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About a week went by, nothing remarkable happened taking the meal times where Alcina would give you stairs, even if you didn't or do much she would attentively look at you and watch your every move. The only other thing that actually gave you a bit of a sense of comfort was you and your other self getting along better, I became one of your favourite things to do, to get done with work and come to your room and chat with it sharing some ideas, it was joyful or at least better then felling alone.

Your day was now starting, you were calmly walking the corridor when the voice of lady Dimitrescu calling for you "ho lords what now" You sigh and made your way to her rom and knocked "come in" you do as told, she had her table set with a bottle of wine and tow cups, the tow chairs facing the table "take a seat" you walked to the chair and sit down as she dose the same sitting on front of you "in what may I assist?" she got the bottle of wine and poured you and her a glass "nothing, I am inviting you to have a taste of our newest wine, also one of our finest kinds of wine with the freshest ingredients, fully local" you look at the wine, you had quit drinking a long time ago do to the strict medication of the B.S.A.A and even if you weren't on the meds no more drinking still took you back to your most dark times, when your best friend was your beloved whisky on the rocks "I'm sorry I don't drink" Alcina arched an eyebrow "I see your refusing the drink, that id very unpolite of you" you looked at her, puzzled "this is probably the must expensive wine you will ever have, and I will never ask again" you think for a bit, it was rather rude of you to not take at least a sip of it "I'll take a sip then, out of politeness" how bad could a sip be "cheers Y/N " Alcina raised her glass, you raise yours too and wait for her to take the first sip.

Alcina took notice to this and it intrigued her, she set her galls down "how you like it?" you smiled a bit "its rather nice my lady" Alcina smiled "good, now tell me, why did you wait for me to drink first?" you look at your glass "well lets just say my last drink with someone was not a pleasant experience" you say drinking more wine "the head maid" Alcina added, gave a nod "would you like telling me why" Alcina poured more wine in your glass "we have time and plenty of wine" you look at her, you couldn't tell why she wanted to know so bad but her curiosity intrigued you, for you to truly be honest Lady Dimitrescu did not just intrigue you, she captivated you every thing about her, her mind, are posture, her beauty, everything it was ridiculous to you how had you come to see her like that to think of her like that, to desire her in a secret that as to stay locked behind a thousand doors, you got lost just thinking of it. you were deep in your thoughts when you fell a gentle touch on your face, you mediately look up your eyes locking with Alcina's, it felt as the floor ad been taken from under your feet "you don't have to tell me" Alcina said, you started to blush, words getting stuck on throat, Alcina was fast to notice she gave a sadistic smile "staring so much, like what you see?" she laugh but against the odds and her expectations you answered "yes" Alcina looked at you amused, you weren't sure if she would react but she simply took her hand away from your face "looks are dissaving" she answered, you got up fixing your suit "that not all I care about" Alcina torn to you "ho is that so, what exactly is it beauty, grace, sexual attributes is that what captivates you, you simpleton" you stayed silent for a bit and fix your hair "I'm no simpleton, its the mind and the power" with this you leave the room. Alcina wouldn't allow you to torn your back at her once more especially after you had dared to give her an answer, she swigged the door open and pulled you in the room "how dare you" she held you in place by one of your shoulders "how dare a simpleton like you, begging to say things like that, look at me like that!" you didn't say anything, she held you by your neck "speak!" you look at her "am I a simpleton because I showed admiration, or because my opinion meant something to you?" Alcina said nothing as she dropped you "out!" you rub your neck "out of my room now!" you were fast to leave. Alcina was out raged how could some one like you have the audacity to look at her that way, let alone assume their opinion matter to her she had to hold back to not kill you, at least that what she convinced her self of.

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now