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Everything started 3 years ago, your brother's wife disappeared.
At the time you were put on the police forces investigation, you had studied to be a detective and you were now living the dream, or almost living the dream.

You were working on the missing case of Mia, your brothers soon to be wife, you never were a big fan of Mia but you wanted to see Ethan happy.

You worked every day, day and night on the case never ready to quit, after about an year people gave up, there was no clues to follow anymore, you kept going doing your best but after 3 years you came to the conclusion it was maeby time to lay it to rest, but you still wanted to talk to your brother Ethan first.
It was late at night when you went to Ethan's place and noocked on the door.
"Ethan it's me y/n" Ethan open the door and smiled a bit, normally you would give him good news about the investigation, and keep him updated, but sadly today it wasn't the case.
Ethan let you in and served you something to drink, your favourite drink, as always a whisky on the rocks.
You and him sit together and as always he is iguerd to get more updates on the case "come on y/n , what you go for me?" He was so exited that it hurt to tell him, but you had to tell him "well, Ethan it's been 3 years, maeby it's time to let it rest" you sipped on your whisky as Ethan shaped "no, come on you and me, we can do it" you sihg, you wanted to help but you and him were dry on clues "Ethan! As much as I want to help you, we are dry on clues" Ethan got up and walked away "no, no we are not, I wasn't going to show this to anyone but I have to find her" Ethan came back with his lap top "I just got this mail, it's from Mia, I just need your help to find where it was sent from" you got up and looked at him "Ethan, I'm not doing that, I get it your desperate, but I'm not helping you walk in to a clear trap like that"
You got up and walked to the door "I understand, it's hard, but just let it go" Ethan set down and held his lap top "I thought you'll understand" you stopped your self from reaching the door noob, you did understand.
You and Ethan were always close, not like the rest of your family, so sense young it was always you and him against the world, that was till Mia showed up in Ethan's life, you had never seen him so happy before.
At frist you 3 would hang out all the time, but eventually you started to feel you were to much and didn't belong, you felt left out, the closer Mia and Ethan got the more o farther your self from your brother.
You never blame Ethan or Mia, they were a couple after all, and you were not part of the picture.
Do to this you dedicated your self to work, tried dating with little to no success, so eventually you would spent the little free time you had you your brother, when Mia didn't demand all his time and attention.
So normally you stay up lat alone sipping on whisky on the rocks.

You were snapped back to presente time talked "you know what, if your not helping me live" those words hurt, maybe more then they should "Ethan, I'm always here for you but not for this things, it's been 3 years why would Mia magically appear and email you to go get her, are you even thinking straight?" Ethan snapped "you know how long it as been, that's why I don't get it why are you giving up now, but you know what, go on, live I don't need your help, in fact I don't need you at all!"
That did it, that was probably what your brain needed to hear for you to stop feeling bad about giving up.
You left driving home, you were hot headed and not thinking straight, Ethan's words were still in your head, as you got home you smashed the door closed and made your way to your wishky pouring your self a glass with ice.
You set on your couch spinning on your whisky on the rocks thinking to your self, maybe it was time to live Ethan alone.

A good amount of days passed, Ethan said nothing and neither did you, eventually your worries and lack of news from your brother started to dig in to your brain and you swallowed your pride and cald him, no answer.
This didn't fase you, you knew how stuborn Ethan was, so you just insisted and cald again, thus time the feeling of dread hit you, your gut was telling you that maeby the time to stop acting like a child had come and you needed to check on your brother.
You run to your car thoughts of horrible things crossed your mind as you lecture yourself, all your academic training coming to mind, everything how a traumatic situation could drive people to do crazy thinks, the worst crosed your mind.
As you arrived at Ethan's house you banged on the door, no response. With your mind running wild you ringed the bell, banged on the door once again and screamed for Ethan, no response to ease your worries.
You had enough "to hell with this" you say as you go around the house and open the kitchen window that was unlocked.
You remember telling Ethan millions of times lock it, but now you were more then happy he never did.
As you got in you cald for Ethan, again got no response, you checked the all house and nothing was out of place except for one thing, the car keys, they were missing from the key hanger they always giggled from "he couldn't have" you say this as you feel cold sweat going down your face, has your brother find the source of the message and got him self in to a death trap?

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now