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(Sorry for the long time waiting school as my hands full, enjoy and thanks alot for the 1k views it means alot)

You made your way to your well deserved room, you open the door and walked in sighing, you looked around everything was immaculate you smiled as you realised this was a way of the maids to thank you, all the little
things You had were there especially toul box that you were fast to go to, before you start working you toke of the dress you had on and got in to a pare of pants and a shirt you then started to fixe the sife, it wasn't to bad you were sure lady Dimitrescu wouldn't get to irritated for a broken handle and a bent blade, but you also didn't want to have the daughter upset, you knew if they were the maids you were in charge of would be the ones to pay.
You started by removing the old handle and then took the blade to sharpen and straighten it, with a couple of hits from your hamer and the blade was straight, you then move to the handle now thar one was more then broken, it was broken in half split by a big crack you asked your self what tip of things they were doing to crak a handle like that, it was fine wood shouldn't crack easily, you asked yourself if they were that strong or if they just happened to break it by accident.

Took you about 3 hours but you carved a new handle from scratch out of fine wood, you even carved in her name with very detail hand writing and then ornamented the handle with some carved branches and roses, you then gave it a nice coat of polish and left it to dry, you decided to sharpen the blade, after a bit you finished up and put the all thing together you were happy with the result.
You test it to make sure it cut like butter and then got ready to go to bed sadly for you when you looked at the time it was time for you to get up and work already, you jumped out of the bed you just laid on and get your uniform on, you them got the sife and run out of the room, you knocked at the daughters door and left the sifeon it, yoh then ran to the kitchen and prepared lady Dimitrescu's breakfast and gave the maids their schedule for the day, after that you ran up to Alcinas room and knocked "come in" you took a deep breath and enterd "good morning my lady" you set down the tray of food andserved her dome wine "there we go, was your night pleasant miss?" You ascked, she looked at you "it was" she said coldly and you nodded " tell me, is that wood polish on your hands?" You looked at your hands and froze, you had probably touched the paint brush when you were getting the sife "well, it would appear as such" she took a sip of her wine "and why is that?" You gulped felling your heart race "well, there was a situation and I fixed it my lady" she set her cup down "tell me one thing, why are you acting so calmly?" You were confused "calm in what way my lady?" She lighter her cigarette "do you take me fir a fool?" A shiver went down your spine, what had you done, you weren't sure what or how but surely you had irritated her "I assure you I do not take you fir a fool, quite the opposite" she took one more puff of her cigarette "so tell me, why an agent as skilled as you is being so obedient, are you moking me, was it your goal to get captured, are you waiting to be saved?" Stayed silent for a bit, if you were going to be honest you master plane was fail prove but you noticed that one thing was missing, you never had a gran escape, perhaps you didn't wish to leave at all, working at the castel for the Dimitrescus wasn't easy but somehow you liked it "I enjoy working here" lady Dimitrescu let out a chiling laugh "and you expect me to believe that?" You shig, she picked up on it "belive what you wish to believe in, I just know I rather work fir you than to go to where I some call home, to and empty apartment after having blod spilled on my hands and clothes, after I have to clean up what comes after the greedy desires of rich men, after all that I'm no stranger to blood shade."

You found your self looking back in time in your head, it filed with regret "tell me, what exactly was you life before?" You looked at the tall woman fixing your gaze on her eyes, she gazed at you back "go on don't leave me waiting" she said as she siped in her wine "I started as a detective working on a missing person case, the wife of my brother, 3 years in and we ran dry on clues, one day he resived a video from her he didn't thought twice and took maters in too his hands, he went to find her even when I told him not to...?" You went silent for a moment the memories of your brother flued your mind, his smile his voice,everything "he loved her but why couldn't he listen to me?, I went after him and before I knew I was in deep in something I couldn't begin to understand, eventually I ended up working for the B.S.A.A and now I'm here serving you"
Alcina was taken back by this, she thought you were just one more of those agents she saw as idiotic and incompetent "and why did you try to save your brother even after he ignored your advice and counseling?" You grip the edge of your sleeve "that idiot was all I had, but now it doesn't matter, he thinks I have died and probably hating my guts, I tried to reason with him, make him give on the search for his wife, just for her to be alive in the end." Lady Dimitrescu set her cup of wine down still having her gaze on you, she never thought that a being so inferior to her would have so much felling in it's self and was that loyal to a person or thing "so all I have now its you, my lady and your daughters, nothing more nothing less" Alcina knew that felling, the felling of knowing you had lost everything and had nothing to hold on to, she was oblivious why she cared so much, something about you intrigued her and now that she had heard your story her interest only grew, the fact you kept on fighting even when you had nothing to fight for, this curiosity lead to her making a drastic decision "well, I need a person to keep an eye on my daughter, the castle and the staf, but as a none worker, someone that will report to me when ever there's a need and keeps the order, especially when I'm out and busy with  more important matters" you looked at her rather confused,  she gazed at you holding her face making stay on the tips of your toes, even if she was just sitting "I trust you are up fir the job" your face rosed, many things ran in you mind, why was she offering you this position, why was a needed position and was there a need for her to hold your face that teasingly.

Alcina Dimitrescu X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now