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Hey guys, thanks if you clicked on this book! I don't know if I've completely lost my mind with writing this, but quarantine got me doing new things and binge watching old movies that I almost forgot about.

**RECOMMENDATION** watch all 7 Chucky movies before this book, if you haven't already. It will come in handy. If you haven't watched all the movies, this book will more than likely not make sense to you.

Please read description regarding what this story contains. 

This will NOT exactly follow the movies, this will of course be my OWN ideas. No hate please (: 

This book will be a major COMEDY and romance

Am I weird for finding a doll attractive? Definitely. Do I care? No.

Here goes nothing...  

TOXIC LOVE┃Chucky x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora