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(hello dearest reader I am sorry that I said away for so long I had lots of things going on this pat year, I didn't had time or inspiration to write but now and I hope till the end of this story I will be able to find both time, inspiration and create quality content for this story, thanks for waiting)

Once morning came you got ready to accompany Alcina on Mother Miranda's reunion with the lords. you make sure to look your best, this being looking pleasant for Alcina but not draw suspicion to your self or attention, once you make it to Alcina's door she exist her room as elegant as always. You follow her always close by as instructed, the morning hair was cold and cut your skin a bit but Alcina would only glance back from time to time to make sure you were at a desired distance.

After some time you can see the old church and its large gaping hole on the ruff, you could almost imagen Mother Miranda leaves it that way for some grandee affect with the light. once you were eventually in you fell like a prey in the wolf's mouth, this had to be the worst place to be in your situation. You look around for a place to sit next to Alcina "What the hell are you doing here?" you turn around to be face by a man that looked as rude as he sounded, but you recognise him he was the same man from when you were here the last time before being given to Alcina "Heisenberg keep to your self" Alcina said wail siting down and taking a puff of her cigarette "Of curse it had to be you bringing some one to Mother Miranda's meeting, you and your ego" Alcina glared at Heisenberg clearly not enjoying his babbling "well you bring those mindless beasts, snarling and growling way drooling every where, at least I care to bring some one proper" Heisenberg walks to you getting all up in your personal space, you could smell his cigar infested breath. "its because they are middles that is face to bring them, they can barely tell left from right, they cant process information or keep secrets but this one, this one can and is always quiet always thinking" he get his hammer closer to your face the metal almost touching you skin, you could feel the cold of it already "that being said who is our new friend here" you simply turn your face away from his sick of his disgusting scented breath your hood gently hiding you features.

Alcina had more then enough getting up infuriated "that enough you nosy dog" Heisenberg's attention was fast to shift from you to Alcina "dog? why you bitch I'll show you a dog!" foot steps are wear as the imposing aura of Mother Miranda was felt in the room "Silence you tow!" her voice was heard in the all church even the Lycans silenced their usual growls and grunts. Miranda set at her throne under the light of the large roof hole both Alcina and Heisenberg going silent and siting don't as far away as they cloud from each other but still staring daggers in to one another. "Heisenberg is correct, this meetings are strictly private, leave" Mirada looked your way as she said this her gaze cold, you weren't going to protest though you weren't exactly thrilled about being around her and the other lords, you bow to Mother Miranda then Alcina getting ready to leave "you are to wait with the Lycans" you stopped moving for a second your eyes looking with Miranda's "Mother Miranda this is a bit..." Miranda put her hand up so Alcina would silence herself and she dose "I said he is to wait" Miranda imposed her eyes not leaving yours, she knew seeing past your façade just like she did from the first moment she set eyes on you. Yet you bow and leave sure she was now trying to dispose of you in her own way, something more reliable in her eyes. Alcina was not sure of why this particular decision but fighting against Mother Miranda's wishes was unwise so she could only hope you be fine.

when out of the meeting you had no idea where you had to go, the only thing you knew is if you didn't make it to the door by the end of the meeting and Alcina were to return alone to the castle and await you arrival there would be hell to pay, your best bet was to find an exit and you wouldn't be able to do that just standing there so you get on your way. Wail you walk you can fell stares on you the smell of rotting and waits was abundant and repulsing but it was only when you get to the exit area the source reviles it self, a creature similar to a lycan but closer to a wolf walking on its arms and legs it was unshed over a pile of rotting bodies, as it spot you it walked in front of the door and bared its teeth at you, the creature was surely once a man but it was so distorted it was clear the reason and ability to comprehend were past it by this point. The beast stepped closer to you and you like any rational person would take to steps back and turn to leave from where you came to find a different way or to at least have a chance to run, to greet you was a pack of lycans blocking your way and siting around as if waiting to collect the bits of the massacre that was to be of your carcase if that creature decided to attack "if we don't do anything we will die" your alter ego said "what you got, if you have something I suggest you do it now" you say to it "we are on in the same after all" you voices uintaite for a split second for once you tow were in agreement. You turn to the creature as it looks ready to attack, your arm contorted and turns it self into a giant sharp weapon made out of bone, muscle and flesh, your face contorted on the side of your weaponised arm your face reaping as teeth make their way out, the beast is nit as sure of its cations anymore but it snot interested in backing away and that proves to be its end, as it launches at you your alter ego wastes no time longing for this violence, its purpose of existing its bread and water of life, it impaled the beast's head from its top bits of bone and brain splashing everywhere and the alter ego laughed, full of malice and not satisfied as the creator clings to its last spasms of live the alter ego grabs it by its mouth and rips it apart throwing the carcase to its lycan fellows. the lycan go wide eye slowly backing way a bit "one more please come on one more" the alter ego said, you on the other hand think this was more then enough fun for it "no that enough" you said starting to clean your self "just one more!" it begged "I said enough!" you finally demand, your face goes back to normal and your arms goes back to normal as well, in the end the lycans look at you with a new found respect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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