Chapter 16. The Last Night

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Two days after the birthday, she went to his house that evening feeling she completely expired all her chances to tell him who she was. She couldn't take her head away from the fearful idea that tomorrow he will know who she is, and she doesn't stand a chance with him.
When she opened the door, he smiled as she approached: Why are you late. I hate it when you are late Lou.
Lilly: I'm not. I'm even 30 minutes early.
He looked surprised, opening his arms as she threw herself in his strong arms. They stood for a while not talking. Seems the two of them knew that if they spoke it would end this warm soft hold.
Her eyes were gathering tears, she knew it was her last night with him before he knew that "in a way" she played him. If only time goes back. If she knew that she would fall for him that way? If she knew, he had a beautiful heart but kept a very solid aggressive face to ensure that people are scared enough to stay away from him.
He lifted her face and kissed her forehead then her cheek followed by a third kiss just beside her nose. She was feeling so sad as a tear fell in between their faces.
He looked so alarmed: Why. What happened?
She tried to contain herself: Just keep holding me Andrew please. Will you.
He carried her to the living room while she hid her head into his neck
He sat taking her into his arms resting her back on the arm of the couch ensuring her body was close to his: What is it. You're getting me worried Lou. What's wrong
She felt a lump of sadness in her throat, she kissed his cheekbone as it was the nearest to her head... she moved and sat down to face him: I need to tell you.
She paused as she was trying to find her courage.
He looked so patiently at her, while adjusting himself to sit facing her: Tell me Lou. Whatever it is, we can just do something about it.
She felt that her heart will jump out of her chest, as she whispered looking down: I... I love you Andrew. Despite everything. Despite this should have never happened. I love you
He looked surprised and was about to say something when she put her four fingers on his lips softly: Don't say anything. Not tonight. Tomorrow. We speak tomorrow.
He removed her hand kissing her fingers: Why tomorrow. What could possibly happen till tomorrow?
Her eyes gathered more tears. When he grabbed her closer: Am I so scary Lou? Are you so scared that you have feelings for me?
She looked surprised at him shaking her head: Kiss me Andrew. I want you to give me my first kiss ever. I want you to be that man.
He smiled taking her face in his hands. He looked deeply in her eyes: You're in tears Lou've just told me how you feel about me, and you're so confused that you're asking me for your first kiss while I've been asking for days and you won't let me? I can't possibly do that to you. I can't take advantage of whatever disturbing you that much!
Lilly put her head on his shoulder while he wrapped her inside him: Tell me what's going on? Why are you so sad?
Lilly tried to stop crying taking a tissue to dry off her tears: Have you ever made a small mistake that completely went out of control and the consequences went to a direction you could never imagine??
He looked puzzled shaking his head: I don't understand Lou. What do you mean?
Lilly looked so desperate and sad while standing to leave: I failed to tell you time after time even now I'm unable to. I have to go Andrew.
He stood beside her: Go... Where... Why?? You're not sleeping here? I didn't eat!
Lilly: Not tonight Andrew. Just promise me something please.
Andrew was getting annoyed: I don't want to do anything till you tell me what's wrong? You are not even staying! Have you already regretted saying you love me?
Lilly bit her lower lip, she regretted asking him to kiss her: That's not what matters now. I need you to promise me, that in the middle of the fire of your anger you will remember that I wanted we stay away every single time since the first time we met. Please Andrew please remember how many times I wanted us to stay away from each other.
Andrew was thinking but nothing about what she said made sense: Do you understand how angry you're making me Lou? What are you doing? You're the one who's always been direct and clear? You're hiding something??
He suddenly snapped: What's wrong Lou and why are you not sleeping here?
Lilly saw his anger and realized he will only push harder if she stays, she went closer and wrapped her arms around his waist putting her head on his chest: Don't be angry Andrew. Tomorrow. We speak tomorrow. I'll go now.
She freed herself from his arms that were holding her.
He grabbed her hand as she was leaving: Don't go Lou. Stay and we talk.
Lilly: Tomorrow. We talk tomorrow if you still want to. Just don't try to call me or reach me tonight. Please.

She left the house and stayed in her car crying her heart out. She was praying for some love in his heart that would be the miracle she needs, when he knows who she is.

Back in his house, Andrew was pacing in between the rooms in complete confusion. He gathered himself to ring her. Maybe she would be able to speak and tell him what's wrong, now she's not with him. Her phone rang while he was promising himself, he will not sound angry, nor he will shout at her.  He promised himself to explain that he was taken by her telling him she loves him and that his feelings are very strong for her and she's the only one he doesn't want her gone. He wants her near. He wants more days. More time. He wants to show her more of himself.
He rang her phone and kept ringing, but she couldn't answer. She was still crying and had no clue what to tell him when they're only hours away before being officially introduced...

It was a very long night. They both kept rolling in their beds. They both typed texts but deleted them, they typed other words and didn't send. They both thought of going to each other's house but prevented themselves. Eventually their eyes closed only out of being extremely anxious and tired.

Coming Face-to-Face
It was an unbelievable heavy load on her heart when she got dressed in her black and white elegant top under her black elegant satin suit. She pulled her hair in an elegant sleek low ponytail and added some light makeup just to cover up her tired face and eyes!
She went very early and sat with her new CFO and Paul trying to understand what financial implication they might face and if the acquisition will handle the missed resources of her interrupted supply chain and the frozen marketing campaigns she used to do before these six weeks.
Her heart ached at how all her feelings changed from extreme resentment to full affection to Andrew Johnson.
Her heart dropped every time she looked at her watch showing that they were approaching to the time of their meeting. She, as Lilly asked him nicely in the last virtual call to make the acquisition official meeting at her office; so, Andrew can meet the team who will be called specially to meet the new management. He tried to keep the meeting in his building; their owned administration huge Johnson building, but she asked him to keep it this time in her office and any future meetings can take place at the Johnson building.
They called from the security that the Johnsons party arrived, she was breathing with huge difficulty, when she tried to look very professional. She went to her office and asked that Mr Andrew meets her privately while they all wait in the meeting-room.
Andrew was so aggressive and refused to meet Ms. Davis alone and informed her assistant that there was nothing that needs to be discussed privately and not with the whole team. She was hoping that they have a minute alone, but he denied her even her last chance.

Lilly held her head up high and walked into the meeting room; Andrew was standing looking at David's direction with his back to the door, when Lilly accompanied by her CFO and Paul went into the meeting room.
Andrew saw his brother's face freeze when the team entered, he turned to find Lou, Paul and a third guy.
She spoke with confidence to cover up her confusion and sadness: Gentlemen; I would like to officially introduce myself, Marylou Davis founder and CEO, Paul Davis the operation manager & Jack Butler the CFO of Lilly Moda.
She would have usually shack hands but not this time.
Andrew's face was boiling with anger: your name is Mary-Lou? Not Lilly Davis??
Lilly: my official name's Mary-Lou... Lilly is the name known publicly in the market.
David looked so disappointed: I cannot believe it Lou. You and Paul?! What was that all about? It cannot be true!!
Andrew snapped: Can we keep personal stuff out of our business discussions? I would like to start with our presentation, Ms. Lina Ying our financial expert will explain the offer.

Presentation started and Lilly questioned the lady thoroughly but managed to smile friendly at her every time she wanted to reject an idea.
Andrew didn't want to interrupt till Lilly looked them in the eyes both him and David: Mr Johnson, I still insist that we discuss partnership based on a merger rather than an acquisition. You both already know where I stand from this offer and how many times, I rejected the offer. I believe that we will do much better...
Andrew snapped: I don't care much of what you believe Ms. Lou; that's your name too, isn't it?
She bit her lip in confusion, but quickly held her head high and whispered: Yes! Humm, Mr Johnson please we have an alternative plan that we would like you to just listen to...
He snapped: No, I won't Ms. Davis and nothing of what you are trying to do or already did would change our plans
Her eyes widened and she dared him: Then my company is not for sale and I will handle my issues differently even if this means I find another partner! You simply cannot make me!
Andrew looked at her boiling: Sorry Lilly you have to let go of your toy! I already bought your debts, and I can take legal action to declare a total bankruptcy of Lilly Moda.
She looked shocked, when Paul asked: You bought our debts? When? How did our suppliers agree to do that?
Andrew snapped again: Not only. You think you are bidding us on how much of your shares?
Lilly froze: What do you mean?
Andrew never announced before that he also bought her 5% published shares; he was just thinking that this is his revenge for stubborn Lilly, and he was counting the minutes to tell her and see the terrible pain on her face. That very same innocent face that he loved looking at all those previous weeks.
Andrew took full control as usual: Your debts to the Italian suppliers is worth 15% of your firm's value, to the French 35%, the Indians & the Chinese your former CFO already overpaid them, but it doesn't count
Paul snapped: Our former CFO whom you bought to make us sink!?
Andrew acted as if he didn't even hear him: On top of these 50% of your company's worth, I bought the 5% public shares. Do the math Ms. "Master of Economies holder"!
Her face showed terrible pain, he's beaten her. He controlled 55% of her company's worth. Even a merger wouldn't give her any managerial rights... she swallowed with difficulty.
She eventually spoke: I believe we all can use a break, maybe a quick coffee
He didn't comment, only stood and went to look through the window.
She went to her office with Paul and her CFO: We are done. Aren't we?? He's got me under his teeth
Paul looked sad: Come on sis... you fought till the end. Don't be sad now.
She looked away and asked them to leave her alone for a moment.

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