your lips  " we can go" you say putting the photo away as Chris drives of, he didn't say anything feeling you probably wanted to be left alone.

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