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Just as Chucky was going to speak, the lights started flickering, "Oh fuck, he's here. Untie Y/N and lets get the fuck out of here!"

You saw Chucky(CP1,2,3) run towards you to release you, "Wait, who's here?" you question.

They ignored your question.

Chucky(CROC) yelled at Chucky, "You said you were going to fucking kill that guy. What the fuck have you been doing?"

Chucky opened the door to the shack and gestured everyone to leave, "I'm working up to it! He won't be an easy kill."

You finally got to feel the cold breeze outside but your two second peace was interrupted by Chucky(CP1) who was holding a knife to your calve.

"Get the fuck in your car, and take us to your place." 

 friendly reminder :

Whenever "Chucky" is written without parenthesis after it, that means it's the Chucky you've been with during this book. (Seed of Chucky)

Deciphering the other Chucky's :

Chucky(CP1),(CP2),(CP3) = (Child's Play 1),(2),(3)

Chucky(BOC) = (Bride of Chucky)

Chucky(CROC) = (Curse of Chucky)

Chucky(CUOC) = (Cult of Chucky)


Opening the door to the driver's side, you take a sneak peak at the other Chucky's.

Chucky already found himself a comfortable spot on the passenger side, but the other's were complaining with their eyes over how they were all going to fit in the backseat. 

Just as Chucky(CP1) was going to climb into the backseat, Chucky(CUOC) pulled him back and stopped him. "Now just wait a minute. How are we all going to fit in the backseat of this small ass car?" Chucky(CUOC) was first to complain which triggered the other's in following suit. 

"Yeah, explain to us." Chucky(CP1) intervened. 

You sat down on the driver's side and shut your door shortly after. Glancing over to Chucky, he wore an annoyed expression. 

"There's six of us, bro. How-" Chucky(CP3) started. 

Chucky whipped around to look at all of them but especially at Chucky(CP3), "For the last fucking time, we do not say 'bro'. And secondly, have you forgotten your physical characteristics? You will fit. So shut your mouth before I do it for you." Chucky finished with a death glare thrown at all of them before he faced the front again. 

You ignored making any comments to avoid a new argument or a future one. Instead, you put the keys in the ignition and start up the car. 

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