Chapter 13. The whole Forty Nights

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Who said that adapting to new habits can take up 66 days or more? They both didn't; they both were hocked on each other. Ever since that night they agreed to let it be. Only warmth, happy times. Dining or fast food. Dancing or just hanging up with each other. Cooking and listening to her music. Movie watching with popcorn nights. Sleeping till late on weekends to open his eyes to her bringing him breakfast in bed.
David told them in one of the evenings he was envious, and he wished he'd find a woman like Lou who'd be the mother of his children. He was laughing that he got so desperate in a certain phase of his life that he will not; but seeing them both revived his hopes. He truly liked Lou and told her all about his heartbreak. She told him to keep his faith. Positive thoughts will only bring positive happenings and at least he'll be happy till it really happens!!

Paul from another hand was the alarming voice in his sister's head; he was always reminding her that Andrew's original ruthless character will win him over and in the first dispute they have he will hurt her badly. And even if this doesn't happen now, it will just happen once they meet as her real character Mary-Lou Davis owner and founder of Lilly Moda.
That last part was the real scary part for Lilly. She tried couple of times to tell him who she was but was so fascinated with the way they felt for each other. She always wanted to wait a little more. Specially when she managed every single time to postpone their meetings. Two times made her lose sleep of worry the night before their happening.
One time when he wanted to reserve them flights and hotel at a beautiful resort where they stayed the whole weekend; but to her surprise, reading her name didn't attract his attention or ring a bell for him in any way, so she felt like keeping it a little longer and not losing having additional days with him.
The other scary time was when he insisted on having a video call with Lilly to explain the full acquisition plan, compensation, benefits and timelines. She managed to apologize that she's sick and won't open the camera and she will use the chat box as she doesn't have a voice due to her flu.
Somehow it worked. Andrew hated her (as Lilly) and thought she was stubborn, and she was trying to postpone the inevitable. She was furious when he said that and replied harshly; typing it: Maybe it's easy for you Mr Johnson that you think you can come and harvest what you didn't plant and watched over till it blossomed. He replied that she was becoming so possessive that she doesn't even see the opportunities this acquisition would do to her young, limited business: It's far from blossoming Ms. Davis. With me it will reach new limits you never thought you can do in 30-40 years. She still hated this side of his character. The meeting was really bad & it put her spirits so down.
When they met later; he felt she was sad, and she was looking at him with real examining eyes: What's wrong Lou? Your head is ping-ponging when you promised we don't do that. Right?
She nodded: Sorry, I'll stop.
He pulled her near him wrapping his arms around her waist: Thanks for being honest about it. Actually, I catch myself doing exactly the same. But I guess I never told you. Remind me why we wanted not to think of what else and what's next?
She smiled daring him: Maybe because of the monster that used to pop up with his head freaking the hell out of both us?
He smiled kissing her cheek taking her face in his palm: Can't find much of this monster anymore Lou. Have you made a miracle and it's tamed?
She kissed him back softly under his chin: as if that is even possible?
Andrew was melting at her touch and at the closeness of her body to his on the sofa: Don't kiss me. Don't awaken another monster... it's been weeks now.
She slipped out of his arms controlled only with the idea that she surely cannot get more involved specially sexually with him. Also, not before he knows who she was, no matter how she was dying to. She was melting at every touch and kiss since weeks now.
She stood by the window taken in her thoughts not noticing that he was becoming angrier at himself revealing himself to her and angry at her slipping off his arms not caring how he feels.
He stood behind her crossed armed and spoke forcefully: Is it too rebelling, that you had jump up? Thinking of us Fxxxing?
She was shocked by his angry voice which made her burst: Jesus Andrew. What is that question? And this language? Honestly, you've just killed the moment! That's terrible.
She tried to move away, but he grabbed her arm in anger: Why you think I killed the moment? Let me revive it and show you how much you will enjoy it Lou. I've already waited too long for this to happen!
She was so shocked at his anger and what he said as she didn't feel her impulsive reaction punching him hard in the stomach, running to the bedroom locking it. She burst into tears at her huge disappointment at him.
He was so shocked and under pain of her unbelievable self-defense reaction that he sat for a moment on the couch. His regret that he's spoken these untrue words hurt him more. Much more. He wasn't waiting up for them to have sex. He never wanted to push her. He didn't even know why he said that.

Not Safe
She collected herself in no time; called James and asked him to come get her to her house asking him to come into the house to help her with her luggage.
She went out of the room with her suitcase only when James told her he's out waiting for her.
Andrew was standing by James looking at her as if he would kill her while she completely avoided looking at him.
Andrew: James, please take the suitcase, Lou and I will talk
Lilly: James please I'm coming with you immediately
James: Ms. Lou if you please, I will wait outside
Lilly: Even if I told you I don't feel safe?
Andrew was shocked and felt bad, so bad she wasn't safe with him that she put James in the middle: James, do you think I can hurt her?
James answered hearty: of course not!... If you both excuse me.
James whispered to her as he took the suitcase: He would never hurt you. I will be behind the door if this makes you feel better.

Andrew was standing looking through the window and waited till she controlled her anger. She went and sat on the couch behind him: Can we have this done. Cause honestly, I have no clue what you can possibly say that would make me change my mind and stay one more minute with you.
He turned and looked at her cross armed: If you want to go, I won't stop you. But it's not true. I wasn't waiting for us to sleep together.
She looked at him freezing her pain: It came out in a moment of pressure. It's your true feelings, no matter how you want to deny them to me or yourself. It's the only reasonable explanation for putting up with me all these weeks.
Andrew kept the distance between them: I felt insulted at your slipping away but would never force it. I have never done anything like that my whole life. And you. Out of the whole world. I would never force you to anything.
She stood to walk out: You are still lying to yourself, which is worse than lying to me.

James took her home; she was crying the whole time when he handled her the tissue box and stopped by the supermarket to get her dark chocolate. She smiled thanking him, then closed her eyes trying to avoid James worried eyes in the mirror. His phone rang and she was scared it would be Andrew, but it was a video call from another handsome man: "I've missed you, love!" The other guy said while the phone was on the speaker. James took the phone quickly looking embarrassed and started whispering.
Lilly took her phone and called her sister to check on her and distract herself from embarrassed James or thinking of Andrew the monster who waited all this time only to sleep with her.

The rest of day and night were terrible. She was restless between crying her heart out and blaming herself and feeling sorry that he was so cruel then feeling sorry for him if what he said was true and it was a stupid reaction when he felt insulted. Her head was pounding with a terrible headache.
She suddenly remembered the times he came into the room when she was in her underwear or coming out of shower and he would quickly apologize and leave the room. Or when they would be holding and she looks dreamily at him, and he only moves her face to the side to kiss her cheek. He never even tried to kiss her lips. Not once he used her weakness; even when it was so obvious, she was dying for a kiss.

Her feeling changed instantly. She tried to understand how he must feel and how he's too proud to make a move closer. But this could mean they lose each other. Something snapped inside her, she cannot do that. And not for this reason. He is telling the truth.
She grabbed her phone and texted "that day when you came to the room while I only had my bra and panty on. Why did you apologize and leave?"
He inhaled and breathed deeply at her text "and that day on the pool with your steamy hot red bikini when you sat so close. I had problems breathing but wouldn't touch more than your hand?!"
She remembered that day; it was actually frustrating he didn't even sit near and always kept a distance.
She kept pacing in the house thinking of all these little details. He could have had advantage of her many times and he didn't. "Jesus, did I really have to leave the house?" She thought to herself.

She was trying to think how to work it out. How to go back to him.
She took a shower which was always her secret way to release her anxiety and think things over, she grabbed her phone, then decided to call him: Hi!
His voice was warm: Babes!
She sat on the bed: I know it's not true...
He smiled in relief: Open the door, or should I use my keys?
She jumped out as he turned the key, she ran into his arms as he kissed her temples, cheek and hair: I'm sorry Lou. I swear it's untrue
She kissed all his face: I know. I know. I'm sorry too
He carried her to the dining table, seated her stepping back to keep space between them, but she opened her legs and circled his body pushing him inside her. He stepped back quickly: No Lou... We don't.
She was so embarrassed: I'm sorry. I didn't' mean to.
He inhaled under the pain of having to let go of her body: I've never felt I needed you more than tonight. But you... taking your suitcase and leaving was so scary that I will wait for as long as you want.
Lilly closed her legs in total embarrassment biting on her lower lip: I thought we would ... I mean now...
Andrew came closer moved her legs to the side and held her in his arms: You're under the emotional stress of today. We both are. I would never take advantage out of that.
She nodded looking down.
He lifted her chin and smiled: Did you really punch me? It was so painful by the way!
She looked worried: I'm very sorry Andrew. I don't even know how I did that; it's something I learnt in collogue.
He smiled: You're scary Lou. I wouldn't have guessed.
His phone rang interrupting them: Yeah James, you can leave, she took me in. Thanks buddy!
She felt ashamed and put her hands on her face, while talking from far signaling to him to give her the phone: Sorry James!
Andrew gave her the phone, she put it on speaker: No worries at all Ms. Lou. He's a great guy, a real gentleman; please do not tell him I said that he doesn't like removing formalities.
She smiled: Yeah James. Please accept my apology for today. I didn't act right, and I made you feel uncomfortable.
James answered heartly: I was happy you asked for my help Ms. Lou! No worries at all...
Andrew smiled at her: He's been with me since years now ... great guy and very protective of you. You know I trust him.
Lilly smiled: I noticed, you don't even sit in the back unless I'm with you, you always sit beside him. Sometimes I feel he's bodyguard slash driver
Andrew nodded: Slash friend... he's honest and straight
Lilly looked at him with a naughty smile: Not so sure about straight! His boyfriend video called him and he was so embarrassed!
Andrew looked surprised at her: He's not gay. I don't think so.
She shrugged her shoulders: Anyways, I still feel guilty. What do you feel like? How can I make it up for you?
Andrew lifted her down from the dining table: I don't feel like going out without James and it's been a long day, what do you think we just watch T.V?
She looked at his tired eyes: You're tired, so am I, we jump into our pjs and listen to music in bed till sleep hits
He circled her waist and headed to the room: Egyptian music my fairy please.

Once again, her theory that people tend to know each other better when they dispute proved itself, they only were growing closer by the day. She told Paul that she needs time with him while he knew that his sister completely fell for Andrew as if he was a totally different person than the one, she hated for trying to take away her hard-earned successful business.

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