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You stayed alone in the peace of your room hopping the consequences of your actions wouldn't be acted on you any time soon, you set on your chair the only movement you would do was to feed and care for the fire, you yourself were not thinking of nothing at all you were in a state of simply waiting to see if you were going to die anytime soon or not. wail you were in this state your rea cut on to the sound of buzzing, you immediately snapped out of your thoughts and stand up, the flies soon start forming Daniela "Daniela?" you sacked getting a giggle in response, you were expecting all the daughters not just friendly Daniela "don't worry its just me" she came behind you and set you down on your chair, then sitting on your lap her self "someone looks sad" she said fixing up your suit " I'm not sad, just worried" she looked at you fixing your hair "what you worried about? mother?" you nod "maybe you should go to her and say your sorry" you your self look at her "you think so?" you had to hold back your words to not come back as sassy but you truly thought she was going mad, to be honest you thought she was trying to lour you to a trap "and think for a bit, mother is surely better then that other woman your seeing" you gave her a look of confusion, you couldn't help to think she was on to something "don't look at me like that, I have seen the way you look at mother" she said as she cups your face with one of her hands "and I think you have been reading to much romance novels" she gave you a kiss on the chick "maybe yes maybe not, its your call" she says and leaves.

you stayed alone for a bit more till you decided it was for you to finally face the consequences of your actions, in a way doing as Alcina had told you, die with some dignity. you could feel your stomach and guts turned just with the thought of talking to lady Dimitrescu again let alone entering her rom again, eventually there was no more delaying it, you reach the door and nocked "come in" you take a deep breath and ready your self to what is about to come, you expected death, you got in the rom and are faced with lady Dimitrescu sitting on her arm chair and her daughters at her side "my lady, I would like to apologise, I am terribly sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier" Alcina stayed silent "mother" Bela said looking at Alcina making her sigh, she was not to found of apologies, especially to people, better creatures that she saw as inferior to her "I to much apologise for my unclad for reaction, and attempt of murdering you" you looked at her in pure disbelieve "so, could you forgive me?" you were still quiet in shock but with the daughter gazing at you intensely you found some will with in you to talk "I forgive you my lady" the girls smiled and so did Alcina "there my angels we have maid peace, now please leave us my angels we need to talk" the girls nod and leave.

Alcina wanted to show that even though she apologised she did not see you in the same level as her, in fact she still saw you as a low level creature to serve her command, she sine you to sit witch you do "did you mean it?" she was immediately taken of guard with by your question "could you repeat your self y/n" she looked at you with her cigarette in hand "did you mean it, when you apologised" if Alcina was to be honest, at first she did not care, she was simply doing it to please her daughters but now that she had said she realised that maybe for first time in years she did meant it "I did mean it" you gave her a gentle smile "well then, I think I can think greatly of you once more" she stared at you puzzled "what do you mean by that" you got up and fixed your suit "to be a good servant I must be loyal, for me to be loyal I have to admire you in some stent" you walked a bit around the rom " and what exactly do you admire y/n" she sipped on her wine, you torn to her and walk to your chair once more siting down, you knew she was testing you once more, this conversation was going to be like a game of cat and mouse, she would try to catch you in a lay or at the minimal slip up, try to get a reaction out of you but in your head tow could play this game "well many things" you answered, Alcina narrowed her "quiet the attitude you having dear y/n" you show her a shady smile laying back on the chair "at list I'm not attempting murder, am I my lady?" Alcina rolled her eyes and set the wine down "I have already apologised, why must you bring it up?" you got up from your chair and whit all the audacity that resided in you, you lean against Alcina's chair "it is forgiven indeed, but not forgotten" Alcina glares at you and presses one of her razer sharp claws against your chick "you're lucky you have proven your self useful" you looked at her and your gazes lock on each other, you could fell the tension between you tow, on one hand you wanted to show you were not scared a for and on the other Alcina wanted to assert her dominance over you, non of you wanted to show weakness or submit to the other's will you stayed fixated on each other till you had to swallow your pride "well I must go now" you say walking to the door "indeed, you really should" Alcina answered sipping on her wine, she won this battel, you leave the room.

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