Chapter 2. The Escort

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Lilly knew that Andrew was dealing with all the small companies that he bought as if he was collecting the most successful small to medium companies in a collection to ensure coverage of all aspects of different trade! Perfumes, lingerie's, makeup, children's wear, men's clothing and now her ladies' fashionable garments& products.
It was obvious to her that he was closing up his collection with her lifetime dream company.
She had to find a way to understand what's the possibility to make him change his mind and leave her in peace. And at the same time, how can she undo the huge exposure of her company and from where she can get funds to overcome the cash unavailability?!
Things were tightening up around Lilly and in a mere fortnight; situation of her firm changed dramatically.

That day as she was working remotely from home - as she was in no mood to go to the office; specially after firing her Finance Manager- Paul called her and told her a strange thing about Andrew
Paul: Can you believe he requests an escort to accompany him to business dinners and parties? How strange is that?
Lilly laughed at the idea: He needs to pay a woman to bear up with him for the evening! But, look at his photos with all these women, makes sense, I guess!
Paul laughed: Unbelievable, isn't it?? But I would pay this woman to know what is he like from near!
Lilly agreed laughing: I would give her the last cash we have!
She suddenly turned into her serious voice: But no matter what she tells me; I wanted to check out this man myself! If I only could....
Lilly and Paul jumped instantly at the idea!
Paul: Absolutely! Why don't you go as his escort?
Lilly paused for a minute: I guess I could!! He never saw me and even if he saw any official photos of mine, he would never recognize me!
Paul: I wish I can be the fly on the wall! I too am dying to know everything about him!
Lilly: As much as I'm tempted as much as I'm fearful. What if he had someone after me and knows how I looked or even worse; this Finance Manager of ours gave him a full brief about me when he bought him!!
Paul: Yeah, I guess you are right. After all, he will not open up or show his character to an escort he's using to frame his picture for an outing!
They both hang up the call, but the idea wouldn't leave Lilly's head!!
In less than an hour Paul who knows his sister too well called her back with full details about the girl assigned to be Andrew's escort for the evening.

His house
Lilly was standing in front of the elevator of his house, in so much anticipation. She still cannot believe how easily things worked out... Paul called up the girl who should have been the escort and convinced her not to go and not to inform her agency, and that someone else will replace her. He bought her silence generously.

Lilly was dressed in an elegant little black dress which she thought wouldn't be too elegant for an escort and put on her luck charm, the little blue butterfly pendant which rested beautifully around her neck taking away the eye from her exposed sabrina neckline sleeveless dress. Her shoulder-length red hair looked sweet in a bob cut that made her a totally different person than any of her photos that Andrew might have seen- after all she changed her hairstyle after getting into fashion from her boring brown hair.
Her heartbeats when ringing the doorbell were much higher than ever... Andrew came out naked wrapping his lower body part with a small towel!
Before she knew it; Lilly shouted at him: Wooow!!! How indecent, what on earth is that, and how do you think that a respectable person would be making any kind of business if that's how he opens his door to a lady?!
Andrew was shocked at her instant anger, narrowed his eyes at the idea that she was actually shouting at him: Are you the escort sent by the agency? And you are really shouting at your client? Very impressing!
Lilly remembered that Escorts wouldn't be so daring, but was still angry, she narrowed her eyes in return: I guess i don't like what my client is implying & i will leave. Call the agency for another.
Andrew didn't expect this reaction, he quickly grabbed her arm as she turned to leave: Ooh, not so fast. I decide when you leave not you.
Lilly was about to shout again, but he pulled her inside the house closing the door, looking fixedly in her eyes: Before you speak again, remember i can make you regret it. Now, tell me exactly what did you think i was implying that made you so angry?
He crossed his arms around his amazing fully muscled chest. Lilly smiled challenging him: You are not scaring me Mr Johnson & i never regretted speaking my mind. You asked for an escort for an outing. This doesn't give you the right to think anything differently and you dare to meet me naked!
Andrew smiled mocking her: And this annoys you because you are a virgin, for instance?! Like you never saw a naked man before?
Lilly was shocked, her face froze, and her eyes widened at what if he knew her, otherwise why would he bring up "being a virgin" to the argument?
Andrew was puzzled at her frozen face but still continued with his annoying mocking mood: Breath little girl, if i wanted anything other than an escort; you would have been thrown to this table under me, screaming.
Lilly started shacking and her face got so pale as she looked so frightened, she tried to control her broken voice: Please just let me go. This is a terrible start already, i cannot see myself spending one more minute around you.
Andrew grabbed her arm as she tried to pass beside him: You're scared, and now trembling. Good! Think well next time before you provoke me.
He pulled her closer looking straight in her eyes, with a real wicked smile: You have no idea what i can do to you little girl.
She pushed him freeing her arm from him and took few steps backward: That's awful. How dare you?!
Andrew burst in laughter: What are you? Is that your first time ever??
Lilly looked down, then into his eyes: I'm not used.... I've never been spoken to in this terrible manner. Plus, I'm doing a friend a favor stepping in her place when she couldn't come to join you!
Andrew looked suspicious: But you are an escort yourself? Anyways, i don't even care! You came half-an-hour early; sit, don't move till i get dressed
Lilly narrowed her eyes: How charming! Anyways, I need to check something on TV if we have another 20 minutes.
Andrew gave her his back and pointed to the living room carelessly.
Lilly couldn't help looking at his back full of muscles and his strong arms, while she was still getting over the way his broad chest looked... she hissed herself to grow up!
She checked the photos of Andrew and other two men on the fireplace of his living room, very obvious it's his dad and brother. They all looked too serious for a family photo she thought, lifeless eyes, no affection, even to each other.

She sat on the couch in the middle of the room with her back to the door and put on the stock market channel and waited for her favorite part of the day; where an analysis report of the day's stock activates is on, she quickly called up her agency and spoke very quietly to Joanna her broker, as they both have been watching a company's stocks that Lilly bought a week ago when it was very low and now it's gained at least 5 points up.
Joanna: Ms. Marylou, if we wait, we can gain more. Think of waiting
Lilly: No Joanna, I'm not waiting, this raise has no solid grounds, it will fall by the market opening tomorrow, hang up with me
She waited exactly for the last few minutes before the closure of the eastern stock market and tried to control the excitement in her voice: Now Joanna, sell.. sell.. sell, all of it!
She burst into laughter when five minutes later the stocks went badly down; seems there were other people doing exactly what she did!
Joanna couldn't stop screaming of excitement: Wow!! That's an easy 27k. I cannot believe you knew it will sink again!
Lilly giggled with joy: Now listen; i want half of the whole amount transferred to the Orphanage and the other half to the County's hospital; i promised i will help with the Kidney unit; we are still far behind I'm afraid, but also the orphanage's toilets and bathrooms cannot wait any longer.
Lilly's heart almost stopped at Andrew's voice coming from behind her: You are far behind with how much??
Lilly stood and looked behind her completely frozen at Andrew elegantly fully dressed, leaning at the door frame with his shoulder, she hated his expressionless face and eyes, there was nothing to read: Joanna, i will call you back, just do what i told you please. Thanks!

She hung-up and tried not to bite her lower lip at the terrible feeling that she needed to lie, he must have read her face as he almost snapped: Don't think, just answer!
Lilly decided she's not going to lie: The kidney unit is missing a lot of needed cash, if that's the question
She tried to control herself and spoke more firmly: and there's no need for you to shout considering you were overhearing a personal call!
He smiled lightly: Where did you learn to do this? The stock market i mean.
She answered coldly: You know you can study that stuff, don't you!
He walked slowly and stood facing her: And you did?? How much did you earn you little devil??
She smiled confidently: Not as much as i needed
He kept his empty face: But why would you give the profit away to the orphanage and the hospital, i don't get it!
She couldn't help looking annoyed: That's personal. Are we ready to go?
He didn't move and kept his eyes fixed looking rather angry that she didn't reply: How much is missed for the kidney unit?
She looked into his eyes trying to understand the reason of his insisting to know, but nothing. His eyes say nothing, he actually looked annoyed at her trying to read him: Don't try to read my mind little missy! Masters tried and failed! So, tell me?
She was annoyed at his cornering her but didn't find any harm in telling him: The unit is still missing around 125 thousand, they are doing a great job to critical cases at this hospital, and the renovation of one of the unites is urgently needed, but they are short of funds.
Andrew was looking at her trying to read or understand why a girl who's working as an escort would know or care about something of that nature: and you know that, because...??
She smiled: I guess for a businessman who calculates everything in life with the profit loss concepts it won't make much sense, but just to fulfill your curiosity; I've been involved with this hospital ever since my Mom was treated there.
Lilly was annoyed and was fed-up with his insisting to get answers, she sounded angrier than she wanted: Now, enough with your integration, can we go?
Andrew saw her sudden grief at the mention of her mother, while she walked to the door: How is she now? Your mother?
Lilly felt a sudden pain in her heart as she looked away and her sound got weak: She passed away.
Andrew wanted to say I'm sorry, but Lilly left and went to the direction of the main door.
When he reached her to leave, he touched her elbow which made her jump, he was so angry: Hey, you cannot jump in front of my guests!!
She snapped looking angry: and you cannot touch me in any way!
He stepped closer taking her neck in his palms pushing her against the wall: You wish! If i wanted to, nothing would stop me silly!
She tried to push his heavy body to move away, which didn't work. She had to speak softly: Please, move away. I'm here for one job, and one job alone. At least let's be civilized about it!
He only got angrier as he laughed at her: Civilized? Who tricked you and told you I'm anything but a savage?!
She was starting to tremble at his closeness and face closing up near hers, which sacred her. Whatever she thought of, she got her answers from his own lips: He's a savage!
She was so taken that she froze instead of pushing him away... something was paralyzing her... but he was the first male body getting that near to hers, after all...
Andrew was shocked at her trembling and only got curious to understand why this woman is nothing like all the others?
When his body was pushing hers against the wall and his eyes were eating up her face and lips, her scared voice begged softly: Please! Can we go?
He was strangely sad to let her go, something in him was screaming for her but he had to stop himself and moved coldly away from her.

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