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Previously on Chapter Fifteen 

You saw Chucky through the mirror, leaning against the door frame. "Hey, Doll. I want to apologize for all the cuts that are making you look like shit but, at the same time, you look more bad ass."

You turned to him and tilted your head to the side, "You think so?"

He pulled the same ring out from his pocket and walked over to you, "So what do you say?"

You take the rag off your shoulder and bend down to his level, "Yeah sure, why the fuck not."

He put the ring back on your finger.

Finally taking a good luck at the ring, that's when you realize it.

This ring belonged to Y/F/N.


Your heart was racing too fast, it was aching. 

He looked at you with a smirk while you touched the ring with a shaky hand. 

Being torn from all the deaths, you couldn't deal with it anymore. 

Sitting on the ground fully, you pull your legs to your chest and put your head in your arms.

"Are you-" he stopped as he noticed you crying. He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Can never please a woman these days. What was I thinking." 

You looked up at him with red eyes and cheeks, eyebrows scrunched together, "You're so much better in the movies. Having to deal with you in person is actual fucking hell." He tried speaking but that's when you took the ring off of your finger and threw it at him while standing up. "Should have just stayed as a fictional fucking character. You're such a fuck up in person." 

He reached down to pick up the ring. 

You left the bathroom and slammed the door closed on him. 

He held the ring in his hand while looking at the door with a slightly ajar mouth. 

Walking back into your room, your body freezes while you look at Micah. 

You just stared at him, not being able to cry anymore. 

Your eyes fixed on his stomach, checking for movement, checking for breathing. 

Your head snapped back as you hear a door open. 

Walking out of the room, you see Chucky head to the front door, "And where the hell are you going?" 

His hand tightened around the knife that he was holding as he stayed facing the door, "There's a limit to how much I can take." He finally turned to look at you. "I killed Micah because he was a fucking dick to you, but no! You're over here-" he paused. "What is it that those kids say? You're fucking simping over him!" you tried speaking, making him grip the knife even tighter. "Does it look like I'm fucking done? Second off, I killed your first ex because I read the fucking messages Y/N! I read 'em. Stop wasting time on these dicks, it won't make theirs any bigger. It's time you roll with someone who will show you a good time." he folded his arms over his chest. 

Questioning if he was just attempting to be nice or actually trying to get with you, you didn't care. "That ring, that was Y/F/N's. I'm not stupid! What did you do to her/him?" 

"Obviously you are stupid. I don't even know where the fuck Y/F/N is. After I told her/him to give me to you, she/he left without another word! So just shut the fuck up already, Christ!"

"So she/he knows that you're real?" your nostrils flared, "Are you fucking kidding me? I can't believe she/he would do this to me."

Chucky unfolded his arms with a heavy sigh, "Don't sound too happy." 

Just as you were going to reply, he threw his hand up, signalling you to stop. "You know what, I don't even give a rats ass about you. You can go get fucked for all I care, go bungee jumping without the cord... for. all. I. fucking. care." 

You heard a commotion on the other side of the door, sounding like three guys yelling at each other.

Ignoring it, you try to walk away. 

The noise of laughing made you face him again. 

That's when you blacked out. 

Last thing you remember was a knife getting thrown in your direction and Chucky going into doll mode, sitting on the ground. 


Short ass chapter, but shit is bouta get juicy between you and ol' buddy Chuck, if you catch my drift (;

TOXIC LOVE┃Chucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now