Another Important A/N.

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I know some of y'all would prefer another Chapter than this, but y'all's thoughts are really important/meaningful to me. 

Where am I going with this? You shall know now. 

For the ones that have been giving me good reviews and even bad...BUT STILL SAID NICELY, it still helps me improve in a way. So I want to know what y'all want to see more of when it comes to me writing the next chapters. 

Don't give me a whole plot line to follow haha, I have everything planned out. But what I mean by this is if y'all want to see more smut, more aggression, stuff like that. 

Also, I want to know if y'all can hear and see Chucky just based off of my words. Like does it really sound like something he would say? Did I capture him well enough? Or do I still have room to improve? 

(^:     (^: 

I'll try to update tomorrow or the day after that! I've just been struggling lately rippppp

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