Chapter 26. Will you Love me?

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He reached few minutes after her and stormed from the door. She was shocked at his boiling face and angry eyes; he was no longer the well contained Andrew.
Andrew: Why do you feel hurt and shocked. You know I don't trust you... did you think I will forget your deceiving me?
Lilly looked at him so shocked: I... I thought we were so done with this Andrew. All those months I tried to regain your trust.
He interrupted her angrily: What?! Did you think I'm so stupid that I won't understand how you want to impose your ways and thoughts on me? Fine, we will be together. My way ... my condition. Not because you want it. It's only cause it suites me and fits my plans
Lilly was building anger as she burst out: But you don't love me! Why do you want me to stay then??!!
Andrew: Are you listening to me? You fit into my plans. That's all. Nothing special
Lilly swallowed hard: I said I love you and you made me think you loved me
Andrew smiled cruelly: You believed what you wanted, to give yourself the excuse to stay Lilly. I never said I loved you
Andrew's steal face and voice came so emotionless: It's like any business deal we make I told you ... I can even give you back your company, you give me children and we are all happy...
She looked sad at him: But I don't want any of this. I wanted your love Andrew. All this time I saw love in your eyes. I can't believe I was mistaken
Andrew smiled in victory: You think you're the only one who can play tricks Lilly? I just wanted time to decide.
Lilly smiled bitterly: And you don't love me. Never did... quite a bargain!!
She stood up trying to speak under the painful heaviness of her chest: Under these conditions, and as I told you earlier my answer is No Andrew, I love you far too much to accept to be the bird trapped in your golden cage. You will destroy me in no time, and we will end up very miserable
Andrew looked angry: Then how dare you say you love me!! Wouldn't you want to stay close to me if you did?? You're a liar!
Lilly's started tearing in silence: Stop hurting me. This is so painful! If I stay, will you love me Andrew? Will you ever change your look at me as a business deal??
Andrew: Please don't be stupid and ask silly questions!
Lilly smiled bitterly: You see my Love, that's where we fall... if I stay, I might suffer less on the short term... then my broken spirts will change everything...
Andrew interrupted: If you truly have feelings for me, your sprites will only find rest in my being near you every day. Throughout the night. In sickness and in health.
Lilly looked deeply into his eyes that were so soft now, she went closer cupping his face with her hands: And this, in your eyes isn't love Andrew?? Just say it. I beg you!!
She started crying resting her forehead on his chin
Andrew moved away: I thought you were brighter than begging for lies. You know I can easily lie to you and be as deceitful as you are! No Lilly. I don't love you
Lilly snapped: Enough. Enough Andrew.
She was about to leave the room, when she looked back: For the record... I know you believe me when I said I'm sorry for the Escort thing and when I said I loved you. All these months you only resisted your feelings and didn't accept mine. Such a waste!

She left the house, went down to the street, didn't even hear what James was telling her till he put his body between her and her car's door which was parked there.
She looked at him with eyes full of tears when his face changed, and he held her tightening his strong arms around her: What did he do to you? Why are you in this state??
Lilly couldn't talk and was grateful for the strong arms keeping her from falling down; she sobbed and clinched her arms around his neck while he tightened his arms around her waist: Tell me what did he do? Please stop crying and hurting yourself
She finally whispered: He hates me. All this time, he never forgave me. He hates me
James said angrily cupping her face into his palms: Listen to me. He doesn't deserve you. You're far better than this. Don't let him hurt you. Stop crying please
He held her warmly and she suddenly felt something strange in his closeness which disturbed her making her take steps away: Thanks James. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't.
He approached her lifting her chin kissing her cheek softly: He's stupid not seeing how blessed he is finding you.
She was so shocked as she looked at him mumbling: Thank you. I know you're trying to make me feel better. I just want to go now
He grabbed her arm: No, if you go home, he will come and get you to go back to him... he always did!
She looked at him nodding: I go to my Dad's
He took her hand and placed a key chain into it: Go to my place. You can have all the time you need. I will come once I finish work
She looked both surprised and hesitant: I don't know James. Don't want to drag you into this in any way
He insisted: Just go please.  Even if you want the place to yourself. I won't come.

She took the keys as he opened the car door and saw her driving away...

James burst to Andrew's door knocking angrily till he opened, looking surprised at him
James: What is it with you and refusing the best thing that ever happened to you??
Andrew: James, don't depend on our friendship, and speak of things you don't understand!!
James: I don't understand how are you bringing so much pain to the two of you? How many times do you need to punish her and yourself?? She loves you and you're willing to waste it all? Do you understand how special and rare she is??
Andrew was shocked at the angry man shouting at him, he burst back: She deceived me!!! I will only remember her steel cold eyes analyzing me on the night she played my escort. She played me on the tips of her fingers all that time till I knew who she was!!! I was really falling for her and that's the part that hurts the worst!! She deceived me when I was starting to love her!!!
James became so calm as he saw it through: Jesus... stop fooling yourself. You love her. But you're too arrogant to admit it even to yourself. What a waste. She's amazing. How can you possibly let her go??
Andrew looked at James' eyes terrified: Are you... it's not about me!!! Do you have feelings for her??
James' jaw clenched as he kept looking at him: She's precious Andrew. She sees no one but you. I'm... I'm only concerned about her.
Andrew tried to understand but couldn't: She thinks you're gay.
James smiled bitterly: I wasn't sure why she was feeling more confident and freer talking to me getting closer, till my friend reminded me of his joke while she was in the car. I understood then she thought I'm gay and she was freer to become near to me. When my Dad died, she came to the funeral and spent the whole day with me and my family... this was when she told me she considered me a good friend.
Andrew: Not what you think of her clearly!! You love her??
James looked angry at him: is that even a question? Are you listening to me? Is that the main thing?!
Andrew: Of course, it is!
James faced him angrily: She sees no one other than you!! And you have the heart to break her time after time!!!
Andrew was silent but couldn't help being eaten up by the discovery of James' feelings for Lou. His Lou who was so broken at his cruel offer. He knew he was being cruel but couldn't ever get over his lack of trust after her little game in him.

James went home and was so quiet till he called her name, she answered weakly from the living room: In here James
James: Got you something to eat. Chinese noodles, I know you love it. Please have some.
She smiled softly: Thanks. Will you eat with me?
He nodded trying not to look so concerned: Did you switch off your mobile?? That's how he finds where you are. He tracks it down
Lilly looked surprised: I've always wondered how. I will switch it off immediately
They didn't talk much; she was trying to be nice and asked about his family and he knew she wanted to stay alone. He left her his bedroom and slept on the living couch.
Andrew was boiling with anger. She rejected it, the whole thing. She rejected me. He felt bitter pain and total disappointment, he thought she was in love with him and won't let go regardless of what he'd propose; she will accept, and they start life together. Only then he had to question himself why he didn't even think of an alternative if she refused! It was beyond his expectations.

He called James in the very early morning and asked him directly: She slept in your place?
James answered angrily: I guess you will need to ask her when she returns. If she returns. I mean
Andrew was puzzled: What do you mean?
James coldly: Call her Andrew.  Not sure of your chances. But just call her now
Andrew was getting annoyed: Tell me what's happening??
James: I'm resigning Andrew.
Andrew couldn't stop his anger and snapped: And why would you resign?? Did you sleep with her??
James answered very quietly: It's exactly for this question I'm resigning
Andrew was furious: How could you. How could she?? You two didn't dare!!
He closed the line and sat putting his head between his palms.
He was so still and for the first time he felt insulted. Not only she rejected me with all the millionaire packages that I could provide. She called it a golden cage!! She was a free spirit and wanted to remain free and all the opportunities i thought I offered were chains in her eyes! Her eyes were so sincere when she said she loved me. It cannot be possible she'd sleep with James.
It must have been midday when Andrew collected himself and dialed her number. But her mobile was still switched off. He kept trying hours later while he put off his meetings for the day unable to concentrate in anything.
Around the end of the day, David came to his office and asked him if he knows what's happening with their Dad? He didn't come to office and was very brief over the phone?! Andrew answered half minded while immediately asked him if heard from Lou?
David looked at him suspiciously: I don't know what happened between the two of you and I'm not supposed to tell you. But she on a flight to Cairo as we speak
Andrew looked sad mumbling: Fine. What about Dad you were saying??
David: I don't know he's been silent and distant since last night! Didn't come to office today. How wired is that??
Andrew nodded: Very! I will call him. Lou?
David smiled: Have you noticed how you call her Lou when your love to her overcomes your stubbornness?
Andrew looked annoyed: I don't love her. You know that! Anyhow, why is she in Cairo?
David: Don't know much, I've even asked Anna to keep her flight till tomorrow and we fly together, but Lilly didn't want
Andrew remembered that David was flying tomorrow for a couple of weeks holiday.
David left his brother's office asking himself why he is unable to confess how much he loves Lilly or how happy she makes him.

Reaching Cairo, he saw Lilly once before he and Anna left to an amazing resort on the Red Sea. She said she's relocating and will start her business and new life putting behind all her heartbreaks.

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