Chapter 20. Mary-Anne

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That same day Mary-Anne called her and was almost shouting at her: So what if you lost your business?? Come, take the holiday you've been promising me since ages to have. At least the guy made you a favor... you were burying yourself in this company...
Lilly was so weak over the phone: I just need time Anna, I'm trying to feel better, but I'm literally hit by a train
Anna: Yes, Paul was telling me about this Andrew guy. Seems i missed out a lot. Did you really have feelings for him? Paul is scared the shit out of the guy. How come you like him.
Lilly: Stop Anna please. It's very complicated.
She started to cry as Anna became very angry: Crying?? You?? Haven't seen you cry over anything other than when we lost Mom Lilly! That's really annoying me now!
Lilly was trying to hold herself: Don't be. I just need more time.
Anna: No. You need a distraction. Please come over. I'll check the flights and tell you
Lilly: No Anna please. I don't feel like travelling now. I need to find my feet.
Anna: Something tells me it's not only about your business this guy took away from you. What is it baby? Did you fall for him?? Is that even possible??
Lilly tried to swallow and speak but didn't find her voice. Anna was furious on the other side of the line. They hung up and Anna immediately booked a flight back home the same night. It was a blessing that she could work the whole next two weeks remotely after changing only couple of meeting's dates.
Lilly couldn't move out of the house even when she felt a little stronger compared to the previous days. She had couple of coffees that woke her up. She found some strength to call her Dad who must have given her twelve missed calls; all binged once she opened her phone.
Josef: Hi my baby. It's not fair Lilly you get me worried about you that much
Lilly: I'm sorry Dad. I wasn't able to speak before. It's affecting me badly
Josef: I know how much you invested in this company to make it work. Think about how you made it so good that it attracted this heartless businessman
Lilly: Yeah, it's a good point Dad. He's heartless alright.
Josef: Come eat with me tonight sweetie please. I worry about you. Plus, i missed your cooking. Will you come cook for me?
Lilly promised her father she'd go cook for him. She thought it was what she needed; not only the distraction but also throwing herself into his arms. She never felt she needed her mother more than this time.

The night with her father was beautiful. He made her feel safe and better. He was so kind to tell her to take his money if she needed and she smiled and told him she loved him. Noura and Paul also passed by when they knew she was there. She was trying to feel better. Specially that she needed her courage to tell her Dad that the businessman is the same Andrew he met after her Thesis defense and celebrated her success.
Josef: What are you telling me sweetie. Why would Andrew want to take away your company?
Lilly: Well Dad, to be honest. He always wanted to from the beginning. I... I did a simple trick to meet him with a different character, which he then wanted to meet more and more. And i never had the courage to tell him it was me.
Josef looked disappointed: Don't know what to say Lilly, you never tricked anyone. Actually, you never tolerated even small lies. When did you tell him who you were?
Lilly looked so ashamed: I'm ashamed of myself Dad. He had to know exactly on the day of our official meeting. I never had the courage to tell him before.
Josef shook his head: Not good. If it was the other way around, you would have never forgiven him. Tell me that at least you did that privately not in front of his staff; making a complete idiot out of him.
Lilly only looked down realizing how terrible the whole thing looked for Andrew, only when her Dad pointed it out! She was more annoyed she wanted to run home and cry. Which she did after kissing everyone and leaving.
Her Dad was so true and totally blunt, if it was the other way around, she would have never forgiven Andrew. No wonder he wanted her to pay the highest price possible.

Once she arrived home she showered and cried herself to sleep. She was so confused that night if she's crying of the pain of what Andrew did to her, or her shame over tricking him, or her feelings for him that were making her need him so much. Secretly, she wished he'd show up again tonight with the excuse of...Whatever... She needed him.

Andrew was trying to go back to his normal life before Lou, before looking forward to every end of day where they will meet, eat, talk, watch the stock markets, argue, laugh and... Live. Just fully live their days. He couldn't stop feeling angry at her deceiving him all those weeks, not telling him she was Lilly. Her excuse that she wanted to meet him once and then it was him who kept pushing to see her only made him angrier that she could have come clean and told him before things got so warm and more personal every single day between them. He silently missed her. Specially bedtime when she's not in between his arms.

The Johnson Building

Andrew's office eventually reached to Lilly requesting the final meeting of agreement, she tried to postpone or ask if a lawyer can sign on her behalf, but it was a mandate that the signature is done between all parties at the same time. She had to face him once more, one final time, it was inevitable. It was agreed to be tomorrow as Mr Johnson is travelling abroad the following day on a long business trip.

In the afternoon, her doorbell rang, for no good reason she jumped hoping it was Andrew, then she hissed at herself; why would she want to see him. He's going to kill her slowly tomorrow by taking away her company.
It was Mary-Anne at the door. The two of them jumped, hugged, and kissed, it was a beautiful surprise to Lilly who was at her lowest point before the meeting the following day.
The girls stayed for long talking, Lou cooked, and Anna poured wine while Lilly told her everything about Andrew and everything that happened.

Anna: The whole revenge thing started cause you fooled him acting as his Escort?? Jesus, Lilly! Who are you? What did you do to my baby sister?
Lilly couldn't even laugh and looked so guilty, which made Mary-Anne regret it: I mean this sounds so me... I'm the one who's been so reckless while you're the more stable!
Lilly forced herself to smile: You haven't... Anyhow, It was like a snowball; a little trick became a huge disaster till he took his revenge in the harshest way possible.
Anna: But you've just said he was tender. I mean. He didn't force or hurt...Physically.
Lilly shook her head feeling the sweetness of the memory: No...he was so sweet all along, kissing my lips, my head, hands, chin... I mean... It was so passionate... I never suspected his intentions. He even made sure every time I reached before he...
She burst into hot tears remembering his softness. She wished she could remain angry at him. But more and more her family were pointing out the harm she did him, which was disturbing her even more than his punishing her so cruelly.

Morning came faster than she wanted; she slept little and promised herself to finish the meeting in less than three minutes and leave without a word to him.
Mary-Anne who slept in the other room didn't seem to have woke up while Lilly went to the kitchen to make coffee. She smelled coffee as she went to the kitchen fast finding Mary-Anne with two large coffees waiting for her.
Lilly: What's that Anna? You're dressed and got coffee??
Anna: It's the middle of the day in Egypt now. Completely jetlagged. I guess it will hit me around five p.m. or so. Now I'm awake, went to the Cafe, got us coffee, got dressed and all is set to join you to your meeting.
Lilly laughed: That's a good one. I'm taking my older sister to the fight!
Anna: Not only, and we will go celebrate once you sign it off.
Lilly teared silently: Celebrate what sis?
Anna: Celebrate that you made an extremely successful business out of nothing that a heartless tycoon like Andrew wants to take it over! Isn't that what dad told you!
Lilly smiled: I love you Anna. I'm so glad you're here.
They hugged, chatted a little more and called Paul who was at Noura's and said he will meet them at the Johnson's building
They reached the building, went to the meeting, and sat confidently in the meeting room.
James came knocking and greeted Mary-Anne while handling Lilly a large cup of coffee exactly the way she likes it: I knew you were coming and got you this.
Lilly was moved by his sweetness and smiled warmly: That's so thoughtful and sweet James. Thanks so much.
Andrew and David came into the meeting room even-though it was 10 minutes earlier to their meeting time and they were supposed to join later.
Andrew overheard Lilly: What's sweet James?
James smiled at steel face Andrew and David's eyes that drifted to the extremely attractive blond Mary-Anne. He had to force himself to look towards Marylou when Mary-Anne looked seriously at them both: So, who's the heartless lowlife man who dared to hurt my baby sister?
Lilly looked blaming her: Anna please.
Andrew looked at her for a second but then kept looking at Lilly to see how she was, he didn't speak.
Anna: Ok, i see it's you with all your stupid cold arrogance. But Lilly who's the hot guy who's eating me up with his eyes?
Lilly snapped: For God's sake Anna. Stop.
Anna: What? The guy isn't annoyed, why are you? Wait, is that the hot brother of the enemy??
She looked directly at David who had a charming, controlled smile in his eyes, teasing him: Are you annoyed handsome? Would you be annoyed cause i said you're hot or cause i saw you're eating me up with your eyes?
David smiled but ignored her and walked directly to hold Lilly in a sweet warm brotherly hug. Mary-Anne was annoyed... she wasn't used to be overlooked. She was more used to men falling at her knees: So Mr Andrew, you dared to hurt my sister by taking her virginity and making love to her. You know that this is considered rape? Media alone with a statement like that would completely destroy your image, you and your fxxxing empire. Wouldn't it?
Lilly snapped: What are you doing Mary-Anne. You promised to stay out of this.
David looked very concerned but spoke calmly: Lilly do you agree on what your sister is accusing Andrew of?
Lilly: Of course not. Anna please, stop.
Mary-Anne: I wasn't going to open my mouth, but i was hoping that I'd even see one shred of regret in his daring eyes. He's heartless while you're smashed to pieces.
Andrew was angry but looked so cold and focused: Ms. Mary-Anne, If being rapped, would you beg for it? She begged me. She screamed for me. All three times.
His slow solid words said in his cold emotionless voice fell into the room freezing everyone. David looked so angry at his brother. He went, put his hand on Lilly's shoulder. Mary-Anne looked as if she can murder Andrew. Lilly whose tears froze in her eyes felt a cold knife stabbing into her heart.
After a full minute of cold silence, Lilly sat up and started talking taking full control of her voice and emotions: You know Andrew, the past two days, my family were kind enough to confront me with my mistake that i tried to deceive you by being your escort of one night, they –honest as they are- were trying to show me the wrong i did towards you. They almost succeeded to make me see the whole situation from your point of view to try to give you an excuse. But now, after what you've just said; i guess i have to thank you for letting your true ugly original face show up. Regardless of what i might have done, your joy of causing me pain and humiliation didn't need reasons.
Andrew's face was still steel like, while his heart was bleeding of pain. David was furious at Mary-Anne: Hope you're happy with the amount of stupidity and terrible things said because of your blind arrogance Ms. Mary-Anne.
Anna was getting angrier: You have the evilest brother, and you dare accuse me to be the cause of that?
Lilly stood and shouted: Enough! All of you enough! David, if you please, where do i need to sign... I want this done.
Andrew was trying to stay on his chair, preventing himself from running to take her in his arms, apologize. Tell her he didn't mean what he said. Tell her he loved every single touch they shared. Every single day with her was a full life.
Instead, he kept looking with his frozen eyes at them all. And now, at the legal people, Paul and all others who just stepped in and took their places on the table.

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