Chapter 25. The Proposal

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Couple of days later, Andrew asked her to try to join him earlier at home and he will get a takeout, so they spend time together. Something in her heart jumped with happiness. Could it be that the conversation of Edward made Andrew think of telling her how he felt?? She felt his love in everything they did together. She felt his love every single night when he wouldn't sleep unless she's held in his arms. When he'd go with her to the church while he didn't have to, but just did it to be together with her. When he'd go to her father's and hear his love story with her late Mom over and over again just cause he used to feel how it made the old man happy. When he'd go out with Noura and Paul and was really trying to gain his trust that he wasn't going to hurt her in any way. In his staying for hours helping the sick people and their families at the Kidney center, help organize and arrange appointments and operation schedules as part of the needed volunteering work time; just because she was doing it and he wanted to try it. Then he became more addicted to this fulfilling, rewarding feeling more than gaining thousands of dollars in a business deal. When he'd go birthdays of the children of the orphanage taking cakes and presents and dance their hearts out with the children. He must love her, she thought!

Reaching home, she found him standing with a beautiful bunch of red roses and white Lillis. Her favorite! She smiled rushing to hold him softly
Andrew held her but she felt he broke the hold too soon
Lilly: Thanks for the flowers
Andrew kissed her forehead: Most welcome babes. Hungry? Can we eat?
She nodded: Will you give me minute?
She felt something was going to happen and wanted to look pretty. She quickly went to change into a beautiful simple black dress that had beautiful butterflies' patterns! She was happy as one of these butterflies, she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror
Andrew smiled at her when she returned and started to arrange food: You're beautiful Lou!
She smiled happily. When they started to eat, she noticed he wasn't really eating and could tell his head was working heavily: I thought you're hungry?
Andrew shocked his head: Not really. Just wanted you to eat
Lilly smiled: Don't want. Just need to hear you out!
He smiled bitterly eaten up with worry: And why you think there's something I want to tell you?
She shrugged her shoulders at his instant coldness. Andrew looked so official suddenly leaving his fork and knife on the plate: It seems that everyone around us is expecting our relation to advance. Including you, which is fine with me.
Lilly was taken back by his cold way of starting the conversation: Why are you making it so official as if it was a business deal Andrew. And no, we don't need to take any moves if you do not feel we should!
Andrew looked silent and empty faced for a minute: It is a business deal Lilly, obviously we can't share bed unless we're married and in all cases I really want to have children of my own.
She was the one with the blank face this time... he continued calmly: This comes with a set of conditions Lilly, you said you loved me, so this would make things fall in place easier ... you need to sign a prenup which will grant you a generous amount of money in case we separate but I get to keep our children regardless of their age. You are not to travel or leave our house unless we are together, or I permit exceptionally. This new company of yours; you close it off and come work for me... if not Lilly Moda; we can check alternatives.
Lilly was unable to breathe with every single word that came out of his lips. She kept silent as she looked lost, then said weakly: And love Andrew? Do you love me??
He looked so cold: Ask me this in five years, when everything falls in the right place. Plus, you said you loved me. As I said, it should make everything better for you.
She fell into deep sadness: I believe you understand that I need to think about your proposal or... whatever this is called
She left to the bedroom and sat in bed unable to think as she played his offer in her head.
It must have been hours before she changed and was about to leave the house
Andrew: What is that?
She looked annoyed: What?
Andrew: You hide in the room for hours then now you're leaving without a word??
She snapped in anger: I need to breathe- if that's ok with you!
He looked so angry: Fine! Just for you to know... no one can know anything about our agreement!
Lilly smiled bitterly: Wasn't going to Andrew. Nothing to be so proud of, anyways!!
He was furious at her comment: What is that supposed to mean?
She opened the door: Later. We speak later.
She slammed the door behind her and walked out.
She kept walking in the park till her rage came down then it was replaced by sadness. She texted him that she will sleep at her place to think it over. He replied a cold "fine. Just remember that we dine with Dad & Tina tomorrow. They are expecting us after office"
She typed Ok and slipped the mobile away in her pocket.
She didn't get any peace the whole night. She felt she was in a nightmare and needed to speak about it to anyone. But with his instructions not to; she felt paralyzed.

Tina & Eddy
Following day, she reached the Villa and was wearing more makeup than usual; just to cover up her low spirits and puffy eyes.
He was still trying to make things look normal when Tine looked suspiciously at her but said nothing. She only hugged her warmly.

He went to her while she was standing alone in the garden
He looked impatient: Well?
Lilly spoke slowly: Then I only get to live with you if I'm always moving under your wing. I'm not allowed to have my own wings to fly?
Andrew looked angry at her direct question: And you consider this bad? Can you imagine how many women around the world are dreaming of this night and day & it doesn't happen to them??
Lilly tried to keep her voice controlled: I'm no Cinderella, Andrew. I've never waited for a prince charming to make my happiness. You know me better. I create... I do... I make... I need not a prince charming.
Andrew was so puzzled, he kept thinking to himself; how she says she loves me. Wouldn't people want to be together under any naming of it, when they are in love?
Lilly was sad of his silence, but she drifted to Tina & Eddy: Look at them Andrew. That's how we will end up. We will repeat the exact heartbreaking scenario they both lived... I will suffocate under your attempts of controlling me in few years. I wish you could see it from my perspective. I want you to want me free and not because I'm trapped with you as one of your empire's subjects... I want to fly and be able to come back to you...
Andrew was furious but spoke so calmly: Fly? The way Tina flew and never came back? And you think I will just be the man waiting home for my wife to show up when she's done proving herself and all this nonsense in your head? I offer you to prove yourself within my empire as you just called it! What is there to refuse?
Lilly's tears gathered: The whole thing Andrew, your proposal is only insulting me in every possible way! Why are you even making this offer if you don't love me?
Andrew was now furious and snapped: I thought you had better brains and would know better than wanting me to lie with fooling love words. Tell me if I lied, you would have accepted??
Lilly looked shocked: I thought... by now... but then why me? If you don't have feelings for me. Why link yourself to me Andrew...
She suddenly held her head up and took a step backwards: You know something. Don't bother answering that. I don't care. My answer to your proposal is no thank you.

She was so furious leaving the Villa when Edward called her: Hey Lou, where to? Aren't you staying for dinner??
She just couldn't help bursting in his face: No, I'm not. Edward can I ask you something personal?
He raised an eyebrow while Tina looked puzzled at her: Sure, even though I can't understand what personal issues you would discuss with me??
Lilly smiled softly: Just remember I'm asking this because I became so fond of you both. But you owe me no replies.
They both looked even more surprised at her: Have you ever noticed Tina's eyes that are so full of love to you Edward?? Have you ever realized that she never filed for divorce all these years?? Have you ever understood your own feelings of sheer happiness when you're around her?? For God's sake Edward... It's been twenty-two long lonely years for you both!! What on earth are you waiting for??
They were all in freezing shock including Andrew and David who were at the door listening in full surprise.

She turned and went out searching for James: Can you please take me home, my flat, if you please
When she went inside the car, she gazed from the window feeling defeated. But this time her heart and emotions were the ones defeated. She didn't know how to make him love her. His conditions and offer insulted her dignity and hurt her feelings.

Andrew called James and asked him to drop Lilly at his place and tell her they are not finished talking.
James told her as he looked at her and she smiled bitterly. What more he needs to say, she talked to herself. She then nodded to James to take her there.

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