Chapter 24: Changing room

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I twirled around in my changing stall and looked at my reflection through the full length mirror. The dress was a dark ruby red, a strapless dress, it fitted on my chest comfortably and then was a little flowy as it went to my thighs. I had the perfect matching heels with it. It fit perfectly on my waist and I loved it.

Then I remembered the bet, great. Bryan's calling me Snow now, ugh.

"Can I come in?" I heard Bryan's voice.

"Uh...ok" I said, he came in and I turned to face his way. He closed the door behind him. He turned around smiling, knowing he won the bet. But then suddenly his smile dropped into a stone as he saw me. His jaw opened a bit, but he quickly shut it, and pressed his lips.

"You win" I said rolling my eyes and smiling at how good the dress was, but he had the same expression as before.

"Bryan?" I asked, he looked like he was deep in thought before I brought him back to his senses.

"Oh yeah, I did" He said stepping closer and looking at the dress. I rolled my eyes as he kept his eyes on the dress, starting from the top of it looking all the way down to where it ended.

"Okay I get it, you're proud of being better at picking dresses than me, now can you stop admiring the dress" I said putting my hand on my hips smirking at how childish he was acting. He still had that serious look on his face.

He quickly smiled and looked at me in the eyes. "So I'm calling you Snow now" He said teasing me, I rolled my eyes at him.

"What was the other 'small thing' you said?" I asked quoting small thing with my fingers.

"Uh nothing" He said, I smiled at how there wasn't anything else I had to do.

"Great!" I said looking at myself in the mirror one last time before I would buy it.

"Uh, actually there is one thing" He said, his expression became serious again.

I sighed, of course he wouldn't leave me be "I hate yo-" I was saying turning around to look at him. But when I did he quickly held my waist and pinned me to the wall, I gasped a little.

"Bryan" I whispered in surprise to his sudden movement, putting my hands on his chest to push him lightly away, but he stepped forward closer to me, making our thighs touch each others.

He was looking at me with these intense eyes, like there was a flame burning in them. I bit my bottom lip, looking at the intensity in his shimmering brown eyes.

He glanced at my lips and licked his own, then he exhaled loudly, sounding like he couldn't breath. "You're going to hate me more after this" He said in a husky voice and crashed his lips on mine. At first I was shocked, but as soon as he bit on my bottom lip, I kissed him back. I felt this weird urge, and deepened the kiss, and he did the same. My hands traveled up to Bryan's neck, feeling all the bumps going up. I wrapped them around his neck.

"Miss, please open the door" someone said from the other side suddenly. Bryan and I quickly pushed away from eachother, both of us coming back to our senses. I gasped in shock and put my hand over my mouth realizing what was just happening.

Bryan slowly opened the door after brushing his shirt to straighten up a bit. "Uh yes?" He opened the door wide. The girl gasped seeing me inside as well, jealousy in her eyes showing clearly. "What?" I asked her glaring at her in disgust. Her expression quickly changed and she smiled "Oh my god, Miss this dress fits you like a glove! You should buy it." She said with fake admiration and enthusiasm.

"Why did you need us to open the door?" I asked ignoring her annoyed. She looked like she could smash me with a rock, but then turned to Bryan.

"You're not allowed to be here, this is an only Women's' section, the Men's' section is on the other side" She said calmly.

Bryan was about to say something when I said "Ok well we're the only ones here right now so let us be" I said folding my arms, scowling.

"Yeah there's no one here, but that doesn't mean you get to bend the rules" A tall guy came in view. He folded his arms and walked confidently towards us. He was wearing a tux with the shops tag on it. He was a customer.

"Who are you to tell me, mind you're own business" I said getting upset. The guy came a step forward and then what he did made me want to slap him. He started checking me out, Bryan quickly blocked his view from me.

"Watch it" Bryan said in a rough tone, all that made the guy do was laugh.

"She's not your girlfriend" He said, which made Bryan tense up a little.

"Well that doesn't allow you to look at her like that" He said harsher this time, I went in front of Bryan, not wanting this to turn into something dangerous. I looked at Bryan first and told him to go and wait at the cashier area for me, while I took off the dress and changed. Then I looked over at the guy.

"Listen dude I don't care who you think you are, but get out of here, it's a girls area only!" I said glaring at him in hatred. He looked surprised with my outburst and left the room. That left me and the girl there. I looked at her and saw her jaw dropped down.

"Now what" I asked sighing in exhaustion

"You just screamed at one of the owner's members" She said. My eyes widened, but then I went back to normal "Well he deserved it, and this is the last time I'm coming here" I said closing the door loudly and changing.


After changing I sat down on the stool they had in the stall. I had just kissed Bryan. I Ashley who hated Bryan since I was born, had now kissed Bryan a couple minutes ago. Yes I started liking him, but I did not think I'd kiss him so fast...wait no, he had kissed me first. He was the one who kissed ME. Was he starting to like me?

Short chapter, but better than any of the long ones I wrote! What do you say? Agree to Disagree? If you loved this chapter vote for me please don't leave the star and my heart empty. Fill them with tremendous joy by clicking on the star to vote.

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Love y'all

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