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I just want to thank all of you for your support and love. Even if you're reading this because you think it's funny or stupid, still, thank you (^: 

I have had an amazing time writing this book and attempting to see things from Chucky's POV and the other's like the Chuckies from the other movies. 

My apologies if there wasn't something you were SPECIFICALLY looking for or if I didn't make certain things sound like you. I have a difficult time writing your POV ... but for MANY readers because I simply know nothing about you. I have no hate towards any skin color or sexual orientation, so I will include more boy and girl things in my sequel and an option for a skin tone like I did in this book. So if you are a female and dated a female, I'll give you the option to list that. 

ANYWAYSSSS, Onward with this last chapter! Hope you enjoy! ! 


Chucky clapped his hands 3 times before standing up and facing the Chuckies, "Alright, it's time for y'all to go."

"Ain't gotta tell me twice." Chucky(CP2 ) went straight for the door.

"Yeah, seriously. Gotta go work on the show." Chucky(BOC ) followed Chucky(CP2 ).

Chucky(CUOC ) got off the couch and looked up at you, "Thanks for the food, doll. Catch ya later." He smirked and off went the 3 Chuckies.. 


Chucky sat on the couch while you sat at the kitchen table. 

"I feel like I'm living in a book and it's just about to end.-" Chucky looked over to you, "-Eh, fuck, what am I talking about? Have you seen the trailer to my upcoming TV series?" 

You half grimaced, "Yeah, I already said "you" look a little ridiculous in there." 

He gave you a disgusted look but nodded in agreement, "Well, that "Chucky" is an animatronic and is going to mostly be computer animated. He's not alive like we are unless I choose to split my soul and place it in him, but I'm not too sure yet." 

Right before you were going to reply, there were 2 knocks at the door. 

You and Chucky look at the door in unison before looking at each other intensely. 

"Hold that thought." he said. 

You watched as he got off the couch and approached the front door, putting his ear to it. 

He jumped back slightly when 3 harsh knocks were then heard, you jumped slightly as your heart picked up speed. 

He looked over to you and gestured you to go to your room. 

Not listening, you approach the door which earned you an eyeroll from Chucky.

Inhaling deeply, you look out the peephole and you couldn't believe what you were seeing. 

TOXIC LOVE┃Chucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now