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-time skip to about beginnings of 2018-

Do to your past in the police forces it was no problem for you to start doing small work the rescue teams, you soon handle disgusting things that with time became normal to you, you couldn't tell if that was good or not, but the B.S.A.A was your life now, once you were an year in the B.S.A.A you started to do solo missions, pick ups, small in tells mostly infiltration, this was your new line of work, to Chris's surprise you were rather good.
You stayed alone most days, but you did strike a friend ship with the Redfield siblings, Chris would sometimes talked about Ethan witsh you would normally walk away from.

It was one of your of days, you were siting on your couch in your small but cosy apartment, you were drinking some tea as you had to lay of the wishky do to the medication when you got a call, you set down the mug and looked at you phone, it was Chris, he is the one that normally gives your assessments and having him calling you mid day on your of day made your tea time more then bitter "hello" you say sipping on your tea as you pick up the call " good afternoon y/n, how is your day of going" Chris asked on the other end "it would have been going much better if you hadn't called" you hear a slight shrug on the other end, Chris knew you hated to be bothered on your days out, so you knew for him to be calling you it was something important.
"Jokes aside, I'm sorry to say your day of is gonna have to be cout short, please come to the base to farther discussion"
You sigh and put your tea aside "I'm on my way" you got in your car and drive of, on the way to the bass actually starting to worry a bit, why would Chris go out of his way to call in your day of.

After about 10 minutes you arrived to the base, you parked your car and checked if you had your keys and note book, to note your mission must important point.
You made your way to the reunion room where Chris and your executives were waiting "am I late?" You asck as you sit down "no you're just in time as usual" Chris got up and walked to the presentation board, on it already presented an image, a team of 2 agents " thus to agents were assigned to go infiltrated as locals in a location we consider a suspicious target of the B.S.A.A" you looked at the board, you recognise thembut you never realy talked to them " and I'm suppose to report to them any information?" Yoh looked at Chris witch in return got a file and tossed it you you " sadly no, we have been trying to contact them for a month and you got no response, we are assuming the worst" you look at the file and open it "Miranda?" You asked "yes, we suspect that woman found out and disposed of our agents" you put the file in your bag "so am I suppose to locate them?" Chris got up and gave you an old style bag and old style raged clothes "no, we can't afford that sadly, it's to risky and if our suspicions are correct, Miranda is already suspecting we are trying to infiltrate" you looked at the raged clothes and bag "then what is my mission?" Chris set down at the head of the table "you are going to stay tue location, a village in the mountains of Romania, we are sending as an homeless person, no guns or technology to not create any suspicions, to contact us you have to write letters, we will drop you of 5 km away from the location and give you a mad so you can find your way to the village"
You looked at him in disbelief "Chris, that is basically suiced" Chris sigh "yes, sadly it's our only option and you are the only solo agent available now"

You cursed under your breathe as you get ready to go, didn't took you long cause there wasn't much you could take, you took some food, a knife, bandages and your note book along some paper, pens and pencils.

-Time Skip-

You were order to present yourself at the base at 3m and you did, at 3 am sharp you were there, Chris was there too wishing you luck as you entered the transport that would take you.
The transport took of and as you got farther away from the base you couldn't help but to worry, you had done missions like this, but not the exact same, this time you had nothing to protect yourself with besides a knife, you had limited food and a very unreliable way of communicating with the B.S.A.A, you were nervous to say the list.
To calm yourself you took a photo out of your pocket and gazed at the familiar faces of you and your brother when younger.
You always took this photo with you to your missions, it helped you fell better.
The drive to the drop of place felt long, and when you look out the window you see the sunrising " how long till the drop of?" The driver looked at you "just a bit more miss"
You were dropped of at snowing entrance of a path, as you exist the transport the cold hit you, your homeless clothing was just enough to not let you frize to death, so staying warm was going to difficult "better get moving before I frize to death" you say starting to walk in the snow fild path, it was a difficult walk do to this being a path in the mountains, father about tow hours walking you could finally see the village, you let out a sigh of relief and make your way in the village of putting on the hood of your raged jacket on.

Once you entered the village some people give you weird looks, you weren't sure if it was for you being an outsider or for you being homeless in this situation.
You decide to take a rest on a rock bench that was against the wall of a hous in the center of town, as you sit down and set your back next to you start to think how would you make sure people would suspect you.
You come to the conclusion if you are homeless you have to act like, you went around the village and eventually found a dissent size empty cane and tack it, you returne to the bench and sit down, you would extend the cane any time someone would pass you.
Most people ignore you but sometimes children and older women would pass you and give you some coin witsh in return you would hold the cane to your heart and bow in a thankful way, doing the also helped you analyse people, didn't took long to notice thus village was a small and religious one, it appeared stuck in time.

Part of your day went by and you were getting hungry, you pop open a cane of backed beans and with out any thing to hit them up with you had to eat them clod, you contorted your face in discust right on your first bite but you couldn't waste food so you forced your self to eat every last bean.
As you were eating you notice a lady go by a house delivering some cereals and bread, she looked your way for a bit but went back to what she was doing to what she was doing.
A bit after she comes your way "hello, I don't think I have ever seen you around the village before" you look up at her "I'm new her ma'am" she gave you a gentle smile "and may I know what bring you here" you think for a bit before responding "don't really know, a lip of faith maybe" the lady smiled once more "well in that case, here have a little something ti lift up your spirits" the nice lady set five golden coins in your cane, you glance up at her "ma'am it's to much, I can't take this much from you" she smiled "yes you can, tell me would you like to work in exchange of a place to stay, a warm bed and food?" You want to keep a low profile so maeby would be better then staying as a homeless outsider, you would surely stand out less.
You looked at the woman and smiled "I'll think about it" she gave you a slight bow "I live in the big house by the end of the fields, pass there when you make up your mind" you nodded and she walked of.

You spend the rest of the day on the strit, to entertain yourself you sketches on your note book, eventually the sun started to set and the cold got arsh, your clothes were part wet do to melted snow so you really had no choice but to but to get up and go look for the lady's house, you had to be fast, the latter it got the colder it was.
After finding the fields you smiled as you see big house by the end of them, you were shivering when you made it there.
You noocked on the door and the nice lady opened it "ho, good evening" you gave her a smile between shivering "good evening ma'am, I can here to say I would be more then happy to work for shelter" she smiled kindly "then come in, we don't want you to freeze ou there" you got in and she was quick to tack your wet clothes away living you with just a rip shirt and your ripped pants, then she gave you a nice warm blanket for you to warm your self with "where stay nice and warm" you held the blanket around yourself "thanks you ma'am" the lady smiled "you can call me Louisa child".

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя