Chapter 14. David's Birthday

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Andrew was watching her as she was watching the stock market as usual when she looked suddenly at him: What? It's not nice to stare at people, stranger!
Andrew smiled pulling her to his side: Come her stranger. I wanna kiss your lips. Can I?
Lou smiled shyly: Why? Why would you want to kiss a stranger?
Andrew tucked her hair behind her ear while looking softly at her eyes: Maybe cause this stranger has found herself a place...
He cut off his words and looked away. She was saddened by his silence and sudden coldness, but then reminded herself that it was for the best, he's trying to hold himself and probably she should too. As she was about to leave the room, he took her hand: I know I promised we don't overthink. But we've became...
She kneeled in front of him between his legs: Hush Andrew. No explanations needed. I understand, I too keep fighting the million questions that keep popping up into my head. Unless...
Andrew looked puzzled: Unless what?
She looked down: Unless you don't want me. I can move back to my house and...
He quickly put his fingers on her lips: Now you hush! Or I will close your lips with mine. Oh God, how I want that.
She looked down shyly: Not yet... If we start, we will want more... Then our confusion will only multiply.
He smiled: Like your high-school friend?
He wrapped her inside him in a soft hug and kissed her hair.

David passed by them that evening and told his brother secretly that his Dad want to meet Lou. He was wondering who is this lady, who moved in with you that fast and is actually still there... Andrew smiled and didn't comment.
David: Lou, come join us. Need to tell you about my birthday!
Lou: When is that?
Andrew: That's a round figure birthday! It's his thirty's
Lou: Nice! We have to make a nice gathering and celebrate, David!
David winked at his brother: Well, Dad thinks the same!
Andrew: Of course, he'll want a big party at the villa
David looking a bit hesitant, as if he didn't want to tell his brother: I invited Mom.
Andrew's face changed as he snapped: Why? Because she was around the previous 22 years??
David: Because you can't ignore her forever Bro!
Heavy silence took over the place, till David looked at Lilly: Lou, can you please help me? Dad won't do anything, but he expects everything to be perfect
Lou looked carefully at Andrew: Sure Dave, it shouldn't be a big thing. Are you expecting 10-15 people?
Andrew laughed: More of 90-100 people, Babes!
Lou smiled: Can't be! It's a birthday not a wedding!
David smiled: I wish I knew where to start. But I was thinking of also asking Mom to help us. Andrew please, can I?
Andrew was getting annoyed: You know how I feel about her. I don't trust her and her pushing to make up for the lost time and all that nonsense.
Lou noticed the sad face of David's and poked Andrew's elbow, but he didn't go back on what he said
Lou smiled: Can't we think of the birthday as a stand-alone truce? I mean she will be there in all cases. Won't she?
David begged Andrew: Please Andrew, I want her around and it would mean the world to her if she arranged the party with Lou!
Andrew: What about Dad?? He won't let her!
David smiled: Don't ask me how, but he said ok when I asked him
Andrew looked surprised but kept silent
David had to ask again: Andrew please, think of it as if it's my birthday present.
Lou was puzzled at how angry Andrew was compared to David while their Mom left them both!
Andrew looked sad: Fine. But Lou, be very careful. Don't trust her with anything!
David: Great! Thanks Bro! I'll share her contact now with you Lou!
Her phone beeped, Lilly looked at the contact Mom; Christina Chris: Wait, your Mom is the famous fashion designer Christina Chris? Are you both kidding me??
Andrew narrowed his eyes to her: How do you know her??
Lilly smiled containing her excitement: Come on. Who doesn't? She's an icon & inspiration to many women!
Andrew was looking angry at her as he burst: Well, she left her two sons under 10 years old each to make an icon of herself.
Lou was annoyed at his steel face: That was like 20 years ago? She too must have been very young.
Andrew snapped again: and that is supposed to be a good excuse she left us?
Lou was about to snap back, but she thought silence would be better; specially when she noticed pain in Andrew's and David's face. Not only anger.

The Villa
The following morning, Lilly texted Christina telling her that she is a friend of Andrew & David's and she wants to connect to arrange the birthday.
Her phone rang almost immediately
Christina: Hi Lou, I've been waiting for your call, please call me Tina
Lilly liked her warm sound: Hi Tina... I have to tell you I'm a big fan of your work before we start
Tina smiled: Didn't know you are in fashion?
Lilly realized she spoke too fast: I was referring to your charities. I happened to be at the orphanage you donated the clothes to, on Christmas
Tine: Oh, that thing. I was so grateful I was given the chance. They made me so happy.
Lilly paused a little, then suggested they meet at the villa to check the party option areas, which Tina agreed to immediately. They agreed they'd meet at 3.30 when the Johnsons were still in office.
Lou texted Andrew, while Tina texted David telling them about the meeting at the villa; they were both with their Dad in a meeting as they told each other while he was listening.
For no good reason, Edward decided to head to the villa – all three of them- to meet the ladies, specially Lou, he said.
David got worried: Dad, can't we arrange it another day, at least she would know?
Andrew looked so still at his father who still insisted to go meet them: You know that we are not even considering ourselves to be together dad... just keep it casual
Edward had a mocking face: You've been sleeping together for couple of months; she's moved to your house and you are not together??
Andrew: We aren't sleeping together. She's religious and won't do that, she doesn't want to cloud our judgment, she said
Edward looked at David who also looked puzzled as it was the first time, he knew that: Religious as in?? What??
Andrew: Christian... churches, charities, Sunday mass with her brother and father every week. That kind.
Edward looked puzzled at Andrew: Why would you put up with this? You aren't sleeping around, are you?!
Andrew only shook his head and stood to finish the discussion: If you want to be there with the ladies, we better move now.

The two ladies meeting was so easy going and they immediately linked and started talking about what they were both wearing, then hair, then make-up till they settled in the kitchen counter having a coffee.
Tina: That's your first time here in the villa?
Lou: Yeah. Haven't met their father. How's he If I can ask?
Tina had a smile in her eyes: Edward? Well, he can be very intimidating. But his heart is...
She cut off her words to the frozen face of Lou poking her hand softly to stop talking: Andrew, David; you didn't say you will join
Edward snapped: Excuse me? I need permission from you into my house??
Lou narrowed her eyes and snapped back: That's far from what I said. Nice meeting you too Mr Johnson
Edward smiled looking at Tina: How are you Tina?
Tina couldn't help a sweet smile as she headed to kiss David, shake hands with reluctant Andrew then hugging Edward for a quick soft hug: Eddy! How are you?
Lou tried to close her mouth that dropped at Tina/ Eddy smiling eyes while she thought he'd be cold or angry. Seems her and the two sons' faces were noticed by both Tina & Eddy who moved away looking cold instantly.
David had to break the silence: Mom, where do you think we should have the gathering?
Lou smiled and grabbed the conversation to make a very tensed place become a little better: We were thinking that the garden would be nice, what do you think?
David replied fast: No, I wanna keep the garden to my wedding, we make the birthday in the reception area
Edward snapped: Wedding, what am I missing here
David laughed: Nothing Dad, it's just I don't want to use up the place- I just want to keep it till later.
Edward laughed: Wait until we see what happens with Andrew and religious Lou
Andrew was so still: Whatever happens you will know about it when we both want to speak about it. No disrespect Dad.
Lilly was starting to feel totally uncomfortable, but kept her head held up while Edward seemed to be examining her, till finally shot a most unexpected comment: Well, religious Lou, you don't expect my son to fall into a marriage just to sleep with you. He will simply go sleep around, you understand how stupid this game is, don't you?
They all froze, except Lilly: With all due respect Mr Johnson, I understand you worry about Andrew, I believe my Dad would also worry about me, but he will trust I can make my own judgments on what I want or do not want to do. I guess you trust Andrew as much, don't you?
Andrew smiled at her quick polite reply: Dad, why are asking her while you can ask me?
Edward was not happy with her confronting him so openly: No, I still ask her. Why are you hanging up to him? And why did you move that fast to his place? As you said it's my duty as a father to worry
Andrew: Dad please, I asked her to move in with me.
Lilly: It's fine Andrew, very honestly Mr Johnson; I don't think Andrew, or I can give you a clear answer to that. We are still trying to find our reasons on our own. But if we, any of us I mean, found reasons not to be together we are honest enough about it that we will simply go different ways...
There was silence with all eyes wide-open on her, she continued: I wish I had clearer answer, a firmer one, but at least I shared the truth.
Edward's eyes were so still: What about his needs, does he have to sleep around, because you don't want to sin?
Lilly tried to smile but was too bitter: I guess he needs to simply say it's over and gets himself out of this hook!
Andrew moved around the table and hugged her from her back: It's not over ... thanks Dad for worrying and caring that much, but we are fine. More than fine!
He smiled and kissed her temple, she breathed and felt more confident after that integration.
Edward: Fine, I will leave you ladies to arrange the birthday, but we all dine together, as you are already here.
He left the room before any of the totally surprised four of them could say a word.

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