Chapter 27. Anna & David

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It was less than a month when Lilly officially formed her new small company. Rented a beautiful Appartement, hired online team of seven part-timers and started her online transactions
Every single time her heart griefs about Andrew, she reminded herself how he burst out that he will never trust her. What's love without trust? And worse, he told her to ask him about love after five years of marriage. That much he didn't trust her? That long he wanted to ground her before he tells her he loved her or not?
Sometimes her head couldn't stop thinking about it. Then she'd cry herself to sleep or wake up and work nonstop...
Days became weeks and weeks became months...
They were both heartbroken. In silence.
Work on the other hand was doing great for her new emerging company that enlarged in staff, suppliers, team members and number of transactions reflecting highly on profits
She wanted to celebrate by inviting her Dad, Paul, Noura, Anna & David to a family reunion for Christmas... it was an amazing holiday for them all. She ignored the nagging sound inside her to call Andrew or even ask David about him.
Every time Anna wants to ask her, she'd briefly say that she's fine and wouldn't open up. It was difficult for her to open a bleeding wound. She too felt rejected by Andrew. Her love wasn't enough.
David told them the amazing news about his Dad & Mom getting together after all those years and everyone was amazed at the news
David smiled at Lilly: You of all people, shouldn't be surprised! That was your own doing!!
Anna snapped: What?? How??
David laughed: Your sister had the guts to stand and ask Dad the unspoken questions no one dared to ask him throughout the years! And all of a sudden, they talked and decided they wasted so much time! Tina will call you tomorrow Lou, she told me.
Lilly smiled happily: That's unbelievable. I'm so happy for them. For Tina, a bit more to be honest. Never was able to read your Dad fully. But I'm happy he got around!!

David smiled wishing secretly that Andrew could see the wonderful woman Lilly is. He knew his brother was suffering and missing her in silence!! His life went back to be turned off. It was all about work and long office hours...
Anna felt what David was thinking of: Do you think he loves her? This monster of a brother of yours?
David smiled: He's not a monster Anna. But I don't know if loves her. I only know he's miserable without her
Anna snapped: He dared to insult her by his offer. How would that be love??
David smiled: He's unable to decide if he loved her enough to let go of her little trick. But worse, he's still controlled by his own demons, Mom leaving us when we were young and then my first wife and the way she manipulated our marriage. I guess he got more hurt than me in a way!
Anna decided to ask David to get Andrew to come with him the next time as if he gets him to check the country and business opportunities and maybe when he and Lilly gets together after those months the sparks will come back!
Even though David wasn't very confident he agreed on the condition that she won't say anything to Lilly and keep things very spontaneous. He thought that the two had a long way till they both started moving along.

Reaching Cairo Andrew hoped in his heart that Lilly would run into his arms once she sees him. He knew he was in love with her. Took him these long, lonely days and nights to know how much she meant to him and how blindly he was in love with her.
Once he, David and Anna approached the outdoor beautiful restaurant they were supposed to meet Lilly without her knowing, they were able to spot Mina, Anna's friend reaching Lilly just before them, he got from his pocket his mobile showing it to Lilly who seemed so surprised that she yelled, and they hugged in joy! A cold dagger hit Andrew while David and Anna approached her and she spoke with joy: Guys you won't believe it, Mina and I fly to Kuala tomorrow...
Her voice died off, as she saw Andrew from behind David. She then whispered softly: Andrew...You're here?!
Mina saw the cold surprise look on everyone faces, and tried to speak: We've been waiting for this since weeks now
Andrew looked at them: Congratulations then I think... Dave, I'll call you.
He turned his back and left, while everyone stood paralyzed. Mina left and Lilly looked so sad that she too left and said nothing.
Anna and David felt so bad about how things turned terrible only to find out that Andrew left back home on the first flight...
Kuala Lumpur was the business deal Mina and Lilly worked on to get a contact with a supplier for her online platform... the way Andrew looked so cold and distant made Lilly lose any hope that even if she told him it was business, he wouldn't believe it. Worse, David later told her that Andrew came for business then decided not to continue on the project.
She knew he couldn't be here for her. But her heart couldn't help dreaming. She was in so much love with him. Still.
Even when she was arranged to be with someone else weeks after seeing Andrew... and even when this man was so handsome with this amazing board chest and full muscles. All she could think, is how she missed resting her head on Andrew's chest sleeping on the rhythm of his heart beats.

Since Andrew came back from Egypt, he decided he wasted so much time thinking of Lilly while she obviously moved on and was already traveling places with this boyfriend of hers! He couldn't stop thinking if they were making love or she had her gripe over him too... he was furious every time he thought of her arms around his neck. Then his heart softens as he remembers her softly calling his name or this strange look in her eyes that he would mistakenly think that it was full of love! He was still unable to get rid of the feelings he had for her, but he then decided he needed a new woman in his life...
In a mere month he was engaged to a nice woman who was a younger collage girl, and it was announced that marriage was supposed to be in couple of months' time. He wasn't happy with the age difference and the thinking gap in the way they both had, but he went along.

Wedding Plan
It was announced officially that Anna and David were getting married. They both video- called Lilly who was working this week from an amazing beach at the Egyptian North coast and told her that church and wedding is set in a month's time.
David: Hey Lil, you cannot escape me beautiful. You will have to take over arranging the wedding party, arrangements of everything. The wedding planner will call you tomorrow.
Lilly: That's so sweet Dave, but Tina and your sister-in-law; they will want to...
Anna interrupted: No one knows what I want like you do Sis. Just come back home and do that for me. Please sweetie.
Lilly: of course, sweetheart... I'll do it with pleasure. The villa, David? You still want to have the wedding there?
David nodded: Absolutely. You know how much I wanted that. Listen, I know how much you & Mom get along. I really depend on you both for that. You know Anna has no patience to these types of details. Already Mom got her and Racheal their wedding dresses as she also knows they won't do it on their own!
There was cold silence as the three of them felt strange pain at the idea of Andrew also getting married. Lilly tried to sound a bit more stable than her shivering voice did: Sounds good. We speak later guys; I've got to go!
She hang-up before they both could say anything. They looked at each other puzzled!
David: Did she ever sleep with this guy Mina?? Couldn't it possibly be... is she still in love with Andrew?
Anna: Jesus, of course she is!! She fooled you all!! She's still in love with Andrew, never stopped.
David: No. No. No way!! I could swear he's in love with her. The other day, he deliberately asked about her and her work and her boyfriend and how is she locating in Egypt and why are Josef, Paul and you are letting her...
Anna's eyes widened: What did you tell him?
David: I was stupid enough to tell him she couldn't be happier and it's his turn now to try to bond with Racheal and get this idea of her being the "mother of his kids only" aside or otherwise wait to find someone who'd make him fall in love with her.
Anna looked so puzzled: Wai... wait just there! "mother of his kids only"?? What on earth is that??
David: Oh no... I didn't... Listen love, I shouldn't have said that. I already said lots. But honestly. What a waste!!! They are still in love, both of them!!
Anna didn't need to know more, she smiled: Is there a way to get these two on an island and trap them there till they fall on their knees and confess their love to one another??
David: They need a miracle!

Anna had her mind working fast, there was no way she'd let this die without a final try... the problem was that she and Andrew were never getting closer... even a simple morning was her shooting "morning heartless monster" and his reply "morning hissing snake" was not getting any better. Anna has been in the villa for weeks now and they only tried to make things look better in front of Edward, Tina and David, but they would always fail tremendously.

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