They exchanged a dark look,and Madam Pomfrey clucked disapprovingly. "Setting dementors around a school" she muttered, pushing back Harry's hair and feeling his forehead. "He won't be the last
one who collapses. Yes, he's all clammy. Terrible things, they are, and the effect they have on people who are already delicate—" "I'm not delicate!" said Harry crossly. "Ofcourse you're not" said Madam Pomfrey absentmindedly, now taking his pulse. "What does he need?" asked Professor McGonagall. Before Madam Pomfrey say anything Percy said "There's no need Professor, Professor Lupin already gave us chocolates" MadamPomfrey approvingly said "Did he, now? So we've finally got a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows his remedies?" "Are you sure you feel all right, Potter?" Professor McGonagall said sharply. "Yes" said Harry. "Very well. Kindly wait outside while I have a quick word with Miss Granger and Mr Shafiq about their course schedule, then we can go down to the feast together."

Professor McGonagall turned to him and asked "You sure you're alright Shafiq?" Percy just nodded. So Professor McGonagall continued "Here in your letter, you said you want to become a Curse-Breaker. For that the subjects Transfiguration,  DADA, Charms, Potions and Ancient Runes were enough. But you also choose Advanced Arithmancy Studies and Alchemy. The latter was a bit complicated. You see Mr Shafiq, you are the only student who took Alchemy. We can't teach you one on one. But that doesn't mean we discourage you. We will give you a letter to enter Restricted section in library for your Alchemy studies and whenever Professor Dumbledore has time he'll took a class with you. Now is that alright with you?" Percy nodded and said "Ok Professor, as long as Professor Dumbledore intimate one day before for the class it was all ok for me".

McGonagall nodded and turned to Hermione "Now Miss Granger, here is the Time Turner and its instructions. You have to use it solely on your studies. If you have any doubts you can ask Mr Shafiq here or Percy Weasley" seeing shocked expression on Hermione on hearing Percy Weasley name she said "You're not the only student we gave Time Turner. Every year we will give it to the top student who wish to take all electives. They usually gave it back after the year since they learn to manage their time. And Mr Weasley is one of them".
Percy said "Don't worry Hermione, I'll help with it."

McGonagall said "Now come on we have to go to feast. Mr Shafiq you will wait outside the great hall door. Come in when i call you. It was good since the first years sorting would be complete by now." Percy nodded and followed Professor with Hermione. Harry joined them outside of the office.

Percy is now waiting outside of the great hall. He heard Dumbledore speaking "Welcome students. Before starting the feast we have one more Sorting. As some of you may hear from your parents who works at ministry there's a new student at Hogwarts this year who'll join sixth year. He was Homeschooled till now. He decided to join Hogwarts this year to know about our culture since he became Lord to ancient house of Shafiq this summer. Now welcome Lord Shafiq Jackson Perseus". When Percy heard the last sentence he pushed the gaint doors and walked into the halls.

He walked to the stage as if he owns the place. Technically he owns the place being heir to two of the founders and all. When he reached the stage Professor Flitwick motioned him to sit on the stool which has an old hat. He sat on the stool while putting the hat on his head. Suddenly the hat talked in his head.

"Hello your highness. It was a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm sorting hat I'll sort you into your most suited house" Percy replied in his head "Hello, call me Percy. If you want to see my memories, i don't think it was a good idea" the sorting hat said "No Percy, i only sort you by your traits. Now let's look, hmm you're brave, some even call you reckless, Godric would be proud to have you in his house with your achievements. But you're anything but chivalrous" Percy gave a snort at that he knew how many gods he pissed with his mouth "Now look at your resourcefulness and cunning was quite something. And you're Slytherin heir, it was your birthright to be in that house. You're ambitious but not for yourself. Your loyalty will make you a great Hufflepuff. Your sister would be delighted to have you in her house but you lack patience. And last Ravenclaw, contrary to popular belief  all Ravenclaws aren't know it all's, there're Ravenclaws who are creative and have quick wit like you."
" Now tell me Percy, you can be in any house but what house do you want go?" " Wait i have a choice" Percy asked. Hat replied " Ofcourse everyone have a choice. Now where you want to go". Percy thought for a bit 'In Gryffindor he can be close with Harry, but he didn't want to choose it just because of Harry. Hufflepuff and Slytherin were his birthrights he can go there whenever he wants to. Being in Ravenclaw will help him study everything he wants. No one will question a Ravenclaw studying a bit more and he can read anything'. Upon hearing his thoughts Sorting hat said "The decision you just made was the most Slytherin thing to do you know. But i respect your wishes So you're  'Ravenclaw' ." The sorting hat shouted the last one. He heard hat saying  "I'm wishing you good luck your highness. Please bring back Hogwarts glory like ancient times".

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