Chapter 7. Calling the Same Escort

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Andrew couldn't stop thinking of Lou the whole day. Why wouldn't she want to see him again? Mostly why did he want to see her again? And why on earth did he carry her from the living room to his own bed! This have never happened before. He took her in his arms the whole night. How wired is that. Was it sadness that he saw in her eyes when she mentioned they should not meet again? Is that why she tried to hide it with the whole wolf red hood thing as she almost ran out of the house??
He shortly asked for coffee then replaced it by water unable to remove the smile from his face.

Lilly was trying to convince herself that she was freed from his effect on her... she was still touched by his unbelievable generosity to the hospital's unit. But why she told him about her life and her feelings. He must be laughing his head off at her naive life choices! Then she had a sudden pain in her stomach at when the meeting comes, she as Marylou will have to meet Mr Johnson. She was taken suddenly by a cold sweat at what he might do.

Paul came to her office: What's up sis
Lilly not looking to his direction: Hey
Paul: Where were you last night? Did you sleep here? You got me worried this morning
Lilly: Don't jump, but i slept at Andrew's
Paul couldn't believe it: What are you talking about? How did that happen
Lilly told her brother all about it and about the hospital.
Paul was so worried about her, he reminded her that it's as if she's playing with fire. Lilly already knew but couldn't understand it herself!
Paul couldn't believe what Lilly was telling him: You actually slept in his house?
Lilly: I know!!! I still cannot believe it! He's so proud and dominating. He's scaring people off all the time
Paul interrupted her: Apparently not you Lilly! I still don't understand why you stayed
Lilly was thinking about it and was wondering why ... she couldn't tell Paul about her opening up to Andrew who now knows more about her life than anyone else: I guess I was still curious about him. The more I stayed the more I was getting to know about him.
Paul was very worried: I'm not sure if you can imagine what he will do when he knows you deceived him!! He's a real scary person.
Lilly nodded and sat silently thinking about Paul's last statement. She knew he'd be furious about it. Anyhow, this was the end of it. Now she still needs to find a way for her business out of this mess.
She kept working the whole day communicating with her suppliers trying to find a way on how she can get her needs while making payment schedules that fits. But it wasn't possible
Her phone beeped with a text from Dr Jack: Lilly, thank you so much for all your support to the hospital. Cannot find words!
She texted back: Hope that everything went easily with the donner? How much they paid??
Dr Jack: Mr Johnson will actually buy the unit himself and will pay the full amount to the manufacturer. Unit will be delivered in 10 days' time! It's a real miracle
Lilly couldn't believe Andrew was doing that: OMG!!! I'm so happy. It's indeed a miracle!!! Would love to be around when the unit gets delivered. Please keep me posted
Dr Jack: Of course. Mr Johnson said he lost your number. I gave it to him of course. He refers to you as Lou still! Did you know that?
Lilly's heart fell and her face went pale in a second: You didn't correct it. Did you?? My name I mean
Dr Jack: Didn't think I should after your text yesterday. Actually, I thought he's giving you a special nickname. So, I didn't say anything (wink emoji)
Lilly: Yeah. Thanks Doc.! (Smiley face)

Lilly put her head between her hands; trying to control her disturbed feelings... why does he want her number?? Would he know her as Marylou from her number??!!
Her phone rang which scared her till she read Paul's name: Sis, you won't believe it! Andrew called the agency earlier asking for the same girl who was with him the day before yesterday. Then he called her asking for your number!!!
Lilly stood up from her desk, started pacing in the office: What did she tell him?
Paul: She played cool & told him that she was swapped only that time, but she would join him tonight. He screamed at her that he wants Lou's number and didn't stop scaring her till she told him that she didn't know Lou and that she's a friend of a friend, out of panic she gave him my number. What will we do Lilly? He will call me. What can we do now?!
Lilly tried to breath in and out, then sat down deciding to control herself, she then spoke slowly: Ok Paul. You have his number, save it and block it. Like that he cannot reach you. Don't worry about it. He also got my number from the hospital. I'm only wondering why. But you just block his number immediately and we speak again
Paul got even more worried: What?? But why he wants to reach you?!
Lilly again tried to stay calm and focused: Maybe he knew who I am. Or maybe he ... anyways, just hang up and block him as I told you!
Lilly smiled at the second possibility; is it possible he wants to see Lou again? She stood in anger at herself "you silly, men like Andrew want full women setting them on fire he said. Stop being so naive Lou!"

Softer Faces
She went back forcing on her work till it was almost 6 pm when her phone rang, and she froze. It was him. She was so angry at herself that she didn't prepare a scenario of what if he calls? She still couldn't help picking up before he cut off, her voice was so shaky: Hello
Andrew: My pharaonic temple misses your candles and music. Wanna pass by?
Lilly smiled as her heart jumped: Would Marc Antony respect treaties and keep his honorable commitments? I mean he knows by now what are the limitations, doesn't he?
Andrew smiled: Just come over. We still have lots to talk about
Lilly smiled: Actually ... if we are both sensible; we don't. I truly believe it's best we don't get together.
Andrew sounded annoyed: Are you testing my patience? Meet me at home in half an hour. I also will tell you news about the hospital
He didn't wait. He hanged up.
She smiled softly thinking about what he said. Before trying to run her sensible analysis of profit/ loss of going to see him or even why her curiosity was unstoppable to see him again; she just jumped out of office, went home, took a shower, and changed. Then texted him: "magical tunes are on the way. Got stuck... had to find my turquoise royal gown! N.B. Treaties are to be respected. Otherwise, dark magic and Pharos' curse will haunt you (devil emoji)"
He smiled reading her text... he still didn't know what made him want to see her, although he won't be sleeping with her!

Reaching his home was different this time; they both were eager to see each other.
He had a charming smile opening the door as he surprised her with a soft hold and kiss on the cheek
She couldn't hide her surprise when he looked at her eyes: A kiss on the cheek and a quick hug do not break any of your rules, do they?
She smiled still taken by his warm effect and the feeling of his lips on her cheek: It was a bit surprising
He closed the door and held her again: Then I get another one while you're not surprised
She was even more surprised as his hold around her got tighter as he kissed her hair.
Her eyes closed uncontrollably, but she quickly moved out of his arms before he feels that she's shaking.
He took her hand and headed to the dinning: I'm starving. You?
She smiled at how he set the table like she did the day before but couldn't set the food or candles: Yeah, starving too, didn't have anything but coffee since breakfast. Had so much to do!
She finished pouring the food and arranging it nicely on the plates while putting music on. It was Indian soft music tonight as the food he ordered.
He looked at her, thinking: Only now I realized, I should have asked if you like Indian food or not!
She smiled: I like all types of food. I used to try and only eat all local foods in all my travels. Plus, you got many options
He was still smiling nonstop: You've traveled a lot?
Lilly turned to cover her confusion; she has to stop talking so easily to him: Yeah, couple of times. You??
Andrew: Let's eat and I'll tell you ... but before I forget; is Egypt one of the places you've been to?
She smiled: My most favorite. I bet you guessed it after our dinner and the story of the temple?
He nodded: you looked as if you were charmed while telling the story...
They ate while he told her about the hospital, and she was so happy and explained that his help will make a huge difference in many lives of all these patients who needs to wait and take turns on a long waiting list.
Andrew: You make me happy with this. Thank you by the way for telling me about it
Lilly smiled at him: You can't be thanking me. I'm honestly pleased you took care of that for these patients. So kind.
She paused thinking she was really telling him he's being kind?! He, the man who will steal her company and hard work, just because he can?
Her face was covered by sudden sadness as she stood leaving her food, hit by the idea, while he was watching her
Lilly couldn't help looking angry: I have to go. Thanks for the meal.
Andrew stood blocking her way: What has just happened? Your face changed in a second and suddenly you want to escape? What happened?
Lilly stared at him in anger, she wished she could tell him he was destroying her dreams: You understand that my being here doesn't make much sense?! It's best if i just go
Andrew: Why you came then? And what made you change suddenly?
Lilly looked annoyed: You insisted i come. Plus, I wanted to know about the hospital. Anyways, to be honest, i didn't think straight. I shouldn't have come!
Her words were interrupted when he wrapped her in his arms: Something I said?
Lilly was so shocked at his softness, she slipped out and turned to keep her back to him... in reality she didn't want to face his eyes, she was so angry while he was standing studying all her reactions. He approached and held her from her back, she couldn't escape his strong arms around her, her voice came softer than she wanted: I just want to know why you wanted us to meet again? I don't think we should!
He leaned to speak into her ear: Why did you say if you think straight you wouldn't have come?
Lilly wasn't happy with his effect on her: I cannot see or meet you again Andrew. I have to go.
His eyes tried to contain this terrible need to make her stay, something like an arrow shot into his heart at her saying his name: Say this again Lou. Say my name again.
She got so confused as she took her cross bag to leave: Bye Andrew
Andrew picked her hand and stopped her, his voice was commanding: you're already here and we didn't finish even eating. I will answer your questions when we sit down after food. Now will you sit? And you still have to explain yourself as why you came and why you suddenly stood to leave!?
She was fighting so hard and trying not to just obey him like a schoolgirl, while she tried to free her hand from his: You understand that this commanding voice won't help.
He smiled: I won't apologize for my tone. I'm used to it, no one ever complained.
She shook her head slipping her hand out: I'm the first then... Bye

He took her hand again: I will let you go on one condition.
She looked a bit puzzled: I guess if i said i will go both ways, we won't finish this conversation any time soon?
He ignored what she said, approached her tucking her hair behind her ear, which made her bite her lip to contain her surprise: First, never bite your lip again like that.
He paused while he was completely starring at her mouth that opened in reaction, he then took her chin between his thumb and fingers: Second; my condition if you want to leave now, we meet instead tomorrow?
She was still lost between his eyes and his touch, that she subconsciously said: Tomorrow.
He couldn't hide his disappointment specially when she removed his hand from her chin: You're sure? Just stay now.
She moved away before she gives up to him as her inner voice was screaming wanting him. She didn't say anything till reaching the door while he was following her feeling annoyed. She was the first woman running away from him.

The Escort's Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें