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(hello once more beloved reader I am so sorry I have keep you waiting this long. but fear not because no matter how busy I am I will try my best to give you mine best no matter how long it takes me, so thank you for your patience its much appreciated.

with love yours truly Author)

Day comes and Alcina got up dawning her rubs, on her night stand her breakfast already awaited her "I see the new head maid is competent" she said taking a sip of her blood tainted tea, she then got ready for the day calmly to give some time. You wake up and as say by Alcina you were indeed capable of moving, you sit pulling yourself up a bit making your body crack all over "ho my god, my everything, I fell like a glow stick" you get up and stretch, looking around you see it a 19 century classic suit, it was something so different from what you have ever seen the suite was a site to be hold.

the suit was composed of a white silk shirt a simple looking one with only the ends of the sleeves ornamented with black embroidery roses, this roses also present on the collar of the shirt giving it an even more prestige look, the adjustable buttons of the sleeves were pure gold. to go with the shirt was also a different shade of white vest also ornamented with black embroidery rose branches, the jacket of the suite was simple plane black cashmere its cut something out of the 1870's the pants matching to a fantastic fit. you put the suit on and to your surprise it was almost as if the suit had been made for you, it was a perfect fit to your body and you body only, but in a way it was to perfect for your body, this suit showed most of your female figures taking your chest thankfully, but this did worry you, you wondered how long you would be able to keep this man lie on going. you sigh and look to the side seeing a long black hooded cloak with a large white rose and branches on it, it was beautiful. you finished getting ready fixing you r hair back with gel, you then put on a pair of black leader boots with a little of a hill to them and finally you put on the cloak.

you leave the room walking the corridors of the castle to Lady Dimitrescu's chambers, the sound of the hills of the boots calking on the hard flor, you passing would turn the heads of the maids, they once respected you but now after you murdered that maid and word got to the staff they fear you, they fear you as much as the Dimitrescu daughters, they now see you as a monster as bad as them no matter how nice you were to all of the maids no you were a monster to them just like many more. you finally reach lady Dimitrescu's door and knock "come in" Alcina said, you do as told, once more she had her back to you it didn't surprise you anymore "good morning my lady" Alcina got up and fixed her dress and her hat "Morning y/n" she said to you without even looking at you "I would like to know what is my new duty" Alcina looks in her agenda "well its rather simple, you are to keep me company not daring to leave my side, you have tested my patience and trust enough, you are to act as I tell you too if not told what to do you stay put and in silence" she closed her agenda and finally turn to face you ready to walk but stopping in her tracks "I understand my lady, anything else?" Alcina stayed silent just looking at you, admiring. something felt strange, a weird sensation in her chest a warm one, something about you was different about you Alcina thought, your attitude maybe your poster she couldn't grasp it, she knew it wasn't hunger she just ate and surly she wasn't sick "my lady?" you say confused, Alcina blinked and came back to earth "yes there is something else" she gave you her agenda "memorise it and act according to it, I want you charming and prestige" you look at the agenda and back at her "so you want me to be like a pet?" Alcina gave a sadistic smile "glad your smart, keep it up and I'll give you a cookie" she laughed sadistically and started to walk out of the run stopping by the door "by my side I said at all times" you put the agenda in you jacket and follow her.

about tow weeks went by and to your surprise you easily got adjusted to this new routine and position, it wasn't exactly hard and as Alcina had said it was simple you just had to play nice all day and things would go just fine, truth be told Alcina was actually a very calm woman, when she worked you normally just set on a chair close to her and just wait. this tow weeks really let you see a bit of a different side of Alcina, didn't change how caseous you are around her. Today was calm day Alcina set on her arm chair sipping on her blood tainted tea and you set on the opposite side in front of her occasionally having some tea yourself in your hand you had you beloved note bock the same you had drawn Elena in, now you were once more sketching away. Eventually Alcina got sick of the silence and decided it was a good time to learn more about you "so y/n, how do you like your new position" you look up from your note bock "it's a calm one" Alcina raised an eyebrow as your answer was a rather dry one, she didn't appreciate this and the fact you immediately go back to looking at your note bock did note set well with her "I have to admit you adapted fast to this all ordeal, almost as if this is not your first time having a life change" you didn't even look up from your note bock this time "yes my lady" Alcina glared at you, she could tell you were paying little to no mind to her and this infuriated her, she set her tea a side and got up ripping the note bock out of your hand "give me this infernal thing, I am your lady, I am your top priority not some note bock" you look up at her "oh now we done it" your other self said "I'm sorry miss, but may I have my note bock back" Alcina looked at the note bock "some audacity you have to ask for it back, what is in it anyway that is more important than what I tell you" you look at the note bock a bit worried "its nothing I swear" you didn't want her to see what you were doing, what would she think, you try to reach for the note bock but immediately stop as a sharp claw is now against your neck "don't move a muscle" your other self told you "well, well no I know you are hiding something" Alcina said and set the note bock on her table so she could go through it with just one hand wail still keeping her claw on your neck "lets take a look, shall we?" she says as she opens the note bock "some notes" you curse yourself what were you thinking "oh the familiar face of that peasant girl" she says with disgusted tone and a side glare at you, you face palm cursing your self for not getting rid of that draw "I should have rip that out" you say, she said nothing to you as she keeps going through the drawings, one of the castle and one of her.

you pick up on her silence "my lady?" she said nothing as she looked at the drawing of herself admiring it, she hadn't been drawn in almost a century it was nothing but a simple charcoal drawing but it was so beautiful to her "I have to admit you are talented" she finally said, she put her hand over the drawing and pulled it out of the note bock hiding it with some of her papers so she can keep it in secret "hum, thank you" you say a bit taken back by the complement, Alcina took her claw away and gave you the note bock back "here you may have it back, but next time I talk to you truly listen" you take the note bock and put it in your jacket "thank you" you say. That same night in you room you found yourself drawing lady Dimitrescu once more thinking of her unaware that in her room she thought of you too, looking at the drawing that she now keeps safe in her drawer.

(I hope the chapter is not too small chapter 19 is already on the work and it should be out soon. once more thank all of you for your support)

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