Chapter 4. Heartless Businessman

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Lilly hated him so much and couldn't bear or stand the time left before dinner was over. Being around this man for even 5 more minutes was like a time bomb before she explodes at his arrogant heartless expressionless face!
The rest of the time, the four men discussed other business matter and other topics.
At last, the two men excused and left, again ignoring Lilly making her feel totally uncomfortable.
David and Andrew asked for a dessert when she insisted, she didn't want any, while they were engaged in another private whispering conversation. Lilly checked her mobile and saw Paul's message that the meeting with the loaner will be tomorrow, but she needs to tell him when and where. She thought that no way she will meet him in the office in case Andrew had other eyes. She very quietly recorded a voice note: Tomorrow, 6.30, Intercontinental downtown Hotel.
She raised her eyes at the two gentlemen almost finishing their discussion, when she spoke softly: I believe I'm done for the evening, i will see myself out.
Andrew narrowed his eyes, as he wasn't ready she's gone, and mostly was annoyed at why wasn't she offering "other extended services" like the other women used to do?: You want to leave before you get paid? That's new!
Lilly was so shocked as her eyes widened, but she stood to leave: Send it to the agency.
She must have been so angry and so eager to leave, that she didn't notice when Andrew stood and circled her waist pushing her into his chest speaking directly in her ears causing her shivers: Not so fast Cinderella. I'm not done with you!
She turned fast freeing herself as if she was struck by lightning and snapped in a higher voice than she meant: Excuse me?!
This only made him angrier as he took her hand harshly guiding her out of the restaurant: watch your voice before i break this small neck of yours!
She tried to free her hand that was now hurting under his fierce hold of it: Ouch, you're hurting me. Let go.
He stopped her facing him: I told you, I'm not done with you. You're coming home with me.
She was so shocked as she managed to take her hand out of his, her voice was showing more anger than fear: I guess you are so mixed up. I filled in to be your escort for dinner. Whatever you want above that, is none of my business, and I'm sure can be requested elsewhere and fulfilled by plenty of options.
He loved her scared voice and her resistance; he took her out as his driver opened the door to them: I don't want anyone else. I want you for the night. Don't get so full of yourself. Most probably the wine is making you seem a bit attractive, that's all. Get in before i make you regret it.
She was really getting so fed-up, she collected herself, stepped closer challenging him: You don't scare me. Actually, i think you will not like it if i call 911 for harassment or worse, call up one of these yellow papers, Mr big shot Businessman!
She didn't wait for an answer, while she ran to one of the taxies standing nearby and jumped asking the driver to move fast. Only then she looked back at Andrew looking cold while David joined him after apparently paying the restaurant bill.

She called Paul and told him everything she found out and that Andrew has no intention to go into partnership. He wants her hard-earned successful business for himself!
It was the first time in years that she cried herself to sleep.

Hotel Meeting
Lilly went to the Intercontinental hotel to meet the loaner; she was hoping that this meeting would be the miracle she's been praying for since last night. Andrew confirmed her fears that his letting go of her business is a very far possibility.
She was at the hotel even earlier than her meeting time after the loaner changed the meeting to 5.30. He arrived followed by Paul.
Business discussions were awful, the guy was so greedy that Lilly couldn't keep up the discussion and kept calculating the interest he wanted; it could literally take the profit for minimum 18 months to come, completely crippling the company. Lilly was so sad. She felt that she now needs to fall into the hands of one of these two terrible men; heartless Andrew or greedy Mr Cohen who's sitting in front of her.
After trying to control herself to the maximum she eventually had to thank the gentleman telling him that they needed to recalculate all income to ensure they were able to pay the loan's installments before agreeing to proceed.
When the man left, she felt exhausted after almost a full hour of negotiations.
Paul: What are you thinking Sis? You look terrible by the way. Much worse than morning.
Lilly ran her fingers in her hair, trying to find her courage and smiled: Shut up! I'm always pretty you silly!
Paul laughed as he stood to leave: Aren't you coming home? You know Dad was asking what's wrong with you last night
Lilly smiled softly remembering that her father told her that he's worried about her when she woke up crying in the middle of the night.
She and her brother never left the house after her mom's passed away.
She told Paul she needed to sit alone when he leaned and kissed her forehead.

She tried to control her tears and her disappointment. When her tears started gathering heavily in her eyes, she decided to leave.
She stood to leave her chair when she felt strong pair of arms holding her tight. As she was trying to move away, he held her back and rested her head on his shoulder
Andrew: What's wrong pretty, why are you crying?
Lilly held her head up and slipped out of his arms, her tearing eyes widened with surprise: How come? What are you doing here?
Andrew: You ran like a frightened child last night when I wasn't finished even talking to you
Lilly was still puzzled: But how did you know where I am
Andrew looked bored: Let's get out of here. Not fond of hotel cafes
Lilly: But I don't want to go anywhere with you. I'm tired and I don't want to ever see you again
Andrew was only annoyed at her sadness: Let's speak in the car
Lilly was shocked at his strong arms circling her waist guiding her to his car and more surprised at her feeling too weak to stop him. She was so quiet when he was only looking at her sitting beside him. He gave her a bottle of water but couldn't help asking her: Who's that, who kissed you?
She looked down and inhaled: My brother, why?
Andrew smiled lightly: Is he the reason you were crying?
Lilly was annoyed he saw her crying: What is it with you and asking personal questions?
Andrew: What is it with you and not answering me?
Lilly: I honestly don't understand why have you taken me from the hotel and what am I doing in your car? It's just I didn't want to make a scene at the hotel but please ask your driver to pull over, I'm getting off
Andrew sat very calm and didn't make any reaction which frustrated her: Mr Johnson are you even listening to me?
Andrew answered calmly as if he's talking to himself: Not really. I'm just wondering why I'm not pulling over and sending you off. And originally, why did i come to see you when i overheard you last night!
Lilly was taken by his anger as it raised: I don't know how to read you? Are you angry from me or from yourself?
Andrew snapped gabbing her arm, speaking with his face near hers: both. You are terribly rebellious and i have no clue why do i want to know everything about you. Or even why i was annoyed when i saw you crying. Or worse, why i wanted to break the neck of this guy who leaned and kissed your forehead!
Lilly: Are you always so possessive? Do you think you can own any woman, just to amuse yourself?
Andrew was looking so angry and still unable to believe he exposed his feelings to her in this silly way: Regardless of this buxxshxx, i wanted to discuss business with you, once we are done you can go and i too don't want to see you again.
Lilly's heart fell, did he know who she is? How possibly could he?
Her voice came softer filled with hidden worry: What business?
Andrew: David and my finance guy are heading to my house, we discuss there.
She was more worried but couldn't ask him again. She was possessed with the idea that he must have knew who she was since yesterday, most probably that's why he's cornering her! But what is that thing he said about wanting to know everything about her? Must be part of his tactics to control her business.
She tried to avoid looking at him while he too regretted so much what he opened up to her. But mostly was annoyed at liking her.

His place again
They were so silent all the way till they reached Andrew's elegant apartment.
Lilly was so worried and wished he'd tell her what he knew, and she would then look so bad with this stupid trick of being his Escort last night!
Upon arrival to his house, he guided her to the living room asking if she wants to drink anything. She only shook her head placing herself on the soft couch of last night's, trying to control how she followed him with her eyes! If she could only read his mind? Is that even possible? She was wondering.
He read her easily, sat beside her looking fixedly into her eyes: What are you searching for?
She kept looking at him not moving her eyes away: A touch of softness or kindness
He looked sad: You won't find. It took me years to ensure there was none left
She was surprised at his blunt comment: How much did you suffer in the process?
He looked surprised she knew it hurt him, but answered firmly: Not as much as if I left others hurting or taking advantage out of me
She looked down: That's a very painful way of living.
He couldn't look in her eyes anymore, he stood, got a bottle of wine from the bar, and showed it to her. She shrugged her shoulders in indifference.
He asked her suddenly: Did you eat?
She stood by the window beside the TV looking out: Didn't have much of an appetite.
He smiled: Good, then we order. Italian? Last night you seemed to like the Italian cheese and wine
She smiled: Why do you want to feed me if we will not meet ever again? Why would you care?
He wished he knows the answer, what was so different about her? He moved closer handling her the wine.
Andrew: Open this... Italian? Chinese? Sushi? What do you feel like?
Lilly opened the wine and poured the glass. She liked the small smile on his face: What about David & the other guy?
He touched her cheek softly moving closer to her lower lip, which scared her and made her move away.
He took her wrist stopping her: Why do you escape? It's not so nice
Lilly was so calm as she looked directly in his eyes: I'm sorry if I'm not like the other people around you who throw themselves at your feet, too scared to oppose you or say no to your face! Too bad for you! I told you since yesterday I'm not one of these women. Why are you trying again?
At this point he grabbed her in his strong arms which took her by surprise: Then tell me why you're melting and shacking when I hold you
Lilly realized she was shaking, she tried to sound strong: I'm not. You only try to scare me. Then it frustrates me and I'm angry!
Andrew smiled taking her glass putting it away and holding her ignoring her asking him to let go of her: Stop struggling. You realize that it's temporary. Me, wanting you?
Lilly looked puzzled: Do you even realize what a terrible thing to say is that?
Andrew moving his hand on her back: It's simply true! Once I know you better, I won't be able to disregard your character's defects
Lilly narrowed her eyes in anger: Simple then! I can easily tell you my & your character's defects and we have this done and finished now! Won't that be easier for both of us?
Andrew raised his eyebrow: So you think you know my personal defects? You're dreaming!
She challenged him: If i tell you, will you have the honesty to confess if right or wrong??
Andrew couldn't help a daring smile: Give it a try.
Lilly was trying to fight her feelings at his look into her eyes or her confusion caused by his body's closeness to hers: Fine! let go of me first. You're not clouding my judgement with this pretended interest!

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