Chapter 28. Video-Call

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She took her laptop and headed to Andrew's study praying that God make her plan work before it becomes another disaster of what she usually causes.
She went in smiling while he lifted his eyes from his laptop's screen: Hey Bro in-law, can I make a quick video-call from here. You have a better network here I guess
He looked suspicious: Are you sick? Where's your usual hostile comments?
She winked: Just stay still and don't make a sound
He looked angry at her: Excuse me?? I will just leave the room.
She looked impatiently interrupting him: Please Andrew, I know this would make no sense. But can you just trust me on this one?
He looked more suspicious: What on earth...?!
She hushed him with her index finger on her lips, she sat facing him on the far chair with the wall behind her, while he was looking fixedly at her, she video-called Lilly while secretly praying; God please if they have a chance move the direction of the call the way she pours her heart out. He has to hear how she feels about him.
Anna: Hey Lil... what's up
He froze in his seat, unable to decide if he should leave the room...he stood & kept looking at Anna.
Lilly: All good. Listen it's good you texted we speak alone. How stupid did I sound this morning?!
Anna looked from above her laptop at him: You mean when your voice went all wobbly at the mention of Andrew? Or when David said Tina got the wedding dress of Racheal??
Lilly's head fell in her palms: Jesus! It was that obvious? Do you think David would tell him anything?
Anna: Unfortunately, Dave and I promised we cannot interfere between you both. Regardless of how we feel or know about the way you feel for each other

Andrew sat at this stage back on his desk looking fixedly at Anna.
Lilly: Stop it Anna please. He feels nothing for me... I'm in so much pain. My only conciliation is that he moved forward big time.
Anna looked above the screen at completely shocked Andrew: Yeah, how is Mina?
Lilly was puzzled as to why she would ask her about Mina: Business is going well? The last time I saw him was after his honeymoon, they looked so good together.
Anna insisted: I didn't mean business ... it's just ..  I mean Andrew left thinking you were together that day!
Lilly was getting angry: Honestly Anna, what have you been drinking?! You know it was nothing and this Kuala thing was the business deal he handled for me!!
Anna: But that day you had your arms around Mina and you made Andrew think you were together ...
Lilly: ANNA! You're driving me crazy. You know it's not what happened... Andrew only saw what he wanted to believe... he drew the line and went off... do you think even if I ran and explained I've never slept with Mina or anyone other than him, he'd believe me? And this other guy also who was approaching me... I had to tell him off... I couldn't stop comparing him to Andrew... I hated him... he was nothing like Andrew... anyways, what's the use he never loved me...
Anna directly shot: Jesus Lil. Do you still love him that much? you still couldn't be with any other man, after all this time?  He's getting married you know!
Her voice started breaking: To a beautiful girl. I pray she will make him happy.
Anna: Why can't you just pick up the phone and tell him you love him?
Lilly exhaled heavily: And become the villain of Andrew Racheal story? Couldn't possibly. Specially now. Plus Anna, he has no feelings for me... Never had... The last time he saw me at Tina's, he almost turned his back and left without even a hi...
She suddenly burst into tears: I wish it didn't hurt that much... I left the county for God's sake!
Anna's eyes started gathering tears for her broken-hearted sister: Ooh sweetie... Come home Lil, please come home... You need to be with us...
Lilly collected herself: Yeah. I guess I will... Thank Goodness my work is more solid now that I can literally do it from anywhere. I guess I will come home. I need you all... Staying away didn't do any difference. I'm still broken... Anyways. Enough about me. I'm so happy for you sweetie... David really loves you.
Anna: Yeah, I never thought we will connect that hard... he makes everything meaningful... I love him endlessly.
Lilly, with a reluctant voice: Have you told him?? About the rape... the baby?
Anna was frozen with a most scared face with her eyes shooting at Andrew: Have to go Lil. Tell me once you reserve. Bye!
She hung-up on her sister's face closing the laptop, when Andrew stood angrily from his chair and went her direction, he stood facing her: Two things; what game are you and your sister playing on me?
Anna eyes collected silent tears: Pretend you didn't hear anything, you heartless! Then no one loses anything, specially her. I hate you Andrew... how can she be so blind & still loves you!?
She stood, took her laptop and was about to leave, when his commanding voice came higher than he wanted: I'm not finished! What are you hiding from my brother?! You and her being masters of deception!!
David called from far hearing Andrew's shouting: Anna? Andrew??
Anna touched his arm: Please Andrew. Please. I cannot. Not now. Please. I was doing you and her a favor. You can't repay me in this way!
She suddenly burst into teras and looked so broken, while he was puzzled at how the trouble free, wild looking Anna can be the same broken helpless woman that was unable to hold herself standing, with her hand covering her mouth so that her sobbing won't be heard...
David rushed towards them holding Anna warmly: What Andrew!! What did you do to her?!
Andrew was still looking angry at her but couldn't help replying his brother calmly: Sorry... seems I told a bad joke that annoyed Anna!
David looked puzzled: Anna, it's the first time I see you in tears... please baby, don't cry...
Anna tried to collect herself looking at Andrew feeling lost.

Andrew left them and his head wasn't able to absorb what he's just heard... Sweet Lou was truly in love with him; the solid face that she kept that last time he saw her with Tina was nothing but a pretend... she kept smiling at Racheal sweetly, but it was that one second her eyes connected with his, she gasped in pain then immediately left with the excuse that she's late for her date! She was lying. She must have been pretending just to keep her dignity and cover broken heart...
They cannot be lying; Anna & Lilly; this "Rape. Baby" thing came completely unplanned... what could that possibly be? Anna was horrified!

Anna was falling into silence and non-stop crying for the following days. It wasn't until Lilly took the plane that she told David that she will only tell him about what's troubling her when Lilly is here...
David was so puzzled and went to Andrew couple of times asking what happened that made Anna fall apart. He only told him that they were just speaking to each other the same harsh way they always do.
However, Andrew was less aggressive towards her and was trying to make her feel better every time he saw her.

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