"Who is your boss?" Finally I was the one who asked.

"If you want to find out who he is, then come to the dance floor. The boss is waiting for you there."

That's a bit annoying. Instantly I did not feel like getting out of this room. My feeling is really bad.

Vannesa then left after she dressed up. For several minutes I was still pacing here. Or maybe, I might run away if I leave this room. In the end I decided to go down to the dance floor. When I looked outside, there weren't many people here. Instead I saw a lot of strange things that were scary.

While going down the stairs, I met someone I couldn't recognize. He wore all black clothes. Complete with expensive jewelry all over his body. Like the mob bosses in the movies, is he the boss?

"Delilah Walton. Is that your name?" He started greeting me. I can see that he has gold teeth.

Wait a minute, but how did he know my name?

"Who are you?"

"RX Boss. You can call me, Roman."


Wasn't he the one who trapped Theo and sent someone to kill him? It turns out he was behind all this. I stepped back when I heard his name. Roman grinned slightly. His gold teeth shined again as he approached me.

"I'm pretty sure you know a lot about me," he said.

"Stop right there!" I asked for it.

Roman finally wanted to stop. He didn't look disappointed and instead laughed slyly.

God, I am fucking hate him so much. 

"You're a savage. How could you frame someone and even send an assassin on Theo?”

He spat when I said Theo's name.

"Fuck Theodor Aldrich. Why do you still care about a loser like him?” His voice rose slightly. His steps came back closer to me. "He's so fuckin’ useless! I've given him everything. But what did he get back? Betrayed.”

"He was a poor rich boy who came to me at that time. I received him specially and even gave him the best place,” and Roman finally told me everything about Theo as he circled me. I don't really know what happened between the two of them. Then he continued, “everything I do is like I am treating him the most special. He was able to do everything satisfactorily, the tasks I gave him always earned him more money but he took it all.”

"He can't do everything you ask. I'm thankful he didn't commit his last crime.”

"How can you be sure of that?" Roman grinned at me. "You didn't even know him as long as I have known him."

"I trust him."

"Do you know why I brought you here?" Roman stopped in front of me and touched my cheek. "That's because I want you to be my prisoner."

"I'm not your prisoner! So let me go or Theo will kill you!" Now I'm the one spitting in front of him.

Roman looks like he's going to be furious. I'm not afraid of him.

"How dare you!"

He took my hand and brought me to his knees. One of his hands pointed a gun at my head. I'm starting to not be sure if I'm still alive after all this. But I want to know where Theo is.

"And you don't even know what I did to Theo, do you?" said Roman.

"What did you do to him?" I try to move but he will shoot me. "Please, let me go! I will not obey you or even be your slave!"

"I already said that I want you to be my prisoner. Let Theo come himself to safe you but I'm not sure whether he will survive or... die?”

"You mean?"

"This is just the beginning.”


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